Attached: codyBTFOmeltzerberg.png (1000x1000, 372K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_law

>falling for Memester stars

I think the implication is that Cody's view classes Meltzer as someone who hasn't grasped what wrestling is.

>anyone that disagrees with me just doesn't get it, man
What a brainlet

gotta add a star to matches that happened before 2017

Unironically worked

meltzer is a mark brother -HH

Reminder than Austin bitched out and wrestled the nWo Jannatty on the midcard because he's a ham and egger not on Hogan or Rock's level.

Show me a crowd that was going more insane then the crowd at WM18 with Rock v Hogan.

Attached: Hulk-Hogan-WrestleMania-18-GIF.gif (502x379, 2.75M)

I'm not saying it's a bad match or that you can't like it, but what Cody's saying is the equivalent of saying a fucking Marvel movie is the best movie of all time.

btw Rock vs Hogan was indisputably 5 stars and I’m a work fag

Meltz earnestly doesn't understand what wrestling is about.

>This got negative 4 stars
Meltzer is an idiot.

Attached: hulk-hogan-andre-the-giant_qapht4.jpg (1200x727, 149K)

Kobashi & Kikuchi vs Furnas & Kroffat is the hottest crowd I ever remember seeing it.
They way they pop out for Kikuchi is incredible


Lmao I bet this fag unironically uses the word "kino"
Back to your pedo board lad you seem a bit lost

Meltzer's always hated Hogan.

>meanwhile at the AEW factory

Attached: sonnyavalon.jpg (1200x675, 206K)

4 stars
It was sad watching Andre in so much pain but the beginning stare down and final body slam are the moments that define pro wrestling

oh look, it's another episode of no one can detect sarcasm on the internet

Holy fucked you worked yourself into a seething shoot, cringer lol


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Cody is correct. best match ever.

Didn't know Cawdy was an Eddie Edwards fan

I wonder if he'd judge me if I said Daniel Bryan vs John Cena SummerSlam 2013

Bret vs Austin WM 13 as well as Shawn vs Taker Badd Blood 97 are leaps and bounds better then that match


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When people talk about "Respectful Japanese Crowds" just realize that its a lie and the wrestling is just not over with them.

>crying so hard he can't even type proper English

THIS is what you compare to Hogan vs Rock? Nigga literally get the fuck out here and go make a hot pocket

Pic very related.

Attached: meltzer.jpg (602x215, 17K)

What an insufferable elitist.

lol bitch, that crowd is molten fucking hot for what was a mid-card tag match.

Yes the crowd reacts insanely to absolutely everything. Even Rock vs Hogan has lull periods.

There's also the NWA days where Heels would get stabbed with knifes and threatened with a gun

Thanks to the crowd, it was the one time in recorded history that something was improved by the presence of Canadians.

>molten fucking hot f
Fuck man if you think this is molten hot I dont want to know what your taste in women is.

Purchase a hearing aid.

How about Misawa/Jumbo?
>"I can't describe just how awesome this was as both a match and a spectacle. Misawa was far and away the most over wrestler on the card. I can't begin to describe the post-match pandemonium but there were people in the crowd literally crying because the match was so good. Misawa was doing an interview in the dressing room after and I cried. Anyway, I'd rate this as a better match than either Flair-Steamboat from Chicago or Nashville. *****+”

it's undeniably a molten crowd.
Everything the face team does sends the crowd into exploding joy.

Including that borefest Rude/Chono at G1 Finals?
If you ever have trouble sleeping just turn that match on and you'll be lights out by the sixteenth headlock.

>you have to like something to want to write about it
no shit.....


they were canucks, they're barely human

That fucking energy when Hulk flexes man...

It will never be this good again

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Back then crowds tried to get themselves over to appear on TV.'s_law

Rock vs Hogan is unironically a 5 star match and cawdy is right about it being the goat match

>proving the point

Rock Hogan had the crowd at classic rock concert in south America levels of crazy. It doesn't get crazier than that.

It's one of those matches that you can watch over and over and still get goosebumps.

He wrestled Hall though. Big Daddy Bitch was the Jannetty.

I know youre probably memeing but they fought each other in Impact for the main belt. It actually happened

Cody makes me wish Dusty had cum in that hooker's mouth instead of her pussy

He is right

Cody is autistic, this should not come as a surprise


Who cares about 100 bingo addicts screaming at ching vs. chong?
Begging ya to have sex

>taking Meltzer's shit seriously

Meltzer has been anti-hogan since forever because Hogan wouldn't give him the time of day while his favorite wrasslers will go crying to him so he'll spin their bullshit.

How long till Cody ditches the bucks and tries to make something somewhat serious of his promotion?

One thing that gooks grasp is that it's always better to throw elbows/forearms/kicks than fists. Nothing takes me out of it more than the obviously fake punches that guys barely react to.

Elbows and kicks I will agree, forearms and "european uppercuts" look fucking ridiculous. I'll take a worked punch over either of those any day.

Honestly, Cody has pretty good taste and i think he does understand the best wrestlers were showmen who worked the crowd with theatrics, you can see it in his work at times. Thats why its a shame AEW is so meh and bland, you can tell he has a vision but he doesn't know how to execute it and his friends muddy it too. Hopefully he gets it figured out by the time hes on TNT.