Good physique

>good physique
>good promo
>good in the ring
Is Toni going to get a Bliss tier push on the main roster?

Attached: toni_storm_2018_new_png_by_ambriegnsasylum16-dcfh9bb.png (851x1037, 1.13M)

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I hope so.
She deserves it and isn't a complete twat.
She seems sweet and works hard so she should in theory do well.

>good physique

Attached: doubtit.jpg (677x1024, 58K)

Only after she concussed everyone with her sloppy wrestling like she did in Stardom.

>hell no
>no and workrate is irrelevant anyway

She'll be white Naomi

>good promo

Toni's little meltdown after that clip of her fingering her meaty pussy came out proved she is indeed a twat with a feeble mind.

>good physique

Attached: momo confused.jpg (781x1103, 124K)

>Is Toni going to get a Bliss tier push on the main roster?
really doubt she will make it to the main roster

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>He actually watched her matches and listened to her promos

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That fucking midget.

Doubt it, she didn't even work the women's Rumble.
Rhea is more likely and even that I question. There seems to be no plan for any of these people that aren't in Florida.

>good promo

An ass isn't a physique. She's got weird midget proportions and no muscle definition anywhere but her legs

she is all stumpy like a midget

>good promo
She's in Bagley lvl

>>good promo
Why are you lying? She's one of the worst promos I've ever heard


; w ;

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“She has good workrate and can cut a good promo”. Shut up, she’s worse than almost any male worker in both categories.

You’re a chinless shut-in that likes her ass. Embrace it you creepy fuck. Use google, find better women, or leave the basement.

why does she have the hunchback posture of a neckbeard?

>[awkward silence] … and it's toni time
This is the first time that I can say that I cringed unironically.

this is worse than ryback

Good physique? She's the cottage cheese lady, her butt's bigger than my couch!

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Literally pure cringe

God I want to eat her shit

>good promo


please be nice to Toni she has autism

Her promos are better in Stardom. I suspect she just isn't good at acting or following a script so comes across as super awkward.

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>silly accent
not while Vince is alive

Why does she put that black shit on her face?

She's not going to the main roster. She wants to be free to wrestle in other places which is why she's in NXT UK instead of main NXT.

>good promo

She's Ember Moon / Bayley levels bad on the mic.

>good in the ring

That's a nice myth that gets passed around.

Fucking this, I'd still slam that phat ass but why can't she stand up straight like a normal human? Has she bumped her neck to sawdust?

She has weird midget proportions but I'd give her a handshake and a hotdog

Vince likes blondes plus she has an arse

>Is Toni going to get a Bliss tier push on the main roster?

No, because she has a dorky face and a weird body with midget proportions.

Lana and Mandy are both blonde and much more attractive and neither of them are getting a push.

>Is Toni going to get a Bliss tier push on the main roster?
Kek no. That vid of her playing with her pussy was nice tho.

>drunken retard accent

Holy shit i would eat that ass all night.

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Attached: Toni kitchen.jpg (1440x1800, 250K)

Attached: Toni pinned.jpg (1080x1619, 122K)

>Bea Priestly is a goddess compared to this fat blonde bimbo slut.
>Get some standards you fucking marks.

Attached: Bea_Priestley_-_2a8a2137f62c4e12.png (365x500, 197K)

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and nobody ever will pay a ticket to see her.
So who cares?

Attached: Toni 20 year old.webm (320x180, 1.36M)

>A Goddess and a piece of blonde trash.

Attached: Toni Storm Window Licker.webm (720x1280, 259K)

Give her Billy Gunn's old gimmick, but tweak it for her. Miss Ass

>She's an ass lass!
>Yeah, she's an ass lass!
>guitars, followed by the rest of it

It'd be dimes, especially in the urban market

*flips into your path*

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She needs breast implants to match her ass. Her body looks bottom heavy. If she gets them, she will get big push.

You sound like a fucking native american





is spacing

her words

like this


ass =/= good physique

please lose weight

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>good promo
she's almost as bad as bagley

fuck that. Small titties big ass is the patrician body shape.

yeah until she hits the wall in a few years and turns into an actual pear shaped flabby mess but still has no tits

nah they were shit there too but the script thing is wrong because the 1-2 minute post-match backstage promos aren't scripted.

Fuck off, you Irish fag.