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How would you wear your championship?
Jaxson Roberts
Jack Perry
Luke Powell
My mom would yell at me all the time as a kid because I always placed my toy belts in my pants and wore them like M&M did, flapping it around and what not. What a dimes tag team.
Andrew Butler
Has nobody ever worn it like a bandolier? If you had two belts you could wear those bad boys like John Rambo
Jordan Price
All the ways possible.
Jeremiah Russell
They were made to be worn like a belt. Why won't fucking simps wear it like one?
Justin Smith
Mometty worked into a shoot
Dominic Rogers
Barrett, Lesnar or BIG DOG. You need to look like a chiseled god to pull off the MNM style
Joshua Ward
>Missing the Umaga style
Camden Perez
anything other than brock's way pisses me off so fucking hard
you got a belt and you're champ you enormous phaggot, act like one
Alexander Cook
god forbid someone try something new
Kayden Lewis
95% of wrestlers need to just wear it like a belt
a handful of people can get away with doing the Owens if they have Stone Cold levels of don't-give-a-fuck
Asher Flores
Like this.
David Green
It isn't a real sport you fucking mark. If a heel is holding a title he can wipe his fucking ass with the belt live on TV. If it succeeds in getting him heat, than it isn't disrespectful to the belt at all, only kayfabe wise.
Chase Ward
i'd drag it on the ground behind me
Parker Morris
I don't think your average championship is long enough or flexible enough to fit around somebody's torso on an angle.
Brody Clark
Either like Brock or Christian if you have to give a promo. The worst way without a doubt is pic related
Jason Martin
>God tier
>Technically acceptance tier
>Only if acceptable if you're a specific kind of heel tier
Dolph, Johnny
>Garbage tier
everything else
Hunter Roberts
Carter Powell
All the ways
Levi Gomez
Only a specific type of character can pull this off. Dunne isn't one of them.
Nolan Cook
as an addendum, and are both worse than garbage, and the Naito/ Taichi style of trashing your belt on purpose is usually cringe, but can be done well. like matte black on a car.
Ayden Sullivan
Imagine the time it took to get that belt into Morrisons crotch and then imagine the smell of getting it afterward. inb4 some faggot says something faggoty about either
Jose Robinson
Neither is Umanrufat
Andrew Allen
Steve Austin dragged his belt on the ground like a piece of trash and he was over as fuck. Biggest face at the time, biggest draw, because he didn't give a fuck. If you can't look at anything other than Brock's without seething you have autism. The same brand of autism Vince has when he forces everybody to call them championships because belt is too disrespectful. It's the autism that is killing wrestling.
Dylan Morales
Him being fat has nothing to do with it. His gimmick is being a savage, it makes sense. Dunne has no reason doing.
Brandon Sullivan
around my leg like a retard
around both legs if i had two, walking to the ring like i shat my trunks
William Wright
Is he savage because he's fat or fat because he's savage?
Asher Allen
That was part of Austins character though ya goof. None of them other shitters are near his level to get away with that without looking like a ding-dong diddly simp
Jayden Stewart
I'd wear a jockstrap, shove one end of the strap up my asshole, up to the last pair of studs. Then I'd walk out with it dangling out my man pussy.
Nathan Watson
I would slide the belt between my ass cheeks and tell people they have to enter the corridor of doom if they want a shot at my prize
Jordan Wilson
He's savage because he's Samoan, which is even worse than being a nigger.
Justin Rodriguez
Then Roman is savage and should put it between his teeth too right?
Colton Nguyen
That would be bases
Adam Cooper
Austin Cooper
Open in front of the shoulder masterrace
Aiden Sanchez
I'd walk out buttflossing it
William Campbell
>muh fake props that someone writes me to win are to be only worn like a belt
Have sex marks
Mason Carter
Yes, it would go perfect with the big dog gimmick
William Gray
flair holding 10 lbs like a purse. Velveteen Dream does this with his belt and its bases
Zachary Cook
Then he gets a custom belt like Cena that looks like a bone and it's sponsored Milk Bone
Nathan Butler
Xavier Williams
user doesnt like belts on his men. To much to fumble with
Luis James
If by bases you mean homosexual then sure
Aiden Myers
Juan Martin
Like this.
Eli Bell
Alexander Parker
so like Lesnar then?
Brandon Gray
Jason Reed
Over your shoulder like Roman is in that photo for promos or non-title appearances.
But wear it around my waist whenever I got a title match.
Thomas Garcia
How about when you had to shit?
Dylan Garcia
Around my neck like The Dudleyz
Samuel Cook
what a fucking pleb opinion
Eli Morris
Luke Howard
I think I saw one of the 205 guy do it at some point. It's possible but your frame gotta be small enough.
Parker Baker
Carry it folded like NWA Flair.
Jack Ward
this guy is such a dimeless shitter. what's his appeal? for someone with a legit mma background, why is he so terrible in the ring?
Jacob Butler
He has a big dick
Kayden Gonzalez
Jack Perry
>I think I saw one of the 205 guy do it at some point
that was Buddy Murphy, he did it on house shows
Isaiah Edwards
No wonder Bret Hart fled the WWF
Isaac Howard
Rock did it too but didnt have that character
Mason Harris
I'd drag it like Big Daddy Cool Diesel because these new belts look like garbage and I can't be bothered to actually wear the thing
Isaiah Hill
Middle top right is the correct way. However bottom outside left is how Austin always carried his, so maybe KO is the new Austin.
Ethan Jackson
Actually the right way.
Jack Murphy
I'd wear it as a bra and tell guys that if they are man enough they need to slide up to my chest and explode onto the scene
Luis Russell
Or this
Nolan Thompson
lmao that tiny dick bulge
Jordan Walker
post your bulge manlet faggot
Noah Bailey
Either as a belt or carry it like Flair did.
David Murphy
post your address and I'll show you in person
Jaxson Ward
Your dick is so small you can mail it? What a fucking manlet you are
Ethan Parker
>the absolute state of this simp's reading comprehension
William Watson
>the absolute state of your tiny mangina
Wyatt Garcia
kek, you mad, I'm not even that user
Tyler Stewart
So you're just another faggot that likes to defend other faggots small cocks?
Landon Watson
he can have decent matches, why so negative? he's not eva marie or kevin nash
Jayden Jackson
not really, I just like to point out others' shitty reading comprehension
Xavier Cox
>not really,
>reading comprehension
So you just said you're not really a faggot then. Stupid full faggot
Gabriel Jones
You got caught peeking out of the closet faggot
Oliver Hall
Jonathan Rivera
Id have it hanging out like edge but from the back. Then when my manager pulls it out, i flinch. Cause the belt end is up my asshole. My shit is on the belt. You win belt you touch my shit. My asspussy juices will be on it. I will not have cleaned it. You will see my dry cum marks. I am a massive degenerate ane get shemale only bukkake parties with the belt.
Hudson Thompson
Well wrestling is a theatrical medium, I think it makes the most sense to carry it around your shoulder and have it be a literal addition to your act, as opposed to a big belt. I cringe when wrestlers win the belt and just come out exactly the same as before but with the title on their waist. Rollins and Kofi did this and it is one of the reasons nobody sees them as proper champions.
Aaron Moore
For me it has to be according to the belt size and overall design, maybe you can't add a little bit of science depending on your gimnick. So lets say we have a huge and overly ornamented title like late wcw big gold, would be more fitting to use it like Christian does, that way you can keep it near your face. If the belt is simple and big (like wwe's) you should wear it around your waist, if not, it looks awkward to hold. If it is a medium to small sized title, hold it either around the waist or a la Flair.
Exceptions to all this for me would be the IWGP, because it really looks cringe resting on your shoulder in any way, just keep it classic. Also if you are a masive wrestler, like André or a bit like Owens, carry it on the hand, so it can give you intensity when walking. And if it is multiple titles what we are talking about, the ideal is to have people carrying them for you, or like pic related, that way you proyect your image instead of strugling with it like Muta in .
Jonathan Miller
Jonathan Collins
Landon Long
David Taylor
Not everyone is based enough to win 2 belts
Justin Gomez
Those chicken legs
Brandon Hall
shut your mouth you colonizing cracker ass honkey
Hudson Davis
Waist is God tier but I'm /fit/ and have abs and want to show them off.
Jackson Powell
Around the waist.
Joseph Bailey
No you dont you lying piece of neck. Post your chin