Batista Wouldn't Wrestle In Saudi Arabia For WWE, Tried To Talk The Undertaker Out Of Goldberg Match

While speaking to GQ, Batista admitted that he tried to call The Undertaker and convince him not to wrestle Goldberg in Saudi Arabia. He went on to say that no matter who they booked him against that he would never wrestle in the controversial country.

>“I wouldn’t have gone to Saudi at all. I don’t care who they would’ve booked me with. I just would not have gone.”

>“But I loved my final match at Wrestlemania, with Hunter [better known as Triple H]. The fans wanted to see two old guys go to war. That’s what we did. That’s the way the match was designed.”

Batista was very happy about how his WrestleMania match went with Triple H. He got to end his career the way he wanted to with his dream opponent, but there is no interest whatsoever in coming back for a nostalgia match on a Saudi Arabian card at all.

Batista admitted that he tried to call The Undertaker before the match to change his mind. Of course, it didn’t work because Taker was pretty steadfast that the match was going to happen.

>I called, man. I called ‘Taker and said, “Is there any way I could change your mind?” He laughed, and I knew I couldn’t change his mind. He said ‘it sounded good when we first started talking about it.'”

>“I only saw highlights which were, you know, low lights. it was not good. It’s just bad circumstances all the way around. I feel like Taker’s there for the right reasons. I think he’s there because he still loves it. But I wish that they would utilize him in the right way. I think a novelty match with Goldberg is the wrong way. I just don’t think it’s good for anybody and especially it’s not good for the fans.”

WWE really didn’t do The Undertaker any favors with their booking at WWE Super ShowDown. Perhaps he will be able to redeem himself when he tags with Roman Reigns at Extreme Rules.

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>He said ‘it sounded good when we first started talking about it.'”


Trump BTFO

>I feel like Taker’s there for the right reasons

being broke is indeed the right reason to work

Why do libshits feel the need to control everything everyone else does? Fuck Batista

Saudi-Arabia is based. Fuck LGBT shit.

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You mean the guy with the sweet MCU gig isn't hurting for money? What a shock!

It's funny because leftists don't think Muslims should act like they do in their own countries but think it is fine when Muslims act like this in Europea

I almost never hear leftists criticize muslims in their own countries. A leftist would say that LGBT discrimination in America is a huge problem, like not letting trannies join the military. But they are silent on gays being thrown off rooftops and executed in like 10 muslim countries. They would probably say it is wrong if you specifically asked them but they aren't going to bring that shit up themselves.

uh oh the pol npcs are here!

>>I called, man. I called ‘Taker and said, “Is there any way I could change your mind?” He laughed,

simptista eviscerated by the true badass mmmm he got one of those pure chuckles

You'd get
>muh whataboutism
from some semen slurping reddit fuck.
>lmao who cares about saudi arabia, the issue is here!
>Also, we need to import Saudi refugees
Slimy people we're dealing with, folks.

B(autist)a is starting to sound like Cryback memeposting.

I stopped taking them seriously when shit like pic related became a thing.

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The governments that do that to their own citizens should be drone striked straight to hell. The fact that Saudi Arabia beheads its own people is probably the biggest reason WWE's partnership with them is completely disgusting.

Rather being occupied by the J E W than being a faggot.

t. muslim

who gives a fuck about degenerate queers getting chucked off roofs that's one of the few things they actually are doing right

dont tell me /asp is going to act like that match needed to happen just to spite liberal batista

please tell me this place inst full of drumpf retards...

>The fans wanted to see two old guys go to war.

Nope, no they didn't. Literally no one gives a shit about Cunter and his annual 'insert himself into a match no one has asked for or wants to see' Wrestlemania spot.

I mean I kinda liked the match if only to see Big Dave again, but it was like 8-10 minutes too long.

go back to facebook


Yeah because his supporting role in a few flicks is really raking in the millions. At best he earns 500k per flick, 5 movies that's 2.5 million.

Saudi offer that per match, I know Dave is too busy making "good movies" like Stuber and My Spy but he won't turn that down.


America's Government is morally superior by poisoning criminals to death and not chopping off their heads.

Leftists are a cancer that need excising from the world

>The fans wanted to see two old guys go to war. That’s what we did.


>The fans wanted to see two old guys go to war
nope, they didn't

In other words $$$

Lol Republicans are slaves following whatever their massa says

Saudi Arabia bad, but now Saudi Arabia good!
North Korea bad, but now North Korea good!
Russia bad, but now Russia good!

Get a mind of your own, brainlet conservacucks

Yikes dawg

>Batista was very happy about how his WrestleMania match went with Triple H. He got to end his career the way he wanted to with his dream opponent
he's not the only man to dream of facing the king

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>Autista broadcasting his private life

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U do realize there are two separate conservative factions that make up the GOP. The neoconservatives hate Russia and NK. The paleoconservatives like Russia and NK.

I get his point but what a whiny grandstanding bitchboy.
>H-Hey Take, p-pls don't go to this country and get paid millions
>Take literally laughs at him
What do you expect?

>The fans wanted to see two old guys go to war.

No, no we did not want to see that at all.

>I called ‘Taker and said, “Is there any way I could change your mind?” He laughed
mmm that finish isn't gonna work for me kid

Attached: undertaker door.webm (800x450, 1002K)

Palestinians arent wahabist salafis Sunnis like Saudis are that stone and throw gays off building, retard.

why do liberals all of a sudden have a problem with the saudi but ignore all the other mudshit countries? cause orange man bad syndrome?

Remind, which other Muslim country are US companies having big events in? And Saudi Arabia were the ones behind 9/11 as well as one of the few Muslim countries were Sharia Law is an actual thing yet you have the government with Trumpie bending over backwards to suck their cock

this. mind your own business fagtista.

Yet its the right wing retards that screech "speak English, dis Merica" anytime they hear someone speaking another language

>why do liberals all of a sudden have a problem with
user, this applies to everything now. Obama LITERALLY kept illegal spic kids in cages and liberats had absolutely no problem with this. Trump upgrades those facilities and actually has the kids sleep in beds and shit and the liberats are saying it's a concentration camp now. They are beyond hypocritical.

Didnt this nigga vote for Hillary Clinton?

reported you pablo, hope ICE gets yah.