Admit it. She carried the women's division

Admit it. She carried the women's division

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damn this nigger ugly

she didn't carry shit

Vince thought she could and pushed her to the moon, but she didn't draw flies

I admit

She did, but that doesn't mean much.
She was only a draw as a professional fighter. Casuals don't give a shit about her play wrestling

totally. the division is hollow without her.

Carrying something downhill is still carrying it.

I don't watch "women's" "wrestling"

I'd argue she acted as a focal point so sort of yes. I mean how lost and dysfunctional is the division now without her? Becky's faults shine through now that she isnt chasing and doesnt have Rhonda to play off. We got Lacy Evans in the fucking main event scene, someone I think they would have fed to Rhonda, and I would pay to see Rhonda arm drag around like a rag doll with all of Evans stupid botches. And on the other side what? Bayley? Alexa who again has no one worthwhile to play off of like she did with Rhonda. And the crazy Scottish cunt theyre trying to promote now.

Her accent makes me precum tho

It takes me a time delay of 10 seconds to understand her. Even the simplest word like "belt" or "match" are fucking crazy sounding.

thinking about it losing nia at the same time hurt. she was probably number four in the division behind ronda becko and charlotte.

Nah. Didn't care about it after Mella & Bliss dropped the titles at Summerslam. I much prefer them over what we got after which was Honda & Beko

More like they actually cared about the Division because she was there

Nia was the typical heel monster that looks unbeatable in the build but doesn't actually win. She isn't #4.

Her debut was literally her only good match, and that was probably because HHH and Kurt Angle carried her ass.

She did not have one other memorable match, spot, or promo. She was a complete waste.

Well I can see how in this group she could be #4 even though user is right about her losing. She is female Big Show. With 2 knee operations when she comes back she'll be even more like female Big Show.


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She did. Her PPV matches were the best

No, that would be this lady.
Ronda did nothing but glorified jobber matches then blew it along with Becky and Charlotte in the "big match" main event of Wrestlemania.

Every woman's match that was any good over the past 2 years involved Asuka and the the height of woman's popularity was the build to and TLC match. After Asuka tapped Becky at the Rumble and disappeared and the Ronda Becky Charlotte cringefest begin it was all downhill.

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Nobody has ever cared about fatsuka outside of a hundred neckbeard smarks

Is that Io Shirai?

She was only interesting when she was undefeated.

>imagine actually believing this

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She did but she also buried herself on the mic. Crowd lost so much respect for her from it

Incorrect. The truth is that no one really cared about Ronda, she did nothing for attendance or ratings it was all just PR.

Asuka did nothing for them either and couldn't even get the crowd to react like Ronda did

>she did nothing for attendance or ratings
> it was all just PR.
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