That was LU roster for season 1 and remeber what show they made

That was LU roster for season 1 and remeber what show they made.
What`s AEW excuse?

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It's a wrestling promotion running live events and not a TV show that contains wrestling matches?

How many stupid ass comedy smark gimmicks do you see there?

They got the right idea with Ricochet
Also they basically discovered Fenix and Penta

what do you mean excuse that roster is better than aew's

Son of Havoc (based Matt Cap) was great heel us white guys could get behind unlike Johnny Fag-o. Shame they never used him properly and made him a glorified jobber.

none, they have those hidden for some reason
where's Pimpinela Escarlata or Mascarita Sagrada?


One doesnt have to exclude the other.

Always loved Son Of Havoc.

I liked basically everyone in LU (first three seasons). what a based show.

My nigga

I even enjoyed a Chavo Guerrero match when it was done in LU which is saying something

Met Cross couple times IRL, he`s a great guy

jesus christ will someone tell Konnan to go take his meds and get the fuck out of the wrestling ring. This is taker level shittery fuck just retire and go away already.

This was one of their greatest accomplishments they made me give a fuck about a Chavo match

They made trios feel special, made Mil Muertes look like a damn beast, managed to actually create a creepy character (Marty the Moth >>>>Bray Wyatt), booked actual kino death matches...... Who booked this show? They are geniuses.

>Who booked this show?
Big Dick Johnson, unironically

Attached: Big_Dick_Johnson.jpg (574x587, 35K)

Konnan is based. You're just a salad tosser.

it's not hard(or at least shouldn't be) to tape a show, edit off everything bad(including entire matches) and then present it to people after months of post production. too bad the writers/producers got too full of themselves.

Attached: from the great state of obesity.gif (400x289, 1.94M)

You're a faggot trying to bandwagon. You didn't even watch LU or you would know Konnan was just a manager for Prince Puma.

absolute seethe, sorry nobody likes your old spic anymore

And it was directed by the guy who directs Big Brother.

Go to watch your AEW librarian shit.

I fucking love Mil Muertes guys.

>go to watch

Go away foreign trash

Ricky Banderas has always been a solid act willing to do business, but he is getting pretty old now despite still being jacked.