How did you discover this place and why are you here?
How did you discover this place and why are you here?
I’m a hardcore /fit/ fag. Watched some NJPW the other week and got brought me back to being a kid and loving wrestling. So now and then I come here.
I got kicked outta Yea Forums in the year I discovered the /wwe/ general there. It was a kino 9 months of pure shitposting.
Epic >greentext videos on my favorite sub on reddit my good sir. How did you get here?
read about it on reddot and I'm here to discuss kevin nash and aew
I never knew Yea Forums had wrestling until I read on Yea Forums that /wwe/ got kicked of Yea Forums
I got tired of the constant porn without reason in /b so I came here, thanks to that I discovered njpw
Because I can't say Nigger in Reddit
I used to work at a hotel when I was like 18. WWE had a house show in my city. Some of the guys were staying at my hotel. JBL was the only one who wasn’t a dick about talking to people. He took pictures with people in the lobby and shot the shit with everyone. Tipped the cleaning staff really well. He is a total bro. Unironically a great guy.
was already on Yea Forums(nel). Someone else on a different board said /wwe/ got kicked off Yea Forums so i came here. Been here since basically the beginning
I've been on Yea Forums since it began and helped you faggots get ran the out in 2015 when I worked pedomod into a seethe
been on Yea Forums since 06, my bookmark toolbar history has been Yea Forums -> Yea Forums -> /g/ and now aspie
always on the lookout for rasslin forums, bodybuilding's wwe misc was active a decade ago but has died a death, and i don't do leddit
Used to shitpost on Yea Forums about Naruto then I got send here during WM 29 when I asked if there was a board about prowresslin
I was part of the migration that was exiled from Yea Forums.
Been on this shithole of a site since 2006.
Found it by accident.
Was using phone-scrolling to get to /biz/ and ended up here. Best mistake I've ever made.
Paige leaks. I'm waiting for Sasha.
We had a RR thread earlier this year for the hockey general on Yea Forums. Was actually the first time I watched wrestling in over a decade. You guys ended up being way more fun than the other boards so I stuck around.
I came back on Yea Forums after a couple of years and I started to explore the boards
I am happy I found Yea Forums
an online friend told me about you faggots and i checked if it was indeed full of faggots and indeed it is full of faggots
Friend introduced me to Yea Forums in 2011 and I would just lurk on random boards and save pictures that made me laugh and shit. I never talked about wrestling online cause I just figured any forum catered to that would be faggy as fuck.
Don’t know why, but one day it just dawned on me that Yea Forums probably had a wrestling board and I assumed if anywhere was going to be bearable it would be on this site.
I’ve been here ever since with the sole purpose of shitposting and bantering with my Yea Forums bros.
based faggot
Looking for people to talk to about wrestling
Yea Forums is like the IWC stuck in Attitude Era, permanently. I love it maggle.
ding-dong diddly this. Was scrolling on phone looking for all the boards. Saw alternative sports and wrestling, thought it must be hockey pockey shit, was pleasantly surprised, been here since.
A friend of mine asked if I wanted to watch WM32 with them and directed me here.
I frequented circlejerk subs on reddit mainly r/moviescirclejerk and ended on up Yea Forums when I realized circlejerk subs just ape Yea Forums culture. The one day I thought I'd check if there was any place to discuss wrestling...
I posted on this site when Eddie and Benoit died
I have been shitposting on Yea Forums since 2007 but whenever I wanted to discuss wrestling I went to /wooo/. While /wooo/ was cool cause it wasn't just WWE its a bit more moderated than what I would like so I'm here.
WrestlingINC comment section a few years back
I don't even watch wrestling. Y'all autistic manchildren come up with the best funniest shit tho. Gotta come right to the source
came back to Yea Forums 2 years ago, and the first thing I saw on Yea Forums was Yea Forums's banner
I'm here for the shitposting and sometimes actual wrestling related discussions
however lefty cucks getting worked by the /pol/ boogeyman and /pol/tards getting worked by the lefty boogeyman starts to get annoying lately tbqhf
I was on /pol/ and there were no big happenings at that time, so I had been binge watching old episodes of RAW from the late 90's. I wondered if there might be a board where wrestling was being discussed, and came across this godforsaken place. I haven't been able to leave since.
>I was on /pol/
based /pol/chad drawing the house
*bows down*
Got tired of the fags on /pol/
>How did you discover this place?
>why are you here?
>Yea Forums
Discovered by chance in 2010 right before I started college
>Yea Forums
I was a regular on Yea Forums wrestling general through 2014 and eventually crossed over to here during Hiro's ascension to faggotry
Hope you checked your money carefully.
Friend linked Yea Forums to me back in 2008, I was on Yea Forums for ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWAH, and had always assumed every board on this website was slow moving until I began to lurk other places. Decided to frequent /wwe/ for the RR15', and now I'm stuck here.
I love JBL, JBL is the bestetest, i love JPOBels voice I love JBls hardness in his c in his big C for charsimsa. JBL is wwe .. i love him.. hes the beste. Because JBM noone will ever harm wwe hehe JBLs and WWE so funny