Japanese professional wrestler Yuka Sakazaki does not appreciate the negative posts on this board

Japanese professional wrestler Yuka Sakazaki does not appreciate the negative posts on this board

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Other urls found in this thread:


Not our fault shes so cute

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I don't appreciate outsiders telling me and my bud's what to do, as a matter of a fact, it may even piss me off so much that I want to send a bomb to some STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS JOB WHEN SHE IS HAVING A MATCH.

Just saying.


Please be kind with Yuka

>lol I have Arabian theme for no reason

Yea Forums is a Yuka Chad board. The jannies need to ban those who make negative posts about our magic girl

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>being such a weak reddit tier sjw that you want people banned for saying things you dont like

based Yuka chads

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Seething. Haha, what a twat

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Are Miyu and Yuka shoot lesbians? You can tell they've at least made out and eaten each other out from time to time.

How come all Yuka threads get pruned on Yea Forums

>replies with npc retort of seething
>being such an uncreative low IQ loser you can only fire back with npc retorts instead fo something creative and original
wew I knew the rumors of low IQ peasants overrunning this board but 90% reply with seethe/worked/boiling/92 and other low IQ stuff repeated for over a year

thanks for proving my point you're a weak "male" in society and deserve the rope for being so unmanly.
also being such a cuck white knight virgin for a girl that'll never acknowledge you notice you or talk to you ever in life. top cuck virgin behavior beta's

user is absolutely VIBRATING

>calling someone uncreative
>proceeds to call them an npc, beta, cuck, virgin, and white Knight


>fires back with no discussion or quality posting just shit posts
not my fault those words apply so perfectly. I could look up other words like brainless, no balls, into watching men fuck woman, cant get laid, defends mladies even when the girl is wrong

I went with the words easiest for low IQ people such as yourself so you can understand the things im saying easier.
do fire back with more petty insults and not actual discussion about the absolute state of facists trying to get people banned for saying things they dont like. know how I know you're virginal? you think banning someone for insulting a girl you'll never fuck is acceptable. The true mark of a beta virgin desperate for pussy and willing to commit assult on someone over the chance of sniffing a used up hole 30+ guys have already fucked. stay pathetic and simp in life loser it's all you'll ever amount to with that mindset.

kek wanting people banned for insulting girls. gonna bring back purge squads to defend yuka slutzaki's tainted whore honor? she still wont fuck you















ya boilin

>Yuka is above the age of 21
>calls everyone pedos
I have some important questions about your IQ

Kek. Worked by the Yuka Chads into a humiliating seething meltdown. How will he ever recover?

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pedo boil

You changed my mind. If jannies ban you we'll miss out on hearty keks at stuff like this.

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>it's a schizo weeb argues with himself episode
yet another rerun

by laughing at virgin facists that want people banned for insulting someone you'll never fuck. stay upset virgin that yuka would look at you in disgust and call security while someone else opening mocks you virgins for being so smelly and pathetic.
>doesnt answer his questions just repeats pedo about a 21+yr old female
user trying to force pedo when the girl is above 21 isnt going to work no matter how much you try to force it with youre retardbrain thinking that looks= pedo.
ah well you'll just fire back with more low IQ postings repeating pedo and not actually explaining anything or why a 21 yr old female being liked by someone = pedo. we all know why but we all know you wont explain it since you're arguement for troll posting would get destroyed since you're basing it on her looks not her actual age and that makes you a troll poster looking to derail threads with trolling attempts. you underage kids sure find stupid things amusing to do over and over for entertainment. what's a matter sunnyboy? fortnite servers down?

pedo having an embarrassing mental breakdown kek

>imagine seething so much you write an essay about how you hate that people are attracted to someone this adorable

Anti Yuka posters need to have sex.

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I want to impregnate her lads. My children will suffer as hapas but it will be worth it.

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I never once said I was attracted to her low IQ troll. I asked you to explain your logic and reasoning behind why you keep repeating pedo overand over for a female over the age of 21 and as expected from a troll you just repeated pedo again and didnt explain anything.
now explain with logic and reason not underage insults and shitposts what about a girl being 21 yrs old makes anyone finding her cute a pedo? go on i'll wait for you to reply with actual logic and reasoning and not insults.
but we know exactly what you'll do while coughing up cheeto dust in laughter. you'll just reply with pedo and some troll trash about why it doesnt need to be explained but yes underage shitter burden of proof is on you so prove anyone finding her attractive at the age of 21+ = pedo.
if you cant just stop shitter posting and ruining a thread cuz you're enraged she called security on you at a show once

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>another pedophile wall of text
I am loving this seethe and it's so easy to get

Are you the guy who called me a beta white knight? Fair play, defending joshi chads against charges of paedophilia. You're still a twat, though.

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Why does being attracted to an Asian woman make you a pedo? Theres a 37 year old Asian chick on my soccer team who doesnt look a day above 24. Stop seething that white women age like milk.

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I don't know who this gook is

Shes cute

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Post her asshole


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Closest we'll ever get bro I'm sorry

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>still doesnt explain his logic and reasoning behind calling a 21+yr old female and her likers pedos
>still shitter posting and being that lameass
all your posts have been hidden user I dont lower myself to stupid and well you're pretty low on that scale

the guy is projecting and likely suffers from severe autism, leave him be

>this retard cant answer simple questions and keeps repeated himself like an autist stuck in a loop
uh excuse me user how is that pedo she's over 21?

me thinks the severe autist is the retard shit posting pedo over and over thinking it's funny and witty humor

>pedo STILL an an embarrassing bitch fit
I fucking love it

I'm agreeing with you dude, the guy calling people pedos for no reason is the autist

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>mfw a white roastie waifufag is seething that Yuka will stay youthful and beautiful while his waifu ages like shit
Keep seething

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I will give him that it did a great job at making you autists shit up this thread with buttrage. You all are so shook and autistic you can't even tell who is agreeing with who.

the guy making the walls of text that keeps repeating Yuka's supposed age is a legit brain broken retard

>ignores the shit posting troll repeating pedo over and over
>ignores that pointing out her age is actually a valid point in shutting down unbased retard troll and his pedo points
>pedos are into children
>she is not a child but a grown 21+yr old adult
>claims pointing out that crucial detail shutting down the troll is legit brain broken retard stuff

hurrr durrr moomy lets me shit post on the web at 12!

This thread is amazing, can't believe how rump ravaged one user is over based Yuka.

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Yuka is top waifu!

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I know right look at this faggot still frothing at the mouth like the mentally ill abortion he is

>cant beleive how ass frazzled queer posters are at getting shut down

>this pedo won't stop seething
holy shit I love what I turned this thread into

>cant beleive
based retard

weeb faggot mental illness: the thread

LOL I noticed that right after hitting send and went welp im the retard now
this thread has been fun

I always welcome the shitposting, otherwise we'd turn into plebbit. Yuka threads won't stop tho cause she's the top tier waifu

agreed. shitposting and trolls and meltdowns have made this such a fun thread compared to the others im lurking.
welp gonna play some star traders frontier for a bit and wait for more shit posting and hilarious replies thruout the thread

>you will never cum inside Yuka

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I will when we're married. I'll be her first and only then.

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Sorry bro I'm marrying her. I'll let you fap in the corner and lick my semen off of her though.

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based and yukapilled

That's more than I'd do for you, so thank you for your kindness.

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>tfw Yuka is a bit banged up and isn't on the Fight for the Fallen card because she is resting

We failed bros, we weren't there to protect her.

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You are seething tho.

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We may have failed our queen but she will be back

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She wrestling in a matter of hours


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based hana poster

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Nani? Gonna go home and watch TJPW then

Hana is not as cute as Yuka

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>Hana is not as cute as Yuka

Yuka for cuddling, Hana for shagging, I reckon.

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Can someone crop and loop this please?
Asking for a friend.

I see the logic of what you're saying but I'd still rather shag yuka

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>dubs of lies

Check em

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i checked em, you failed on a slow board

Yuka is still cuter than Hana motherfucker

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>Yuka is still cuter than Hana motherfucker
kill yourself