ITT: Times you acted like Taker IRL

ITT: Times you acted like Taker IRL

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Givin this here toilet bout 100 pure strikes as we speak

Mmmm... I want .... Mmmm... cheese burger and... Mmmmm...big chips... Mmmm

Left my buddy in the middle of death valley, gonna see him in 2 days

Stayed in my job for 25 years without ever impressing anyone, got made CEO.

Married a gold digging whore and had retarded kids with her

i've been divorced three times and owe a lot of alimony

I'm looked up to as the leader of the boys with my quiet reflectiveness and wisdom. I decide what goes and if there's any disagreements I arrange interventions.

I also started my own business and can't draw a dime.

>at amusement park with family and friends
>me, friend and little sis wander off
>some nigger ends up following us
>keeps throwing sweets at my sis
>friend and I tell him to back off
>nig keeps throwing sweets
>we tell him if he doesn't stop we'll get park security
>he stops
>we're still mad
>see nig go to bumper karts
>friend hatches a plan
>friend and I head in with him
>nig gets isolated in his kart
>me and my friend then ram full force at the nigs kart from both sides
>nig bangs his head on the back of his seat
>nig is concussed
>park medical staff comes in
>friend, sis, and I dash away before being questioned
And that's how we kicked an assholes ass

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Oh my fucking god don't even get me started. In 5th grade, around 2004 when taker returned from the dead or whatever, I was obsessed with him always rolling my eyes to my head and shit in class. I remember once after school I got shoved to the ground so I layed there for like 3 minutes and everyone thought I was out. But I did the undertaker sit up and everyone started running away and screaming. It was fucking based. I have autism.

I was setting the pickle modular, picked up one of these and said
>Mmmm, don't want to mess with them.

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>voted for Trump
>donated to the Republican party
>have a hot blonde wife
>own and arsenal of guns and land

>be young me, just starting kindergarten
>have a parents day where all the kids' parents sit outside the classroom and watch us inside because the classroom's walls are just big windows
>they can all see how badass I am
>another kid is seated next to me, between myself and the girl I have a crush on
>without a wasted motion I stand up, lift my chair and bring it down on that sumbitch's head with a pure chair strike
>all the parents gasp
>teacher loses her shit and starts disciplining me
>I don't give a damn I've been humping these roads
>other kid is distraught like he's been left in the middle of Death Valley on an empty tank of gas
>mmmm he don't wanna mess with me

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got mad at some kid for some shit in middle school and sentenced him to ten pure strikes. he started crying and only got five or six before the teacher came over. I was over with the office though so I didn't get in trouble.

lel that reminds me of the time I was like five or so at a water park and decided to prove to everyone how long I could float face down, but I didn't tell anyone, and after like 30 seconds a lifeguard rescued me and then after I explained what I was doing we were asked to leave

my story is somewhat in line with yours but so much more embarrassing that I won't even discuss it on an anonymous board

Come on lad. I've posted tons of embarrassing shit here I'd become a homeless person if anyone I knew every found out

Pour your heart out son. Yea Forums/nel is a safe space


I used to roll my eyes back when I was a kid to scare my little cousin.

That little fucking mark got worked everytime.

I dressed up like a fake zombie and waited outside Lebron's James house but he no-sold me so I spray painted the word nigger then his assistant came out and painted over it then called the police and entered a police report then Lebron who is worth over $100 million dollars cried on TV about how hard it is being a nigger in America today this is all true btw

>be on stage, good house at the Windsor. It's actually packed, holds like 200 people at least.
>We're playing, then two guys start fighting and knock over a waitress carrying some empties on a tray.
>We finish the song (like 10 seconds after the bottles broke) and I said something along the lines of "If you guys are trying to have a dick measuring contest- you're gonna fuckin lose (while tugging at my cock) This is MY fuckin show..." whilst the bouncers pulled them outta the building.

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I woke up this morning and did a sit up to rise out of bed

He went and made a big mistake

Yeah I'll take things that didn't happen for 200 points!


>sitting on ground
>fat niggers jump on my head
>reappear later with phantom mask gimmick

>Lost all my money and forced to go to Saudi Arabia

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I do that too
Well I also alternate with a Shawn Michaels kip up sometimes


mike you piece of shit you're dead when i find you
>at least i got this cute pair of snake boots out of this

Ummm yeahhhhh..... Im......Thinkin..................


>elementary school
>speech therapy
>therapist keeps telling me to pronounce words right
>she starts getting on my nerves
>mmmmmmmmmm mode activated
>get angry
>look her in the eye with a badass look
>"Listen, I won't be bossed around by a...."
>"Haha, by what, user?"
>"That's it mister I'm informing your parents!"
>"Do it"
>she does
>detention and major heat from my parents and my teacher

worth it, you don't mess with me.

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BASED literal shitposter


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>>"Do it"

mmmmmmm based almost quints kid made a big mistake getting in your way

Do it you fucking cocktease
Give me the badass story. GIVE ME WHAT I WANT.

>I got shoved to the ground so I layed there for like 3 minutes and everyone thought I was out. But I did the undertaker sit up and everyone started running away and screaming.
truly bad ass

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It's a true story anons, that person black guy we ran into got his friends and raped the three of us in a alley in the spring of 09

Holy based

when did that happen?

Tried to give my friend a tombstone piledriver but I collapsed due to his weight and he landed on top of me so we just ended up blowing our dicks in the 69 position

>8th grade playing intramural soccer
>score two goals, get game winning assist with one minute left
>me and guy who scored the game winner start crotch chopping at opposing team
>manlet goalie tries bum rushing teammate
>pull him off and put him in a headlock
>shove him to the ground and put his head between my legs
>give him the Last Ride onto the grass and cut a promo about kicking his asshole ass
>walk slowly into locker room
>get suspended for three days
>nobody messes with me after that

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