Does anybody here play this?

does anybody here play this?

Attached: fire-pro-wrestling-world-1024x576-1024x520.jpg (1024x520, 126K)

Play? No way. Watch cpus battle? Of course.

Nerdy bullshit, I'd rather play MLP video game.

Legit the best modern wrestling game.

Based horsefucker

This. 2k/wwe has killed the genre that is wrestling games with MUH REALISM

yes. I play it on and off. the only reason I don't regularly is because I felt burned when I got it in early access and the dlc is overpriced and kind of crappy

lol no, i watch the AI have simulated competitive 5-stars (rated by meltzer) like matches

I wanna get into this game but I have 2 questions
1- which promotions do I need to watch in order to be familiar with the wrestlers, and which era of said promotions?
2- is the story mode fun

I ran into the problem of having downloading so many custom wrestlers and I don't want to go through and figure out who to replace with better versions and whatnot.

This game is the most overrated clunky piece of shit. Nerds will commend it for customization. I want instant gratification if I'm playing a fucking game. I'd take WWE all stars any day of the week over this pap

you can do what I did and delete all your caw's and then reinstall a bunch all from the same creator. that way you know they're all passable quality
all stars is good but there isn't that much to do, especially single player

every now and then but it gets boring fast because once you're muscle memory kicks in and you get the timing back you just crush.

I wish the online didn't suck.

base game on PC has no story mode to at isn't dlc I believe njpw dlc is included with ps4 version so some knowledge with them may help but isn't needed. You can download whatever roster you want it's very extensive

I watch cpu and commentate cpu matches like a true chad

I'm gonna get the story tho. is the story njpw?

if you are not autist and have mental health you woulnd watch 30 minute of cpu match.

If your edits have good CPU logic then they'll work good matches.

fuck off satan
idc about stars or caws

Still playing FPR on PS2, bud

It's all I do.
I'm on my third notebook already.
Year 2035.

>he doesn't play SLAMMED! The greatest text-based pro-wrestling RPG in the world!

Its a bit too easy

Jesus. Lurk more and/or go back.

yeah but you wouldn't know if you came here last week

what do you mean by this

Yes it's more like a visual novel with bouts in between. It's just ok


I don't understand this. why not both? it's fun to play as well

This but unirronically

What’s your stable named Yea Forums?

real life stables and an oddball one for non-wrestlers just called oddballs

No one actually likes wrestling here