I heard you were making fun of short people well im the MLK of short people. You wanna step outside Yea Forums?
I heard you were making fun of short people well im the MLK of short people. You wanna step outside Yea Forums?
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Adam Cole really let himself go
You wanna step ladder lil guy?
Unironically someone should make him a heel manager.
Yeah the video is hilarious. It just proves short guys are losers.
Is this what in the wrestling industry is called ‘working’?
No, he’s now pathetically trying to claim it was a work even though he is the one who was worked into a seething shoot like the manlet incel he is.
on one hand you feel for the guy because he got fucked over genes wise, on the other hand if you're chimpin' out telling people to "come at me, bro!!" someone is gonna take that offer regardless how short you are
Somebody did take the offer then the owner of the bagel shop said anybody who retweets the video gets a free mini bagel lmao
The owners name is Donald Rosner. He's been shitting on the lil guy relentlessly.
As a non-manlet I feel bad for them because fat chicks will meme their way into getting body positivity over while making fun of short people even though one can be fixed through self-discipline the other requires dangerous surgery that barely provides results.
Meanwhile I'm overweight and balding and still get laid when I want to because I'm 6'2" which is the perfect height to women
Why even torture yourself and get this mad? Like yeah sex is good and being short sucks, but just become a monk or get really good at playing an instrument or build model trains. He’s just making his life even worse obsessing over it.
>no ones posted the video
cmon faggots
>Short guys
He's a literal dwarf, brainlet
Found the manlet
This guy had a YouTube account with a bunch of videos of him pulling the same shit in other stores. It's a work.
>i-i-it's a work
Sup Chris? How's the height?
Somebody post the video
>An artist respects the silence, it serves as the foundation of creativity.
In the mouth of madness there is wisdom.
>This guy represents all short people
This guy would be a dimes manager
Based book him in a feud with truth
So you sit by while your friends rape girls?