Yea Forums is a Shingo Takagi board. If you do not support Shingo Takagi in the G1 you need to get the fuck up and out. No exceptions.
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Imagine his disgust at the thought of gaijin being fans of his.
based and dragonpilled
That's hot desu.
>implying a junioretty is going to win
Oh no no no...
What if he one of my picks? But not my main.
Holy based
Shooter Yano goin undefeated and will headline WK
I'm rooting for the absolute madman kota ibushi
He is based af.
Based. Fuck Koreans.
Shingo "Kill all Chinese and Koreans" Takagi
Honestly, after going to China in 2014 and Japan in 2017, I can safely say.
Shingo vs. Ishii as a main event. Yay or nay?
>Main event billing means they'll go balls out.
>Main event billing also means they'll stretch it out to 20+ minutes.
Does asp hate Koreans too?
Dude, this match is happening on my birthday and I couldn't be happier.
I hope it goes 20+ minutes.
Based superior Goto. His theme is shit though.
>August 12
>Tokyo, Japan
>G1 Climax 29 Final
>Shingo Takagi vs. Kota Ibushi
I think so long as we're not Korean he doesn't care.
love Korean girls because they are hot
hate Korean men because they are fags
Here's our schedule, Dragon Chads. Feel free to rank how hype you are for each match
>July 13, Tokyo
Shingo Takagi vs. Juice Robinson
>July 15, Sapporo
Shingo Takagi vs. Toru Yano
>July 19, Tokyo
Shingo Takagi vs. Taichi
>July 24, Hiroshima
Shingo Takagi vs. Jon Moxley
>July 28, Nagoya
Shingo Takagi vs. ”Switchblade” Jay White
>August 1, Fukuoka
Shingo Takagi vs. Jeff Cobb
>August 4, Osaka
Shingo Takagi vs. Tetsuya Naito
>August 8, Yokohama
Shingo Takagi vs. Tomohiro Ishii
>August 11, Tokyo
Shingo Takagi vs. Hirooki Goto
>August 12, Tokyo
Shingo Takagi vs. A Block Winner
>>July 13, Tokyo
> Shingo Takagi vs. Juice Robinson
>>July 15, Sapporo
>Shingo Takagi vs. Toru Yano
>>July 19, Tokyo
>Shingo Takagi vs. Taichi
>>July 24, Hiroshima
>Shingo Takagi vs. Jon Moxley
Based but ONLY if Takagi wins in under 5 minutes and it's a squash because Moxley's a shitter
>>July 28, Nagoya
>Shingo Takagi vs. ”Switchblade” Jay White
>>August 1, Fukuoka
>Shingo Takagi vs. Jeff Cobb
>>August 4, Osaka
>Shingo Takagi vs. Tetsuya Naito
>>August 8, Yokohama
>Shingo Takagi vs. Tomohiro Ishii
>>August 11, Tokyo
>Shingo Takagi vs. Hirooki Goto
>>August 12, Tokyo
>Shingo Takagi vs. A Block Winner
Based Shingo ding-dong diddly go over Ibushi
>Shingo Takagi vs. Toru Yano
Mega cringe
I am so excited for Moxley and Goto and I don't even know why. They're just right for Shingo.
I don't like "comedy" wrestling so I don't care
>doubting the king of strong style
Shingo/Ishii gonna be match of the tournament.
>Shingo Takagi vs. Juice Robinson
Not a big Juice fan, but he can strike, should be good. Wonder if he is too lanky for Shingo's offense tho, some unsmooth shit can happen
>Shingo Takagi vs. Toru Yano
>Shingo Takagi vs. Taichi
Will probably be the most underrated match of the whole G1
>Shingo Takagi vs. Jon Moxley
Still don't feel like Cuxley belongs, this simp will have to prove me very wrong very quickly
>Shingo Takagi vs. ”Switchblade” Jay White
Based as fuck, curious to see how their styles are gonna clash with each other
>Shingo Takagi vs. Jeff Cobb
Cobb is a downgrade from Micro Elgin, but he looked great with Ishii in the preview tag match, so I think he'll do great going against Shingo aswell. I don't watch PWGetty so I don't know how their BOLA 2018 finals went
>Shingo Takagi vs. Tetsuya Naito
>Shingo Takagi vs. Tomohiro Ishii
>Shingo Takagi vs. Hirooki Goto
Nobody knows anything about this vanilla manlet other than he's a indie shitter.
You're not fitting in
What can we expect from Shingo in term of W-L record ?
Explain this meme
It's gonna be interesting actually because they can't let him accrue the stink of "Jr that can't hang with heavies". Same with Ospreay but he's not booked as a dominant heel so he can take losses, as we've already seen.
So I think it'll go
>beats Juice
>beats Yano
>beats Taichi
>loses to Moxley
>loses to Jay
>beats Cobb
>loses to Naito
>beats Ishii
>could go either way with Goto
Shingo is a known Japanese nationalist. like an OG nationalist. Look up pictures of him honoring the old Japanese flag
He's a nationalist who loves his emperor and wants to enslave Chinese and Korean
Really hard to to tell. He obviously crushed BSJ so either they're REALLY high on him and he's gonna have a great G1 or they're happy with him just having one good tournament so he'll not have a great G1. Leaning towards the latter because there's a ton of wither guys who need to have a great year like White and Kenta.
NJPW doesn't strike me as the company that tells who can and can't go out there and crush it or not. Kenta's in another block and he's gonna have to get carried six ways til sunday by every motherfucker, too.
Takagi's gonna kill it wherever he can, whether he gets the points White does is another matter, he won't. But his actual matches ding-dong diddly be based
White and Kenta are shitters.
He'll probably drop points to Yano, that's what he is there for - to be a banana peel for wrestlers they want to protect. It doesn't hurt anyone to take a loss to based Chad Yano.
You're right, but Yano's usage is forked. He gives or takes points appropriately, he's just their 2 point placeholder, and I think they'd rather bolster Takagi's numbers with him. It's important he comes out of this well.
>fuck Koreans and the lying Chinese
I'm L.I.J and Shingo pro, but I'm glad Ospreay won because I'm English and I like him more.
Well your country sucks, your tastes suck and you suck.
>I hope it goes 20+ minutes.
It will for sure. Could be match of the year too.
>Shingo Takagi vs. Juice Robinson
Could be based
>Shingo Takagi vs. Toru Yano
It depends on what Yano we get.
>Shingo Takagi vs. Taichi
>Shingo Takagi vs. Jon Moxley
>Shingo Takagi vs. ”Switchblade” Jay White
>Shingo Takagi vs. Jeff Cobb
>Shingo Takagi vs. Tetsuya Naito
Absolutely based
>Shingo Takagi vs. Tomohiro Ishii
>Shingo Takagi vs. Hirooki Goto
Could be based.
>>Shingo Takagi vs. Tomohiro Ishii
Women have become suddenly full term pregnant at just the thought of this match
But will his foot be healed in time?
The last century of the planet earth would disagree but ok
It's just /wew/tists trying to force an unfunny meme
As an Honorary Aryan, He doesn't mind Non-American Whites.
Now, jews, chinks and koreans are a whole different matter...
I just realized Shingo is too small to do his finisher on heavyweights. He'll need a new one for G1.
>Shingo Takagi vs. Tomohiro Ishii
He is s heavyweight, new japan just decided they needed a junior that isn't Bushetti.
I miss watching him beating the shit out of yoshino,dragon kid and bxb hulk but im glad hes finally getting the recognition he deserves
He used to fight luke harper in dragon gate so im sure hes ok
Based CHADgon.
As long as you’re not a gook or a chink he will tolerate you.
Fuck the gooks and their anti-Japan ideology.
This is probably the one I'm most excited about to be honest.
It will be a pure HOSSfest.
I approve of this thread
Dumb nu japanlet. Shingo is actually strong and has been lifting up heavier guys than "heaveweights" like Ishii or Naito longer than you've been aware of wrestling outside of wwe.
Based Mishima. Incidentally, I’m re-reading one of his books right now, Spring Snow.
Based PuroCHAD BTFOing the ex-E-Cultists.
I read Temple of the Golden Pavilion and it was incredible. I want to read that series you're on but 4 books is a lot of time.
The series is absolutely worth your time. I’m re-reading it for the second time, truly a masterpiece.
I want based Shingo to lariat and strangle me while I cum
Most of Block B don't really need protecting though. I'd say only Mox and arguably Cobb who are the others who need to come out looking strong. Naito will probably lose to Yano in order to set up him chasing Jay White all tournament, for instance.
He ain't gonna get booked strong, guy isn't signed, he's a freelancer and he already did well in BOSJ.
Based retard. Just like he hasn't been booked strong up until now right champ?
Iliterate much?
This is our year. Yano vs DANSHOKU DIENO WK main event.
muh dick
Isnt this the based fuck koreans guys
Is that some Reddit joke?
>Disliking Yano
Cringe. He's a lame faggot
How is it staying on his face? Also nigga needs some Visene.
How is what staying on his face? That's his mouth.
No exception.
Nigga he could hit all his signature moves on big dog Shuji Ishikawa and it’s not like he’s fighting fat fuck fale in his block.
Most Japanese are racist against Koreans. Rikidozan was Korean and had to change his name in order to succeed in wrestling. He originally was a sumo wrestler but he hit a glass ceiling as far as sumo rank was concerned, the highest sumo ranks are handed out through tournaments, and the sumo judges hated Koreans.
DG is a faggot promotion and everyone who represents it is a faggot I hope Goto breaks his neck
I watched him in front of my own eyes do that finisher to WALTER.
do you think Naito was bullied like Okada is bullying him on the biggest stages ?
Even Shingo can't get me into Juice. What a shitter.
Shingo is His Bro so would probably have fucked up any guy that tried messing with him.
Imagine how mad Mishima would be about Omega's push
>Getting worked that Shingo is a Jr.
This picture is awesome, what is the context?
Mishima valued Europeans, but I doubt An Honorary like Him would value mongrel races like Americans or Canadians.
Gay orgy