Why wont AEW or WWE sign based Mil, he is fucking dimes incarnate

Why wont AEW or WWE sign based Mil, he is fucking dimes incarnate

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AEW absolutely needs to sign him as an unstoppable Lucha powerhouse. I'm actually fucking surprised he hasn't signed with anyone yet. Could be an issue with his Lucha Underground contract or he just retired. What happened to him?

>Could be an issue with his Lucha Underground contract

Isnt LU dead like since 2017 or something

Hes pretty slow nowadays and kind of old. Honestly wwe/american style would suit him better than lucha, maybe not the schedule though.

im not gonna go into details about LU contract but you can look it up. Most people are still locked in for 4 seasons and it's a cunt to get out of

I'd guess he is too old, but then again you can just see him asking for bookings in his twitter.
I don't get it desu. I know Mesias was never known to be a really great wrestler to the US crowds, but it's undeniable that he was amazing in LU.
Probably the greatest crowd brawler in the last 10 years

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the aew schedule is literally a dream tho, work once a week and on national TV at that

Fuck that
Sign my nigga King Ceurno

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He's old as hell.

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Too old.

This was the coolest a champion will ever look. As over the top as LU was, Mil Muertes as God King champion looking down on the roster was incredible in every way.

Attached: MilMuertes.jpg (650x389, 30K)

You're kinda stupid you know

Wow. Maybe it was bait, user. Nobody can be as stupid as that user, right? RIGHT?

He's working CMLL atm.

I like average height hosses like Mil instead of the giant shitters like Fale.

literally who?

He was fucking great in Lucha Underground.

based Cuerno

Mil Muertes vs Luchasaurus is dimes

And Catrina.
Can't forget Catrina.

el rey owns the character

He can change his name to Mil Mata (which Bing Translator tells me means "kills" in Spanish).

Why did njpw hire Matanzetty over him?

That doesn't quite work, but then again neither does Penta El 0M. He can just do the exact same character as LU but go by his pre-LU name of El Messias.

Fuck fellas take me back to season 1 of LU
>Aztec warfare
>Puma vs Mundo all night long
>Pentagon vs Vamp
>Angelico jumping from everything
>Mil Muertes killing everyone

He's the world champ in my local indy promotion. They book him to be overpowered. Great wrestler and looks jacked, but it's obvious that he's old when you see him upclose. His skin looks leathery. Reminds me of an old pair of boots.

>I'll kill you to death

Recently lost a mask v. mask match.

>His skin looks leathery. Reminds me of an old pair of boots
He is only 44...

comfy af

The mask really added a lot to his character because Gilbert el Boricua is just an uninteresting wrestler. Also doesn't help that he's slowed down a lot since LU.

Good times

Yikes, that is fucking gay

Mil Muertes is Jeff Cobb with a mask. He is signed to ROH on an exlucsive deal.

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Fucking retard

That's Matanza you simp

>Also doesn't help that he's slowed down a lot since LU.
He hasn't slowed down LU matches were just heavily edited for TV.

So he always just slow? That sucks.

It's worth remembering that after LU, he was back to business at AAA, and shit got sour because Dorian Roldan made Mesias (Mil Muertes) work shows with a knee injury. Once he healed up, he sped up a bit, but he's definitely being safer in the ring now.

Also, the way he left AAA was a great fuck you to Dorian.

>doesn't tap out when he's supposed to
>no-sells his opponent's submission
>waves good-bye to the camera

He's just too short to be believable as a monster heel. It worked great in LU because the entire roster consisted of manlet beaners.

Smashed up my love of Mortal Kombat with my love of stupid wrestling. LU was peak kino.

>doesn't tap out when he's supposed to
>no-sells his opponent's submission
>waves good-bye to the camera
Did not know about the injury, pretty based way to go out though.


bumpin non gook threads to make /wooo/ seethe

no inglenation no pusation