She hardly posts videos/photos of herself on instagram now
We've seen enough of her.
Look how beautiful she is.
What's wrong with her FAAAAAACE?
Who is this blonde slut with the vape?
Legit bimbo whore. Porn debut imminent.
this. we've literally seen every inch of her body.
If you search her on PornHub she has more videos then some girls who work in that industry.
Oi mate!!!!
shes still hot tbqh
her neck is so bad you might accidentally kill her pulling her hair during doggy
She looks good here.
It's mainly her ridiculous makeup and lip fillers making her look like a love doll.
She could still be salvaged.
That tattoo is a hate crime though.
She dates Ronnie Radke, literally a male version of her
What's with the fat broads thinking they can hide how fat they are by doing the close up tit shot?
>lip fillers
I never understood why women do this. It just looks so fucking shit. On literally everybody.
Man, I love slags.
She was in denial about herself for years now, the crippling depression is about to set in.
Her new fella probably has a tight leash on her. She’s done well to find one considering she fucked the blacks
10/10 dominatrix look, would submit to Mistress Saraya no matter how depraved and irreversible her fetishes.
For Paige it makes sense because she has her makeup line, so her lips are basically an advertisement for that. The fillers mean that they'll stand out even at a distance, which is good for making sure an entire arena can see them.
>her makeup line
What's it called? Whorepaint?
I want her to make that O-face as I'm eating her out.
Let's be honest - she'd barely notice you.
>find cute, petite, Latina-looking porn star
>fap to her
>go to download more of her newer stuff
>see she got lip fillers
>instantly becomes unfappable
Personally I still think she's one of the hottest women on the planet.
If I need to fist her wrist-deep to stimulate her, so be it... so long as she reciprocates. :3
>Look how beautiful she is.
Low rez clips hide her imperfections.
blond camera girl is qt
I just wanna fuck her lads.
How could a girl go so far into the dump so fast? Is spic dick really that vile?
That bra will never not make me diamonds
Who the fuck cares about this roasty. Shes 26 and has already hit the wall. Her pussy is ruined,shes horrendous without makeup,she fucks niggers,what else can be said about this filthy pig?
Instagram is their best friend for reasons like this. They can hide the fact that they’re trash in person. Thats why they’ll be continually used over and over until they’re old and miserable.
Look at that gut straining against her pant's waistline! I'm ding-dong daddy bust here lads!