Attached: F0E355E2-7D3E-43B2-B0CF-FE444E4C921B.jpg (536x720, 48K)

desu I would by left ones bathwater anyday

the absolute state of white """women""" oh no no no AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I wouldn't buy bath water from the hottest chick in the world, so her looks are irrelevant. The fact that she knew she could sell this to pathetic virgins is the issue.

based yu-gi-oh loving groid

Based yugioh chad ezposing the business

I don't get it

Get a clue ya ding-dong diddly simp

wat u mean

>had sex
>gained makeup
>hit the photoshop
>got a clue
>works the zoomers out of their cash
>works the boomers into a seething, sputtering shoot
I'm gonna have to go with based

Blacks love yugioh

gay zoomer shit

as a wrestling fan, i have respect because she worked towns and milked jabronis

Cringe Zoomers with shit taste in women.


game recognise game

you tell me

I have no fucking clue why. Same with Dragon Ball.

Can confirm from when I used to play Magic
Bulbasaurs love Yugioh for some reason

It's probably the easiest one to get the hang of

>be ugly girl
>throw on a ton of makeup, get a wig, make weird faces
>instant millionaire

>be user
>be ugly guy

yugioh is insanely complicated

Thats a fucking hapa isnt it, disgusting

This is how most girls look without makeup.

Makeup is work of the devil and his tricks

Reminder that through this pandering, virgin incels enable shitty behavior in women and this erode society further
They should unironically be bought whores when they turn 18

>be ugly girl facelet that needs memeup

work of the century? millions of incels jobbed to fucking makeup

thats a boy

Incels have no real pull, these thots are pandering to the lowest common denominator

She looks cute on the left

ITT: incel virgins who have never seen a girl without makeup

Its all comes crashing down and it hurts inside for this roastie now. Its over for her now that they know their pure waifu is an ugly ass whore with herpes

Gain standards

Makeup is only suppose to help a woman out a little, when you play this level of witchcraft trickery you deserve the disgust

I wanna pound the one on the right till she turns to the one on the left and calls me daddy


she worked all the incels into a shoot with her pornhub stunt, so she gets a based from me

No it isn't you absolute fucking mongoloid.

dude probably gets scared by fucking synchro summons judging by his icon
It's complicated at high ding-dong diddly level meta


Isn't this that app where it "removed makeup" from pictures of girls by adding horrible bags under their eyes and acne scars?

>people still fall for this fake image

Attached: Lc101um.png (667x670, 386K)

No, it really isn't you utter retard.

nigga just put ya faith in the heart of the cards ya slapdick simp

That's because you have extremely low self-esteem user

reminds me of some ginger girl from work thought she was nice looking one day comes in no make up nigger i could of played connect 5 on her face


Why does she make roasties seethe so much? I was reading the comments on her Instagram and it's literally full of catty roasties raging

Attached: belle-delphine.jpg (640x800, 34K)

I wonder why?
It cant possible be because she's more beautiful than them can it?

BASED YugiChad
>posting on Yea Forums when you could be working on your deck
State of you lad

If this ugly little troll can convice any of you losers to pay money for her bathwater, I will happily congratulate her for succesfully exploiting a bunch of permavirgins that deserve to be exploited. Kudos.

I fucking loathe this bitch and her simp army and I'm a guy. I'm siding with the seething roasties on this one

I'm on my knees, begging ya; please, have sex.

Attached: 1562328487007.png (1172x1226, 1.79M)

>getting on your knees for a fellow man

>on my knees
Okay's go time
*unzips dick*

A true low point for humanity

Hey, if it's the only way you will ever get laid, I'll bite the bullet for ya.
Just remember, Yea Forumsbro, no matter how shit your life is and no matter how ugly and fat you are, I will always love you.

What a surprise. This fucking weirdo loser has pizza emojis in his name.....

Attached: haitch.jpg (415x640, 48K)

Legit leftist pedophile

Yeah bro, I'll even let you fuck my ass too as long as you don't do any gay shit like touch my balls or something weird like that haha

Is this what Chad looks like?

now that's gangster

Based Stacy working the marks hard. She makes hundreds of thousands a month. Within a few years she can retire and live a comfy NEET lifestyle if she spends her money wisely.

You faggots forgot to say nohomo.

>this who's

no homo is bigoted hate speech

>bigoted hate speech
Go fuck yourself in your safe space.

Didn’t she get kicked off Twitch for selling her nudes? How did she work simps into buying bath water after that? Or is this just all a meme?

Patreon is a much bigger grift than Twitch. Of course OnlyFans is the ultimate grift, but there you go.

No, that's what we call the average British woman

>falling for such an ovbious bait
