Five years later, are you willing to admit it was a bad decision?

Five years later, are you willing to admit it was a bad decision?

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I admitted it the day it happened

It should have been randall keith.

this not being undertaker's final match was the bad decision, everything he's done since has been absolute wank, please let him retire in peace and spend his golden years fucking michelle mccool already


Brock is fucking based

Who was Taker's greatest rival?

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Shoulda been Phil. Maybe he could've finally gotten over.

Could Punk get him up for the GTS?

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Probably not kek didn't even think about that

Should've been Bryan because he knows how to fight convincingly against bigger wrestlers

They should’ve had him beat Brock than have him lose to bray at mania 31

>Brock broke the streak to get Roman over
>Roman retired Undertaker to get him over
>neither things matter in the long wrong
Of course it was a shitty fucking decision

It was shit. Should've been Kane or HBK or nobody. You couldn't tell their fans that at the time because these internet marks love to talk about how you should leave the business on your back but that's bullshit. He shouldve gone over, the tickets were already sold.

Sounds like there was a common denominator than a single bad decision.

lmao everyone knew it was a bad decision five seconds after

It was always a bad decision, but the thing I’ve come to realise is that anyway it ended would have been a bad decision.

WWEs booking just prohibits any long term booking and nobody would have been used correctly after ending the streak.

For example, Bray could have ended it, but it wouldn’t have mattered because they never had any long term plans with his story.

Put it this way, at least Lesnar ending the streak early meant Roman couldn’t have ended it a few years later.

it should've been Sting just to work Undercarder into a seething suicide

>Wrestlemania XXX: Lesnar conquers the streak. Goes into Summerslam '14 looking strong against Cena. Undertaker vanishes.
>Wrestlemania 31: Bray Wyatt faces a mid-carder on the pre-show. Undertaker still hasn't returned.
>Battleground 2015: Undertaker emerges months after the streak has ended and screws Brock by attacking him during his match with Seth Rollins. Vengeance for the streak.
>Summerslam 2015: Undertaker defeats Lesnar by technical submission after fuckery with the referee. Not a conclusive victory, tensions increase.
>Hell in a Cell 2015: post-streak trilogy ends with Lesnar winning after a brutal match. Undertaker retires after losing to the better man. This parallels the violent Hell in a Cell match the two had in 2002.

This objectively better timeline prevents:
>Wrestlemania 32: Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon
>Wrestlemania 33: Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns
>Wrestlemania 34: Undertaker vs. John Cena
>Super Showdown 2018: Undertaker vs. Triple H
>Crown Jewel: Undertaker and Kane vs. Triple H and Shawn Michaels
>Super Showdown 2019: Undertaker vs. Goldberg

The biggest mistake was pretending he was letting this gimp go over so many others

>Super Showdown 2019: Undertaker vs. Goldberg
fuck you, I had a blast watching two middle aged men giving themselves concussions for saudi blood money

Sure, concussions, it wasn't like they nearly snapped each other's neck.

It wasn't. If it wasn't Bork it was gonna be a shitter like Roman. I would take Bork any day.

Mankind, Michaels, Brock.

well Golby impaling himself on the post was a concussion
Is Undercarder going to end Drew or Shane's career?

Randy Orton should have ended it

Taker/Gaytch at Mania 28 should've been the last match for both guys. Especially since it was built as "the end of an era."

Giant Gonzalez should have broken the streak in 1993 tbqhwy

No shit it was a bad decision. It was the only relevant thing left in the E.

Fuck off it was based.


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It's only a bad decision because the WWE continued to schelp the undercarder out for more matches. If he retired with that match it would have been fine.

I wouldn't disagree with that, though a wrestler should always go out doing the job for someone else.

Also, that was one of the most overrated matches of all fucking time.

The problem is this requires long term planning

There is so many moving pieces and plans subject to change that you cant plan in that detail more than a 2-3 months ahead at a time.

The decision itself wasn't even that bad. They were idiots for having a guy who practically gains nothing from it break the streak. And even bigger idiots for the way they booked it all post-mania. Nobody gained anything and they didn't capitalize on anything.

They should have:
1. Made a new star doing it
2. Make it Takers retirement

That legit was probably the last decent match undercarder ever had. Kind of dug the whole 'I'm the 1 in 20 and 1' spiel punk threw out.

I’m a massive Taker mark but him losing at that moment was the best booking decision WWE has done in a decade.

Lesnar got MASSIVE heat for this, MASSIVE, and during a time when no one else was there to carry the company it legitimized Brock’s dominance and character and made him far more over than he would’ve been otherwise.

It also gave us one of the greatest and most memorable Wrestlemania moments ever, one that nobody expected, NOBODY.

People saying nothing good came out of it, that’s bullshit.

>People saying nothing good came out of it, that’s bullshit.
It's true though. You're right that is was a great decision at the time, and gave us great moments for a year or so leading up to Seth's cash in. But everything after that was just pure shit, Brock should have remained dominant for another year or so and lost decisively at the following Wrestlemania. Instead we had him try to carry the story far too long, fli flopping between heel and face, with some questionable losses thrown in here and there, until his heat just completely fizzled out.

So yeah it was a good standalone decision, but they ran it into the ground like they do everything else.

It was a great decision. Taker had nothing left to offer, Lesnar was a made man forever off it. Lesnar needed it badly; he was a fucking joke going in to that match

Still remember that tittle match agaisnt Umaga where Punk carried him multiple times.

It was a great decision ruined by it not being Taker's last match

>Lesnar needed it badly; he was a fucking joke going in to that match
He was a joke before because of shit booking (jobbed to Cena in his return match, tapped out to HHH with his own move, had to use a chair to best Big Show) and has been a joke since because of shit booking. Breaking the streak and the year that followed were the only bits of good booking Lesnar had had, and it ultimately went to shit.