Attached: nikki cross.jpg (286x176, 5K)
Would you date her?
Easton Brooks
Carter Sanders
no because I'm a weeb
William Cooper
I wouldn't just date her or make love to her. I word FUCK her.
Christopher Phillips
Only if she smells nice and keeps her pits smooth. Because from appearances, she looks like she smells and is unhygienic.
Nicholas Flores
Fuck a date I’m taking her straight to my bedroom
Noah Thomas
>dating a female
Jack Rodriguez
Cooper Barnes
No, wh*te women disgust me, especially hobgoblin looking ones with weird accents...
Joseph Hernandez
Asian women are dogshit-tier. FACT!!!
Hunter Ramirez
seems like a nice and sweet girl, probably one of the few wwe girls i'd ever seriously consider...but i already have a joshiwaifu i have to stay loyal to
Eli Cook
as long as she let me eat her asshole whenever I want
Lucas Diaz
>she's supposed to be the ugly retard desperately clinging onto a Stacy
>she looks like Alessandra Ambrosio next to fucking Bailey
James King
No. She's hitting the wall
Tyler Anderson
Bagley literally has a foot for a face. Not that hard.
Isaac Turner
No. I'm a gaychad.
Charles Morris
I know, but if you want to sell the gimmick don't book her next to someone factually uglier.
When they had that retarded Piggy James angle it was against Michelle McCool and Layla at least.
Angel Watson
I'd definitely stir last night's haggis.
Nathan Scott
speaking of laycool, it sounds like they're gonna rehash that whole 'co-owners of a singles title' angle with nikki and bliss? i guess it's been about a decade since they did an angle like that, but it still seems kinda lazy
Chase Price
>Bliss is out most of the match
>Nikki wins
>Bliss gets the belt
>Nikki says nothing, later on goes "fuck you, I won it" and turns
Either that, or just a generic face turn without the belt, like Alex Riley
Angel Gomez
As a spichad, I would impregnate her on the first date, my greatest accomplishment would be bringing more European blood to Mexico
Luke Murphy
chads don't call themselves chads
Adrian Collins
hell yeah
Dylan Bailey
Asians in general are more susceptible to Alzheimer’s AND experience the onset earlier too. Let not forget the low bone density. I haven’t even gotten into the flat footed thing. It’s just a death sentence into misery to marry an Asian.
Easton Wright
>implying Scots are white
Lucas Hughes
if she wasn´t married, yes
Cooper Hill
Coping whitecel
Brandon Lewis
i thought it was the irish who weren't allowed to be white
Caleb Ward
I'm not into dating women.
David Peterson
Why not
Nicholas Hill
Married women don't date
Andrew Anderson
You keep telling yourself that user
Jack Myers
She's supposed to.
Good breath, full bush, to go along with those tits and that fat ass, I'm happy.
Daniel Rodriguez
yes because she is friends with alexa
Caleb Ross
She's a married woman, lad.
I wouldn't get on Killian Dain's bad side.
Justin Hill
CreepyThinMan? It’s nice to see you off of Yea Forums.
Her pit game’s pretty good.
Joshua Baker
Thi is Hypothetically speaking of course... WE are imagine a situation where she is not married.
Aiden Collins
He looks like a babyfaced faggot and on top of that he's a manlet.
Brandon Flores
Everyone from the British isles is subhuman
Parker Cox
>implying he's at all threatening
regardless tho i forgot she's married lol i'm not the kind of depraved heathen to intentionally break the 10th commandment, sorry mr. dain, hope you and the misses have a nice day
Adam Barnes
It's known that he lets her fool around with other guys.
Christian Moore
God damn, her pits are looking fine as hell
Brody Gray
no, she's getting too wide. given her short stature (and short arms), she's starting to look like a female Rhyno. not good.
Logan Hall
The real question is whether I'd ask her out or not due to my paranoia. Whenever any girl gets close to me I assume she's after something and find some way to make her not interested in me so that I don't even have to think about asking her out.
Matthew Robinson
Yeah, she is cute.
Nicholas Carter
Scots are white. It's paddies and guineas you gotta watch out for pretending they're white.
Tyler Hernandez
I know that feel, bro
Jayden Myers
Guys, I'm barely above manlet and definitely on the wrong side of intimidating. Unlike manlets however, I do know my place.
Jordan Hernandez
You can be Scottish regardless of race. Why do yanketties not realise that you are where you are from and not the dock your ancestors got on the boat from.
Easton Powell
Are scottish girls hot in general?
Landon Myers
I love the accent. But I don’t find her attractive
Caleb Phillips
That's not how it works. You can live somewhere and be a citizen of a country without being the native race.
I'd fuck fuck fuck her right in that fucking asshole
Jack James
God no.
Juan Bailey
ive seen some scottish girl and they are kind of pretty
Jacob Parker
They are prettier than English girls but meh overall
Asher Nelson
yes. she seems to be genuinely nice and you know she's a freak in bed.
not bad looking, either.
Kayden Martinez
Yes. She looks hotter when she's a wild mess instead of trying to look classy and proper with her looks.
Ian Jenkins
Dammmnnn¡¡ she looks very hot right here.
Nathaniel James
No, she's a married woman
Matthew Hill
So smol
Hudson Parker
I think small girls have better in bed
Eli Perry
Smol girls with the phat ass are my weakness, they go over every other gal in my belt
Jayden Ortiz
Yesss...small girls usually have fat ass and tits and they are fuckin crazy in bed.
Benjamin Nelson
so sosmol
Jack Hall
please return to reddit
Jackson Gomez
Honestly i think nikki cross is hotter tan her
Dylan Harris
Cameron Gray
What a cute nose, would boop.
Nicholas Miller
Her nose is not a problem for me...i still think she is pretty
Xavier Wood
Believe me, any person who isn't from Scotland that tried to pull some bullshit about them being so called 'racially Scottish' would not be looked at as a Scottish person in any capacity by Scottish people because an average white scottish person if asked about their race would see themselves as white not any of this made up yank definitions of race
Kevin Nelson
Wow, she would be dimes if she wore face paint on half of her face to hide the ugly side, the same way Sting wore paint to hide his weird narrow small eyes.
Jackson Morales
Dylan Richardson
Did I ever say it was?
Hudson Gomez
there is nothing hotter than a girl trying not to be hot or sexy, but turns out to be hotter not trying to be than trying to be.
Gabriel Ortiz
I thought you were being sarcastic when you said the comment about her nose.
Brody Murphy
wed 'n bed.
Julian Powell
Gays can’t be chads. They eat poo
Aaron Jenkins
Those are the most fun to fuck
Isaac Johnson
Why you say that? Ive never been with a married woman.
Caleb Lopez
> full bush
The easiest way to spot a virgin. No woman has a full bush these days.
Michael Wood
It's taboo
Justin Baker
She has this weird "natural" beauty to her. Shes not a super model but, she has this quality of her I cant help but find attractive. Almost homely.
Henry Bennett
Sure, I'd play with Nikki.
Brody Roberts
David Lewis
Totally agreed ,she is a natural beuaty...wife material
Camden Long
I want her to choke me with her thighs.
Cameron Ross
Brandon Gray
oh god, that is exactly my type of girl, she looks like my ex gf in that picture, only that my ex had much bigger boobs. but other than that, short, nice tighs and curves, long dark hair, babyface with big eyes, that pic is giving me a boner.
is it part of a set?
William Sanchez
can't find anymore with that particular clothing but if you just search nikki storm / nikki cross photoshoot she has a lot of similar ones
Sebastian Brown
Yes she'll be my WHORE.
Grayson Morgan
based spic
John Gutierrez
I’d cum inside her
Gavin Perez
The girl on the right is hot, the girl on the left, not so much.
Justin Howard
Id have to know what her feet looked like first
Ryan Nguyen
I'd go out for beers,
Lucas King
I'd feed her a gallon of egg salad and then use her butt as a pillow for the night
Lincoln Garcia
Hahaha based...but yes her ass is great id use it as a pillow too
Thomas Young
>no wrestling ned gf to pump
Any you lads ken?
Nathaniel Flores
Damnnn she looks hot right there...she should go back to this gear
Lucas Wright
>we finally have a Nikki Cross thread
I’m in heaven lads.
Robert Nelson
I would love to stir up last night's haggis, if ya ding dong diddly understand what I'm trying to imply.
James Jackson
Crzy nikki cross is very hot,sexy and funny
Charles Adams
Yess, Keep posting hot gifs and pictures of nikki
Jace Robinson
No, I am a horrible person and she should avoid me.
Chase Bailey
I know she is Scottish but she just looks so damn Welsh a lot of the time.
Bentley Reyes
>gf had bigger boobs than Nikkeh's DDD cups
dubious claim gonna need visual evidence
Nathan Reed
Sebastian Bailey
>that leather though
Isaiah Nguyen
EVE Nikki is the best Nikki.
Jack Gray
Daammnnn Nice giftss You two are the men...not beck
Easton Hill
Anytime, CrossBro.
Daniel Green
No discussion we all her prefer nikki cross than nikki bella in every single aspect right?
Michael Turner
Late-era Nikki Bella was pretty cool playing the last-generation's ace that doesn't want to step aside just yet, and threatens to buzzkill the momentum of the new faces.
At the same time Nikki Cross is highly cringe-core a lot of the time recently.
Nikki STORM is best Nikki by far.
Daniel Ramirez
Mah nigga
Ethan Gomez
Hahahha those are just facts,man
Benjamin Perry
Nikki is from Glasgow and Glasgow used to be part of the Kingdom of Strathclyde, which was a Welsh-speaking kingdom before it became absorbed into Scotland. A good reason why lots of Glaswegians look 'Welsh'.
Oliver Barnes
If she wasn't famous? Probably not.
Anthony Murphy
Whats wrong with welsh women? Arent they hot?
Luis Cox
It's kinda popular again with the liberal cancer bunch. Shit, you even see these disgusting dumb shits with armpit hair on tinder.
William Harris
Yes, they are. But they have a particular look about them and Nikki has it.
David Smith
Cameron Kelly
I think i know what youre trying to say....This swimmer named jazz carlin is pretty and has that look like nikki has it.
James Smith
Ryder Adams
do you think Nikki is fart fetish friendly?
Liam Martinez
God damnit I wish Nikki was my cute Welsh girlfriend
Christopher Russell
In a blind test if you asked me to pick the Welsh girl I would pick Nikki every time. Tegan may be proud of her heritage but lacks the blue-collar unfashionable haughtiness I associate with Welsh women (and the huge rack). But Nikki has loads of it. Tegan looks and acts like an English girl with the exception of a few things about her. You would never look at Nikki and think she's English unless you were clueless about the UK.
Gabriel Cruz
I think Nikki would be down with whatever as long as you get her off. She a freak
Camden Garcia
She would very quickly and clearly correctly you that she is from GLASGOW you (insert obscure scottish word for idiot)
Lucas Collins
Highly doubt it. Nikki is a nice person but she'd think you're a weird faggot for suggesting it. Just fuck her like a man, alright?
Lucas Miller
I want her to leg lock me.
Nolan Stewart
Aaron Phillips
Camden Morgan
Dammmnnn....where did you get that picture? Killian is a lucky motherfucker.
Asher Nelson
Jayden Gray
I think she'd be weirded out at first, but if you really do have a fart fetish she'd probably love it knowing that you're crazy for her braps
Plus, bonus points for her that she can brap freely and know it's driving you crazy.
Jacob Hernandez
Adam Nelson
I know its all abou our taste in woman, and i can understand you dont find her attractive...but i dont understand men saying she is ugly.
Luis Barnes
Kevin Sullivan
Hope someday we get to see her again wearing those ring gears.
Gavin Bennett
Got it off an ICW facebook gallery some years back (think 2013), probably still there. Show was Dave's Not Here Man.
Nolan Gray
Isaiah Barnes
Found the was a bra and panties match...but nikki didnt lose any of her clothes lol
Isaac Stewart
>Tegan looks and acts like an English girl
You get a lot of that here, genuine Welsh women are usually up north and in the rural parts and speak Welsh. Welsh girls from the populated regions of the southern coast like Swansea and Cardiff are hugely Anglicized, no knowledge of their language or heritage and they subconsciously refer to themselves as Brits.
Thomas Murphy
Posting in blessed thread
Zachary Gonzalez
Jeremiah Gonzalez
is that Mickie?
Jeremiah Wright
Ive known some english girls and i think they are sexy and hot...i dont understand why some people say english girls are ugly.
Jacob Carter
Gavin Barnes
Perfect slampig, she's like Mickie, except she's got more meat than squish
Evan Foster
it is
Blake Rivera
t. nog
Cooper Myers
Yes, without a doubt
Joshua Nguyen
Yess...i would do it with mickie without a doubt, but i think we all agree nikki is hotter and prettier
Levi Roberts
She is gorgeous here, but it is obviously edited
Carson Taylor
Prettier and cuter, yes. However, I think Mickie’s hotter. But that’s coming from a milf guy.
Kevin Martinez
Damnn Imagine if nikki gives you that look
Jaxson Moore
Michael Cox
Samuel Taylor
I know her gimmick back then was "the best in the galaxy" but what was it about?
ive seen videos and pictures where she is doing sexu stuff.
James Hill
If she brushes her teeth or sees a dentist
Daniel Brown
Her teeth arent bad? Are they?
Owen Cooper
Nikki Storm started out as just a generic babyface coming out smiling and high fiving people. She also wore a very Mickie James-esque outfit and later on has said Mickie was a big inspiration for her.
The babyface act did not last very long as she began incorporating heel mannerisms that are a play off of the modern young Scottish woman who thinks she's hot shit but is actually kind of an immature boor. So she would come out to the Backstreet Boys "Larger Than Life" (a band she genuinely loves) and spin around and bask in the adulation of the fans, whether they booed her or cheered her, although she would then begin arguing with them sometimes.
Nikki usually cut a fairly humorous promo before any of her bigger matches putting over how famous she was to a highly exaggerated amount while simultaneously ironically putting her opponent over by ridiculing whatever accolades they had gathered by that point.
When the bell rang Nikki's spoiled princess demeanor vanished and she was a brutish scrapper that would do anything to win with a much higher constitution than expected.
Eventually the heel character turned babyface by natural power of charisma because she reminded people in Scotland of the kind of women they knew in real life (because there really is some of that in Nicola Glencross) and she began to be cheered more than booed.
Then she naturally began feuding with more "evil" opponents and started to play up the "I'm from a tough background / I've fought hard my whole life / You haven't" sort of angles with opponents outside Scotland.
Later on she invaded Stardom as a monster heel and was vanquished by Io but there was some manner of respect.
Nikki Storm was one of the best indie characters of the last several years because she got over naturally with no ironic wink-wink hipster wrestling gimmicks, nor by how many flips or flies she could do.
Henry James
No she has great teeth.
Joseph Thompson
Just watch this
The fact she came into the WWE saddled with a gimmick that didn't involve any speaking for the first several months she was there is nothing short of madness. I have no idea what the fuck HHH was thinking.
Ethan Martinez
this is pretty good too
Alexander Gonzalez
Her sanity gimmick was pretty good and she would do very good promos...i just dont get what is her actual gimmick about.
Daniel King
She used to participate in the London Wrestling Studio, a thinly veiled fetish wrestling production
Josiah Mitchell
really? do you have links or pictures of it?
Hudson Parker
Here's a match of her that an user shared here about a year ago
Wyatt Nguyen
I just watched the match...wooo i didnt know she was part of something like that.
John Fisher
Can't download right know . Post some screenshots or gifs of it please
Colton Gutierrez
NXT psycho Nikki was cute. The retarded Nikki they turned her into fucking ruined it all
Benjamin Sanders
She should've been NXT women's champ at least once but Paul decided to skyrocket fatsuka and then let her comedy job on main roster
Elijah Gomez
I was saying if she has the following, I'm down. Bush no probably not. It's just wishful thinking. And plenty of women have pubes now.
Christopher Jenkins
The falls count anywhere match was dimes, she should’ve won that one.
Bentley Powell
Not only would I date her, I would have sex with her.
Connor Jones
Here my man is going straight to the point.
Jordan King
Thanks! There has to be a full video of her in the pink bikini somewhere
Mason Wilson
you live up to the name of mexican posters
Lincoln Moore
>this entire thread
Ryan Watson
There arent a lot of pictures of her in a bikini right?
Josiah Jones
no but i would date adam coles mom
Noah Sullivan
adam coles mom is sexy, but i prefer to play with nikki
Tyler Cruz
Every wrestler of any note of the last 10 years has done those.
Colton Rivera
But none of them looks as good as nikki in those bikini outfits.
Jose White
Jack Sanchez
God i want to boop her nose.
Xavier Howard
cool thread
Jose Anderson
Thanks. I would sniff Nikki between the cheeks.
Mason Scott
Mannn...keep posting this kind of gif of nikki cross,please
Aiden Barnes
BLESSED thread, Nikki is fucking CUTE
Wyatt Ramirez
I want to use her ass as my pillow.
Cooper Lee
Hahaha based...but what can we say? nikki is the whole package
Zachary Russell
I'd play with Nikki if ya know what I am implying here
Robert Cox
lol. Not being able to use the internet for something simple
Jaxon Rodriguez
Logan Brooks
Bros I’m hoping she goes over tonight.
Aaron Thomas
Based Nikki shitting herself tonight. Even the scatfags have something to enjoy
Leo Gonzalez
I hope they give her the title soon.
Jaxon Mitchell
She will get the tag titles at or shortly after Summerslam
Ayden Hughes
They’re setting up a Bliss/Beko feud. Cross will probably win tag titles.
Jackson Morgan
Beko is getting Botcha
Charles Sullivan
Luis Rivera
No she looks like she always has and always will have morning breath no matter the amount of mints and toothpaste
Aaron Davis
Did nobody else notice that she crapped herself during the match?
Hunter Jackson
Noah Perez
every time i scroll past this thread i think the OP is a less zoomed in version of this picture of a young Glenn Danzig
Julian Jenkins
Hahaha what's this from?
Elijah Sanders
hahaha i dont understand why some of you are so bad with nikki...she is beautiful.
Aiden Cook
Hello Nikki I want to impregnate you