The Fagboy

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Thats what they called you in High School?

kek what a bitchboy

Keep talking shit Joe and I'll get my boy Nzo on your ass.

Am I supposed to know who this is?

>Ahhhh please no Mr. nZo, please don't break my fragile indie bones
>Oh God what are you doing, please no
>*nZo starts raping him*
What did Joey Janela mean by this?

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Joey DYELa is so 2017

Janela has the shoulders of a 16-year old

>Enzo is kicked out of wrestling for being a no dimes shitter who was difficult to work with and covered up his legal troubles from his employer
>Proceeded to then absolutely fail as a rapper forced to crawl back to wrestling on and his hands an knees only to be rejected
>Janela has spent decades doing what he loved, making decent money, producing fantastic shows with GCW and overall living the dream

Hi Joey
Don’t you think you should spend some more time in the gym instead of shitposting here?

You also forgot
>Joey blew his knee out doing a retarded spot on some bingo hall show
>lost his big titted bimbo gf after helping her get enough exposure to get noticed for an NXT tryout
>now gets literally BTFO by a walking muppet and it's known that he's a Blink 182 fan, which might be the most embarrassing thing out of the story

>miller lite
oof, yikes honey

Enzo will be back in the big time. Screen cap this.

>Yea Forums whiteknights Enzetty "The Shitter" Fagore at any cost

Ya seethin fake though guy?


Cody hall gonna fuck Him up

Somehow, everything you said was false.

I completely forgot those two shit on each other via twitter. Cody must be laughing his ass off right now.

janela has exposed himself as a keyboard warrior at this point, probably best for him not to try and dunk on anyone else for a while

Joey Janela was molested by Enzo Amore in the putrid heat of the Summer Of '19.

He fucked Riho and Yuka meanwhile you virgins have never had sex ever.

i've never seen this mentioned outside of Yea Forums so im pretty sure you fags made it up just like you made up summer of '92

Summer Of '19.

>and it's known that he's a Blink 182 fan, which might be the most embarrassing thing out of the story

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Hit the gym, Joey.

>fantastic shows with GCW
yeah, i bet that bout wit marko stunt really put asses in the middle school gym bleachers

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I now believe that every single Yea Forumsie here could beat him up in a fight


It literally sold out and they had to do a second show that also sold out.

>getting exposed by enzo amore of all people
im starting to think corny would also beat his ass

I’ve never posted this before but


Imaine if instead of enzo it was cody hall in there lel

>this guy just main evented an AEW event

Yes? And? He is a fucking actor. Why should he be able to beat anyone in real life?
His shit is good, because he takes a good beating and is funny from time to time.
The fuck you want from him?

Did Janela really back off from a fight though? It seemed that he was ready to throw down, but wanted Enzo to attack first. Enzo didn't. It's a legit strategy in a fight. I didn't see him running or trying to apologize. He had his hands up when Enzo was coming at him.

Janella was wasted. If he tried to do anything, he'd get destroyed. Janella knows that he has to sell shit out of that. Not do it for free. He is not a fucking moron.

I'm not arguing over who would have won a fight. I was just left disappointed at the video since everyone said Janela ran, but it doesn't really appear it to be so.

Yes, he very plainly back down. And he looked like a midget.

>run away
>he was r-ready to t-throw down guise

He didn't run away at all, he just took steps back. As I said, counter punching is a very good strategy in a street fight.

No he didn't. It's just Enzo fans wanted to make big deal out of it. Because Enzo tweeted like a retard about it. That's all.
This would be fun buildup if they really want to do it at next Mania.

Nigga was galloping away

>Enzo is kicked out of wrestling for being a no dimes shitter

Enzo was pure fucking dimes in WWE though.

Enzo was unironically a draw.

Then why did they fire him? They wouldn’t fire Randy Orton or Cena.

Because enzo was the locker room leader at the time. He made everyone including Taker his bitch. Cena and randy were apparently afraid of his growing reputation as the locker room leader so they MrKennedy'd him

bullshit, roman (the real leader and alpha male) kicked him off a tour bus in europe for being an obnoxious shitter

This. Insecure fuck boys are scared of ride or die Chads like Enzo. He gives zero fucks. He is the epitome of based.

>Enzo fans actually believe this

He backed up into the crowd and the look on his face was 100% "Oh shit, I'm about to get my ass kicked by Enzo Amore". That being said, the whole thing played out like a fight at a trailer park between meth heads, and both should be embarassed by the whole thing.

>he leaves with the joshi’s cause they know he won’t do anything


Wrestlers are often billed 2 inches over and 20 pounds more. So JJ is legitimately 5'6 and 160-ish. Enzo is probably 5'9/5'10.


Just you Joey

>160 lbs
Doubt it, he's actually pretty fat, I'd say he's 190 lbs

I'm the baaaaaaaaaad boy

Because he got hit with a false rape claim in the middle of the metoo bullshit and didn't tell the office before the story came out. Plus a lot of people were pissed at him anyways and this was an easy excuse to get rid of him.

>Janela has spent decades doing what he loved, making decent money, producing fantastic shows with GCW and overall living the dream

He only started asking for over $200 paydays after Zandig almost killed him

Janella fucked up the most Enzo was really going to throw down hard.

If I'm Cody right now I would push this as a huge feud to make Janela look bad because he fucked up as the main star.

Based Big Dog Roman Reigns drawing dimes, working smarks and getting rid of shitters like Enzo

Janella is out of shape, probably weighs more and Enzo is like 5'7. I saw him in a bar when WWE came to Brooklyn and I towered over him and I'm 5'10 manlet-tier.

Enzo and Cass in AEW would become the ultimate draw for this company.

WWE would absolutely be shooked.

>5'10 manlet-tier
Stop falling for /fit/ memes, average for whities is 5'9

>selling out 10 seats in some homes backyards
Even your mom can have a packed house full of bulbasaurs pounding her holes every night, that doesn’t mean it’s a groundbreaking accomplishment. Call me when they’re drawing full arenas.

Is he natty ?

Sorry pal, E-Drones' opinions don't count

I'm not white, gayboi.

rent free

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Fake shooter and fake tough guy.

>and it's known that he's a Blink 182 fan, which might be the most embarrassing thing out of the story

This hasn't been mentioned enough. These simps are in their 30s and paid money to throw handbags and listen to music made for children.


>covered up his legal troubles from his employer
Not true, look at the timeline of the case. Also look at how little credibility the woman has

"bad boy"
what a fucking geek

Never watching anything with that simp again

How is he has a hot piece of ass like this by his side, I'll never know. The dude is a muffin top skinny fat fuck and a nerd on top of that.

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This guy is so damn cringey. He can be a hell of a promoter but a wrestler he aint. Plus who the fuck tries to "show off" a DM from a Juggalo "stunt man' and tries to pass it off as legit?