Cultural appropriation like this is really problematic.
I wanna go pee pee in her tee pee
Yea Forums in 2019 looks like this??
Was there ever a Native American wrester?
Kevin nash
my cock points to the sky like a totem pole whenever I see Becky ‘sexiest woman in sports entertainment’ Lynch
As an Irish shes not white so its ok
>blue eyes
Let me guess, he wanted a scholarship.
>You cant be blue eyed and native american
>He doesnt understand how biology works
Yeah, you can't, muttolla.
Based high school drop out
what the hell is with boomers trying to claim they're all native american?
I have three relatives in their 50's/60's who go around claiming that shit all the time
what's their endgame?
Nice bait
wtf why is the raw and smackdown sets mixed together
chief jay strongbow was a work
but wahoo mcdaniel (pic related) was a shoot
>Cultural appropriation
this doesnt exist
if it did then we wouldnt exist dummy
Mickie James
Careful, or Russo's gonna hang a leather vest on you and have Randy Orton and Luke Harper fight for it
Not that anyone can tell the difference when you're erect jasethy
Native Americans are basically the same people as Northern Mexicans and Hondurans (the non-Spanish Mexicans). Real Native Americans have brown skin, black hair, black eyes, and are usually short and squat. People like Kevin Nash and Elizabeth Warren are scum. Ever notice how it's always liberals who claim to be Indians? It's because they know they get more points being non-white.
this is 4channel my friend. We don't tolerate racism here
No one on this board is effay enough to know who Jeremy Scott is?
>it’s a /pol/ bro science post about shit you have no clue about
Based retard
My half sister is white as fuck with hazel eyes and her DNA test reveled she has 20% Native American Ancestry. Mutt meme is retarded, mixing paint is not how biology works
>Ever notice how it's always liberals who claim to be Indians? It's because they know they get more points being non-white
good thing actual native americans(tm) are getting sick and goddamn tired of this shit. expect a lot of white people claiming NA ancestry to get motherfuckered publicly going forward now that elizabeth warren's dumbass has opened the floodgates lmao
Actual Native Americans dont exist anymore, white subhumans killed them all
Have you ever seen the conservatives who claim to be indian so they can talk about how it's okay for the Redskins to keep their mascot?
>have mascot that serves as great shitposting material with its cheeky demeanor
>replace it because it offends a group of people that barely exist outside the Pacific northwest
Elizabeth Warren ass rape victim
Every fucking white boomer claims muh Native American ancestry.
I have two neighbors who are dirty chugs.
Doesn't have anything to do with the thread really, but I wanted to fit in.
Mickie James
lel he looks like lawler