Realistically how close are we to reaching WCW 2000 levels?
Realistically how close are we to reaching WCW 2000 levels?
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Honestly we're like 80% there already. That's too fucking close.
Don’t kid yourselves, it’s WCW if it managed to survive past 2002 and only got by on TV deals that are about to slip out of their hands.
>bloated roster
>over saturated tv
>every other week there's a worked shoot promo
>bischoff brought in to save a sinking ship
pretty ding-dong diddly close
We reached past that in like 2010 and its been downhill since. Nexus was practically a failed NWO do-over.
Not there yet, a key element is the acknowledgment that wrestling is scripted and all interruptions are "off the script" also we don't have any of storyline forfeits of the titles and people being given the strap without winning a match.
>acknowledgment that wrestling is scripted
cena literally told Reigns that he's a bad promo
>off the script
That’s been happening regularly for 2 years.
So every CM Phil promo ever? We already had that.
We're already past it the ratings and quality of the show are worse than 2000 WCW. there's just no serious competition to kill WWE.
It is there, they are already "resetting" on an almost weekly basis just like WCW.
WWE will end up slowly killing themselves.
This, the last 3~5 years have been WORSE than WCW during its agony years.
AE = WCW 96-97
RA = WCW 98
2009-2016 = WCW 99
2017-current = WCW 2000
this. late wcw was legit retarded as fuck but you could still sit through it and laugh at the spectacle. wwe is just boring as fuck. what percentage of the shows are the same six man tag match? the same paint by numbers singles match?
This was pretty late WCW esque too.
No in WCW the way they did it was worse, the announce team would say that after or doing a worked shoot promo or a run in ect that "This was real" or "that wasn't on our script" or they call wrestlers by their real names to get over the serious of a moment.
Wrestling regressed after wcw 2000.. It was actually evolving past pro rassalin back then thats why it made pure old school fans so mad
This is already worse
>they call wrestlers by their real names
hasn’t this happened on occasion recently?
also with social media they constantly do that cringey shoot feud shit
WCW 2000 was bad in a fun way, WWE 2019 is just unwatchable dreadful garbage.
Not even close
WCW 2000 was ahead of its time
Why does that gif make my dick hard
They've been WCW 2000 since 2005 outside of a few specific storylines. In 2009/2010 they were absolutely worse than WCW2k. And from 2015 to now it has been worse than WCW2k.
Because you are a heterosexual male.
We have been there. WCW died when it did because it got this bad plus the AOL deal. If Vince didn’t have that deep ass war chest he would be dead already. Plus the blood money.
Nooo, you don't understand. I can't find the segment on YouTube because nobody needs to watch this shit again but there was a world title match that was
>Goldberg gets set up for the jack knife
>just stands up and walks out of the ring
>mark madden says "is this a shoot???"
>cue an unwatchable 5 minuet segment of people using insider terms that nobody understood, outright stating wrestling is a work and goldberg saying he won't put nash over, segment ends going into commercials and comes back to a completely different match already in progress
Nothing the WWE is doing right now is that bad. Its still unwatchable garbage but it could be way worse.
>acknowledgment that wrestling is scripted and all interruptions are "off the script"
That was the focal point of the Ronda/Becky feud.
>people being given the strap without winning a match.
isn't that how Joe got the US title?
Pretty spot on honestly
it's already there. difference is there isn't a big enough company for the people left who watch to defect to
Go watch WCW 2000 and decide for yourself instead of listening to Meltzer. It was good.
Get real, WWE has been far worse than late WCW for several years. WCW2000 was at least fascinating because of how off the rails it was. WWE is unwatchable horse shit for fucking losers.
Yep. Rey just gave him back the title without anybody interfering.
yes but that was way less egregious than the shit in wcw. with that said, wwe has done this before, but it was usually because of russo and bischoff lol. they cant help themselves.
-stone cold gave the ic title to the rock in 97 because he was chasing the world title. (russo)
-hbk intentionally lost the european title to triple h in 97, because he had the world title. this was TWO weeks after austin handed over the ic title lol. (russo)
-bischoff awarded the WHC to triple h to try to get heat or something (but he actually got a pop lol). this was the INTRODUCTION of the belt -- an inaugural title match could have been dimes. (bischoff)
also shane gave the retired european title to mideon, which reactivated it. then jeff jarrett gave it to mark henry. both of those were russo too.
Money in the Bank felt like a late WCW PPV
Quite close judging by ratings and their current "Superstar" roster. Also Vince is losing it.. HHH and Shane might be able to save it, but they wont be able to to CO-OP so just NO..
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Sorry, I literally posted the wrong picture
It's been several times now. WWE is past the final WCW days. The numbers prove it.