Cruiserweights BTFO

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Imagine being so fucking dense you'd assault someone in that situation.

Kinda sad that people are still making fun of his height in the replies. Hes a dickhead sure but that negativity is what made him and others like him so miserable to begin with.

>someone actually attacked the raging midget

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sup manlets, how's the dating sites going?

What an angry man, I hope he gets help. Ronnie Corbett was an absolute ugly midge but he still managed to get a nice wife, no excuse.

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who cut the better promo?

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look at this lil' dood

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Obviously he’s a seething manlet and totally bonkers but I kind of feel bad for him. How am I supposed to have 0 sympathy for a guy who’s the laughing stock of the entire store

>picking up a fight with a literal midget that is probably over 30 years older than you

Corbett was a chad though. He was in the RAF before meeting his wife


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this manlet was actually based and had valid points

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Is there a photo of them where his wife actually touches him?

Damn will they stop picking on Joey Janetty already?

that oompa loompa bump tho

The manlet was sad and painful to listen to, but the aggressor was just pathetic. What's there to be gained by jumping on the manlet?

He's unironically right but he's also a manlet so I simply can't allow his transgressions against height to slide

you didnt see the wedding video?

Both are hot

he had obviously gone way too long without an ass beating
too many people allow this sort of behavior to carry on out of pity
he's a weak and inferior specimen and he needs to learn his place

>that accent
>just wouldn't shut the fuck up at all
>offered to fight
>got taken down and pinned so easily

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>offered to fight
Janela wasn't ready!

Short man syndrome only seems to effect wh*te dudes

That guy goes on Yea Forums.

Yea Forums goes to a bakery

Im the kind of fucker that would have taken advantage of the situation and picked up the bigger guy and slammed him though one of the tables. As much of a dick as the little guy was I dont like seeing someone attack another person so much smaller than them


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Calm down lanklet

People who act like knobheads should get smacked, regardless of height or gender. If you want to start on a bunch of strangers in line you should expect some sort of retaliation.

Sure thing Napoleon.

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sure you would, big guy
don't let those dating sites get you down
I'm sure you'll find the one any day now
just stay out of the tall grass so she can see you

he absolutely buried that no-talent geek

No you wouldn't user

lanky boy, why you so mad? outing yaself as an insecure lad with low-esteem here

talk about having a short temper

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Sad, clearly the guy has underlying issues, that much is obvious. The guy attacking him is more of a mental midget though. I'm sure if it was a guy of bigger size and an actual threat the "attacker" wouldn't do anything. Its the difference between warriors and mere men.

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How retarded are you?


So this is the Enzo Amore vs Joey Jannetty fight clip? I didn't realize Joey was so short

If manlets act like retards and ask for a fight, let them have the fight.
t. Manlet

Kek'ing at the napoleon complex but the guy attacking him was just sad

The guy attacking him was a manlet himself, he could have been any more than 5'8.

follow up

That guy is like 4'10, thats not a manlet thats a literal dwarf. How do you feel tough attacking someone like that

honestly should have been smothered in his crib.

his limbs are all proportionate, he's the walking definition of a manlet

Based big morals user

Based Frog of Reason

i bet the guy posts on Yea Forums

You seldom get the chance.

judging by the manlet cope in this thread, I'd say he's here now

Tackling this bowling pin sized runt was showing him more respect than he actually deserved. Big Man could have carried him out by a wedgie if he wanted to.

I am 5'2.7" and really relate to how this guy feels.
The smirks are the worst part, especially from teens.

100% correct

Dwarfs are usually proportionate, you're thinking of a midget

The frog speaks true. Dude looking for female attention so he beats up some midget if the dude causing chaos in line had been 6' 5 and built like a tank that same dude would have been quiet as a mouse.

wrong, dwarfs have a normal sized torso and head with stunted limbs. midgets are completely proportional.

>pls follow senpai
Dumb counts like this deserve to be beat not the guy in the video.
Twitter cunts would defend assault in the name of womyn and minorities

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Lawsuit hopefully

He went off on a roastie before the video started. There’s a vid of the aftermath and I’m pretty sure she was being a cunt since a lady intervenes, finally gets the guy to walk away, and some bitch starts laughing and it sets the manlet off again.

kys ya dwarf

take your incel rage back to /r9k/

>"""Big Man"""
That angry one had the proportions of a dwarf so I'm pretty sure the one who jumped on him was a 5'6 manlet unleashing his fury.

Take your whore worshipping back to your closet, faggot

>everyone in the replies saying its his attitude not his height for why he can't get a gf
BS.....A chad tall nigga can act like a POS and get mad pussy, which is fine but don't feed lies that if this turbo manlet was a sweetheart he'd get laid.


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>tfw this will fuel more height discrimination

I can't wait for the manlet uprising. You lanklets have a blood debt to pay.

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Exactly, its just another social mechanism to keep certain groups in their "place". Just as if a black guy flips out hes a "thug nigger" while a white guy does the same he's a "bad ass"

Wtf is that Joe Rogan


>You're not god or my father
holy shit kek

Can you imagine how BASED the Yea Forums thread on this would have been? FUCK THE JANNIES

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what you gonna do, little guy?

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>not leveraging your manletism

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When you have a CCW, ya don't need to be over 5'4"

Why didn't he use his superior agility and go for a spinning headscissors right there?

>You're not God, or my father, or my boss!
Actually, being 5'9, I am all three right now.

I always wondered what happened to Armake21

>being 5'9
And thats exactly why he chimped out, got to get his shit in so he's seen as the king of manlets