Oh no, oh dear, it just gets worse and worse for little Davey B(autist)a...
Oh no, oh dear, it just gets worse and worse for little Davey B(autist)a
>serious character after
>you saw blade runner right?
>what do you mean you arrived late and missed the first 10 mins
This is one of those movies where all the "good" stuff shown in the trailer
>listening to (((critics)))
No comedy is going to get a good score on rotten tomatoes unless its made by blacks/women/disney
you're using the cope maymay wrong
He should honestly post his ionlydogoodmovies tweet and simply reply with
>this tweet aged well
Or something to that effect
The only way Dave recovers is by laughing at himself and moving on.
Dave wins again
Yeah, the movie is probably worse than what (((they))) are saying.
bumping non /woooo/ threads
When will Jim Carrey and Mike Myers get another run in the comedy division?
Guarantee there are dozens of shitty rotten movies that you think are LIKE SO EPIC DUH CRITICS JUST GOT IT WRONG >>>>:(((
shut the fuck up loser
That movie looks pretty funny but I'm not going to see it because the indian guy is a leftist faggot
politicuck cringe
That's all movies except monster and mystery flicks.
Got a lot in common with Batista then.
>another victim of the trump curse
It's literally a disney film staring an indian and half greek half filipino guy.
Though Basedtista is making the china bucks so no worries for him.
Do you realise , for negative ratings, the higher the number the worse it is?
I hope you're not really this dumb bro