/Oedo/ Tai and TCS General

Last thread reached the bump limit . There are two new rookies that just passed the pro test, Saya Kamitani (tall) and Manane Hoshino (smol). Also, Stardom has two Shinkiba shows this weekend.
>The Ruaka vs Hina
>Bobbi vs Emperor Leo vs Kyona
>Hazuki vs Arisa vs Konami
>DEATH, Zoe, and Hana vs Momo, Utami, and our girl Azumi
>Iida, Kitto, Tamu, Saki, and Mayu vs Kagetsu, Miyagi, Natsu, Natsuko, and Jamie
>The Ruaka and Bobbi vs Emperor Leo and Hina
>Iida vs Zoe
>Saki and Tamu vs Natsu and Natsuko
>Mayu, Kitto, and Arisa vs Mono, Azumi and Utami
>DEATH, Hana, Konami, and Kyona vs Jamie, Miyagi, Hazuki, and Kagetsu

Attached: Kyona and the rookies.jpg (1080x810, 274K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=how to book tickets in Lawson Japan

>still no N return
where else do I hear loud angry judo takedowns

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my angel

Attached: Doq44IjVAAAL1U5.jpg orig.jpg (1500x2000, 436K)

anyone have a link for the eve shows our girls were on?

post Hana's photobook

It's being scanned right now according to twitter.com/SSgt_USAF/status/1148991767653564416

Attached: D_CFmTJU8AAy5jX.jpg (800x1200, 160K)

I'm glad members of Oedo Tai don't look like fish

watchwrestling or dl them on xwt

Besides the one who looks more like a fish than anyone

a big upper lip and fleshy cheeks...

giant, soulless, empty eyes
half open mouth
complete lack of chin

An Cham is just fucking weird

Attached: DjqQrp0V4AEE1mS.jpg orig.jpg (1152x2048, 240K)

My order is awaiting processing.

Good. I paid on the first day and it still hasn't shipped. Someone might as well share it with everyone.

Don't bully Anchamu, she didn't choose to look like an alien

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Attached: anchamu.webm (720x960, 1.99M)

Kagetsu must be intimating as fuck to little joshi trainees.

Attached: shake my hand kid.jpg (2048x1212, 231K)

>does an Oedo Coaster off the Tokyo Tower onto your ribs when you refuse "training" at 5AM

put the strapon her

Attached: kagetsu camo.jpg (1536x2048, 409K)

ayy lmao

Guess I have to try fire pro wrestling.

For what it's worth the New Japan DLC had a bunch of freelancers so Sumire might make it in

Now you're giving me hopes of doing lewd bronco busters to everything and everyone.

Attached: DprgP6fU8AEVrxZ.jpg orig.jpg (2641x2641, 1.41M)

Only three of the seven Stardom Idols who became trainees remain.
Two of them passed the pro-test.
These are the cream of the crop.

Attached: o1080060714496442291.jpg (800x450, 93K)

So there's only one left still trying out? Which one? Was it that hot one, Shinshin?

Who is that small kid? He's been in other pictures recently too.

Attached: D_HwAUBUYAAAeRl.jpg orig.jpg (2923x4096, 1.71M)

ShinShin wasn't one of the original 7 trainees. Her and the massive old one should still be training.

When do we get turnbuckle VR cam so I can see this shit all around my face

Attached: bronco buster to azumi 8.jpg (2747x4096, 1.37M)

she's hot and creepy at the same time it's so weird

That face looks like a CGI creation.

I don't know who is left, but KORAKUEN-C SEAT said there are only three of the Stardom Idols turned trainees left (two of which passed pro-test), and I consider him a credible source.
Also Kyona is a few followers away from 10k.

Attached: D-3AeF2VUAAg3ll.jpg (1200x800, 137K)

needs more /kon/

Attached: triangle.jpg (1000x1250, 122K)

These digits are my chances of escaping the Triangle Lancer

How many times has poor AZM had Sumire's crotch on her face?

it's a blessing

based no wonder agua was seething about this guy the other day lmao

Attached: hi anon.jpg (2078x1600, 349K)

her son

That's news to me.

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it's old news really, keep up

Imagine if that was a jav dvd

why can't she do porn

She has a hoarse voice and a lisp, kinda unique combo we need to hear from her face buried in a pillow.

too pure, sadly

next year we will get Haruna vs Luchasaurus on Wednesday Night Dynamite

woops wrong thread

Attached: 1555382627363.jpg (1200x800, 96K)

nice pit

More than I have any chance of getting, sadly.

this, I'd do some messed up shit to get that opportunity

Because she's a bit more modest than what's projected in her professional life.

Attached: sumire comfy sweater.jpg (3276x2457, 2.54M)

that looks very warm and cozy

Attached: hanagallery.jpg (750x500, 136K)

GOAT bijutsukan

I wish I was there to help her out!


my wife is enjoying her vacation paid for by her gay friends

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I listened to one of the Instagram videos.
Seems like she has pals in hawaii so at least it isn't rich Arabs.

Hawaii has thermostats in Celsius?

Attached: when she notices you.webm (1920x1080, 1.88M)

Attached: god I wish that were me.webm (1920x1080, 2.29M)

12 years from now he's a junior officer in the KTF

Jamie has landed. She says she's going to be here for 6 months or so too.

Attached: orig[1].jpg (1536x2048, 378K)

Would you wear Natsu's new shirt?

Attached: orig[1].jpg (2048x1958, 320K)

Attached: orig[1].jpg (2048x1760, 113K)

It's cool but no.
The back is hilarious though

I was boycotting her but I guess I'll cancel that if it's half a year.

Attached: D4ExSy-UIAEEU2b.jpg orig.jpg (851x719, 79K)

I was about to ask the same question. I would happily wear it to wrestling shows and at private get-togethers with trusted friends.

She mentioned on twitter you should not wear it overseas. Probably because people can understand what the back means kek.
Why were you boycotting her and why would you cancel that if it's half a year?

rossy why. there are 30 people now we dont need white women anymore

NXT tryout
I thought I'd never see seal again

I don't like gaijin shitters but I want to cum inside Jamie so that's okay

Don't let the name fool you. NXT UK is just another indie, user. Toni, Xia, Viper all do shows there as well.
Toni and Xia left, if that helps. I thought Jamie was one of the few gaijin people approved of, anyway.

what's the percentage again?

Attached: tajiri and kon.jpg (3126x3126, 1.17M)

For real though, imagine Natsu saying this to you. Wat do?

Not a footchad but I'd have to try

Kneel down and lick her feet.

Attached: 1559675419395.jpg (1200x900, 240K)

much as I like Natsu I'm not into feet or femdom
I have to respectfully decline


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I want to touch Konami's keloid scars

I'm not a feetweirdo but I'd lick something else if ya catch my drift.

No, explain.

if ya know wat i mean

Those are impure acts

Attached: hazuki concern.jpg (6425x6150, 2.16M)

the only resurer i would kiss

Attached: D9p9VHVUwAEt2Ht.jpg orig.jpg (1538x2048, 548K)

Oh, I know what you mean now. You should have just said that in your original post.

wtf is a "hakyu"? Is that like hyaku but retarded?

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Yeah I always forget how to say it.

God I wish that was me.
I would pay her for this.
Anyway. I would pay a lot for a night with Hana. Cause Hazuki is lesbian and even if I am very jealous of PM, I would not be able to justify to myself paying money to some lesbian to fuck me. That would be much more like... rape.
But paying Hana, so she would be ok with fucking random stranger? I would be more than fine with this.

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reminds me i need to get the dlc for my pc version. I unironically own the PS4 version, too

You have to be a mid 40s Luchador with good muscles and a trimmed beard, if you want the compatibility meter at max.

Otherwise she probably won't text back afterwards.

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did they?

Roshi did it with all the girls

Fuck's sake, she's so hot.

Not with Kyona. She drunk him under the table on the night she was meant to sleep with him and he's never been able to recover senpai status in their relationship ever since.

how would one go about getting Stardom tickets (on short notice)?

You can do it online. Or in Lawson. Or ask Bea. Hana also has email adress for you to buy tickets off of her. If you can, find a wrestler you want to support and buy tickets off of them. They will get a cut.

twitter dm rossy-san or any of the girls, that's literally a way of reserving tickets they advertise

i think you have to give them info like name/address/date of birth or something like that

if its a Korakuen show you can buy tickets at the booth outside on the day of

how do I do it at Lawsons? I have one right by my place.
I know of that way but the shows are this weekend so idk if it's too late
it's Shinkiba

>how do I do it at Lawsons? I have one right by my place.
google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=how to book tickets in Lawson Japan
But write Hana or Natsuko

Not a foot guy, but if it's something I have to do to access her magic box I'm going to do it.

Hana probably makes enough, I'll message Natsuko

the fag came through with the Hana scans, god bless him

aguetty finally gets to see the pics he's been lying about for weeks now

can you buy tickets the day of at shinkiba?

based Zoe twitter.com/jmehytr/status/1149303268541026305

I lost respect for Jamie, I know that band and it sucks

bitches be shopping

Yeah it's terrible music, makes Hana's taste look good in comparison lol

I don't slight them for it, training for combat sports and traveling all day leaves very little time for exploring more than what you know. I sit on my ass so I have opportunity to curate and find new things.

based supporting /ourpig/

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you guys know if there's any gems on here i should check out?

Weird. You can pay $2.50 for a single match?
DASH vs Kyoko (last page) is available on the SamuraiTV version of the finals, but compressed to hell and your sample doesn't have commentary over top - maybe it's from a DVD.

Attached: hazuki birthday 9.jpg (750x1334, 161K)

Meiko Satomura vs Kairi Hojo. Io Shirai vs Yoshiko. Mayu/Io vs Kairi/Nanae. I didn't watch the 2015 GP but I assume Io vs Mayu, Io vs Kaori Yoneyama and Mayu vs Kaori Yoneyama are great.

both 2015 Meiko vs. Kairi matches I recall are amazing. June 14 and July 26

Attached: shiki vs kagetsu with yurie.webm (900x678, 2.4M)

found what I actually wanted to post

Attached: 2015.07.26 - STARDOM - Kairi Hojo vs. Meiko Satomura.webm (704x400, 2.82M)

Yeah they are awesome. The fortune dream match is not as good but it's still a good match.

What did she mean by this?

Attached: Meiko.webm (352x264, 2.04M)

i still haven't watched the full documentary, just bits and pieces. Hard to criticize it now, as it is an example of the times as far as joshi goes. Back then there was more fame, more competition, more money, and they weeded out all but those who could tolerate shit like this.

If I remember correctly the girls also tried to protect kayfabe and pretended the matches were shoots, so if you wanted to win you had to train hard. But I watched it like 10 years ago so I'm not 100% sure on that.

I haven't watched it in ages either but I don't remember them being overly kayfabe. They were just fucking savage and expected everyone to be able to take it.

You still see this with people like Nanae, who are from the lineage where hitting hard and working hurt is as regular as getting streamers.

Her lack of eye bags is disturbing.

I know, it's like an imposter

I made this edit when she got drafted and it's still spooky

Attached: nao no puffs.jpg (778x782, 300K)

is twitter down?

Did she lose them due to weight loss or a procedure? She had them when she debuted and was relatively svelte.

She hasn't lost much weight if any. I think the last time she was a bit less than this, was during her Stardom training.

hey fuck you buddy

I'm only going with what she calls herself... all the time.

you better watch yourself

Attached: IMG_20190712_051201.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

Can someone plz post a link to the Hana bikini set?

Oh plz post some Hana feet and pits as well

>SSG got all the thirsty pajeets to come here

Attached: sad pup.jpg (349x370, 59K)

plz Hana bby I am Mumbai you come here? I can be lover.

Trust me, even Nao calls her piggy

Attached: natsuko bullied 2.jpg (1067x735, 66K)

whats ssg?

I hope Kevin Wilson splashed his hot watery nut between the exterior pages before he sold off his copy of "FLOWER" to SSG for 60 + shipping.
Would serve you right for buying from a third party vendor, false fan.
My "FLOWER" is pure and untainted like a flower ought to be.
Your "FLOWER" is soiled.

Attached: DFgo9jSUQAAxN0q.jpg (1200x794, 128K)

>This feet licking thing is kinda boring, user. Let's try putting your head between my thighs and I just squeeze as hard as I can until you lose consciousness or start bleeding out of your mouth

Attached: 4edg.jpg (208x200, 8K)

If she does it barefoot, count me in.

Kyona on the booze again.

I love them
that doesn't mean you get to

It was inevitable that my aiding the Hanabros here would also bring the poos and similar lesser-thans.

yea but she follows me on twitter so we're literally best friends
true, she can't help being the biggest draw in wrestling

Attached: nao 923.jpg (209x219, 18K)

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Attached: nM5IVJy.jpg (1920x1080, 696K)

They'll be right at home with the sex pats and morlocks of /oedo/.

Attached: hazuki cheeks 29.jpg (1536x2048, 440K)

Cope harder. I have a pure and untainted "FLOWER" from the official store. I've no need for a soiled "FLOWER" from a third party vendor who probably splashed his hot watery nut between the interior pages before he sold it off for 60 + shipping.

Attached: Zjf4auzk.jpg (1513x1075, 190K)

>I absolutely did not special order Sonny's swass on my expedited copy in exchange for a glowing review of his subtitles on my blog
You write like a girl too, faggot

Attached: reminder.jpg (700x498, 91K)

what he said

Attached: Hyaku pacento.jpg (2048x1364, 211K)

Why is Momo being so lewd?


damn that fat nigga ugly
his gimmick is that he's a Japanese teenage girl when in reality he's just a sad pedophile

Get rekt spic

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Attached: secret handshake.webm (1920x1080, 2.49M)

Attached: hair blow.webm (1920x1080, 1.95M)

I wish I had a secret handshake with Konami

Kyona so cute

>Booze again
No need to ask the question when it's a daily constant for her.

That shirt seems to be struggling with her bosoms.

Attached: 60724648_441539396413759_8712774544314434149_n.jpg (1080x905, 147K)

soon, they will be united under the oedo banner

Attached: azumi-and-her-bff-kagetsu.jpg (2048x1402, 455K)

Attached: D0K_aNcUUAAaNFA.jpg (800x1200, 122K)

it's konami's birthday celebration and its kyona put 2 and 2 together

Attached: D8fB1TsX4AArVPS.png (378x468, 179K)

Recent bouts added to the matchguide + ratings.
Kagetsu vs. Hazuki (Stardom, 1/27) 8.20
Momo Watanabe vs. Jamie Hayter (Stardom, 2/2) 7.40
Kagetsu vs. Bea Priestley (Stardom, 5/4) 7.73
Arisa Hoshiki vs. Tam Nakano (Stardom, 6/16) 9.03

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all 8 of them

image too smol
i upgrade

Attached: kon eating apple pie.jpg (1536x2048, 235K)

Attached: ee4.jpg (1450x2160, 829K)

i don't care what anyone else says, momo-chan is cute

Will you support Oedo Tai's Brandi in her AEW in-ring debut this Saturday?

Attached: 31229342_211571982768878_5223475440835887104_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.38M)

Nope. Also, Brandi isn't Oedo Tai, only somebody who doesn't keep up with stardom (perhaps joshi in general) would make the mistake you just made.

not /oedo/ even if you think that's Sumire Natsu

based, what kind of takoyaki is that?

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I won't watch the match so I don't care who wins. I wonder what Rossy's reaction will be when the red belt champ gets pinned by Britt fucking Baker tho.

i love Sumire!

Attached: sumire hips.jpg (1888x1888, 693K)

Oh, thank you for your frivolous response.

You must be new here. Brandi was recruited into Oedo Tai by Kagetsu and Hana during the Cinderella ~ Golden Week season last year.

Swing and a miss.

Mono looking good there

I want to leave this world as the meat in a Hana & Rebel Kel sandwich.

fucking lol

Attached: hana konami kiss.jpg (1080x1080, 153K)

Based Utami sneaking a peek


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thank you user

sure thing

you guys will love TCS Daichi

Attached: hazuki pit 972.jpg (2048x1536, 244K)

>Io Shirai vs Yoshiko
which one, or both?

I want Hazuki to slap me across the face as hard as she can.

with her breasts

I want her to bash her breasts against my jaw to see if she can break it.

I want to suck her titties as much as I can

hyaku pasento

Attached: hazuki reading oedo general.jpg (663x660, 106K)

The 2013 one. The 2014 one is good and different from the other one but in my opinion it's not great like the 2013 red belt match.

More like Jungle Boner

She's laughing at us as she reads because we don't have the equipment she's looking for.

You think she ever cupped Nao as a prank? I mean, they are in photos doing headpats and that's a highly sexual gesture.

Attached: dash headpat.jpg (1365x2048, 347K)

>ole Riho hoverhands

Attached: 1557924769406.jpg (1800x1013, 123K)

Who or what is oedo tai and tcs?

yes jungle gives me jungle fever

>Riho didn't wanna hug a shoot lesbian
Not a good look tbqhwyf

More like she didn't want to hug a jobber

Oedo Tai is Natsuko and TCS is Kyona. They are the main protagonists of Stardom.


Why did Kagetsu no sell it?

Attached: ns.webm (1920x1080, 2.88M)

1. Fighting spirit, please understand
2. Tam didn't let her get a fingerbang in before the show

Kyona has new theme music? With that, her new jacket and gun, can you even still call her Jungle?

Probably not, but I'll do it to keep the spirit alive. It's always latent in Tamu for when she needs to remember

Attached: jungle tamu.jpg (2048x1364, 235K)

i call her my goddess i don't know about you though

Attached: Screenshot_31.png (397x261, 243K)

jungle warfare kyona. she's missing a huge opportunity not adding a che guevara beret and cigar to her ensemble

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so cute

Attached: panda yurie.jpg (1302x2048, 207K)

Attached: Maygetsu.webm (640x360, 2.62M)

>that crazy neck bump tamu does off the knee strike

god damn she's so good

Ukemi. Haven't you recognized that Kagetsu uses judo techniques?

Attached: nao butts.webm (420x410, 889K)

Jungle Tamu is one of the cutest things ever created.

Why is she so smug?


Attached: fan.png (1196x1152, 1.42M)

How fat has Kris gotten?

Attached: 05.Arisa.Hoshiki,Mayu.Iwatani.&.Saki.Kashima.vs.Hazuki,Kagetsu.&.Natsu.Sumire.webm (1920x1080, 2.17M)

Attached: literally rubbing the belt in her face.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

Attached: happy sumire.webm (1920x1080, 1.9M)

Attached: orig[1].jpg (2000x1333, 418K)

lmfao this is great

god I wish I was p-chad

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>Jamie showing more leg
fucking sign me up

I see Rossy is extracting the blood of the youngins again.

Is this what I think it is

What event is this from?

Attached: 6-95q7cif6vDNybZ2Lcq0Wg_dr9JYA2fDxveJCIM9ds[1].jpg (1616x1080, 176K)

top kek

I'm loving dark Saki

It's been done before, but Jaime is really making me diamonds. Just quicker with this new look.

All the great photographers were at last night's show. I'll probably dump an archive later today (when it's daytime in Japan again).

her legendary 10/28 promo
it's hilarious watching Oedo try to not laugh

Attached: Dqx6-O0V4AAfRKC.jpg orig.jpg (1616x1080, 253K)

Drop the @'s to follow

you're a great person, I'm gonna try to get tickets at the gate tomorrow and hopefully it'll work out and I'll be able to take some shitty pics there

/oedo/chads in the house tonight!

Attached: D_NaezcWwAAS6nx.jpg orig.jpg (1536x2048, 289K)

the ones that posted material already are:
resuner's probably putting stuff up eventually, but he's inconsistent

here is my somewhat updated list of accounts if you want that

Attached: sumire smokes phantom cigarette after datura stramonium poisoning.jpg (799x1200, 144K)

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how do I get her to call me pervert scum?

Thats a great shirt

damn agua looks like THAT!?

I forget the details but it's some creepy jewish Asuka fan that she sadly had to take some chekis with years ago

I saw him at the NYC show when I went so it's def not agua

update: it's raining so fuck that shit I'll go to another show

Attached: hits from the bong.jpg (1080x804, 311K)

based Kimura supporting the industry rain or shine

Attached: Dt6ZzW4VYAArMS3.jpg orig.jpg (1536x2048, 259K)

sos that sloppy bitch with the smashed iphone

Damn imagine spending the night with those 3

All I need is Kyona, the others can guard the door for all I care.

Attached: D5Aawb0U4AERAIt.jpg orig.jpg (1616x1080, 179K)

based and junglepilled

>Iwatani: If you look at, say, Oedo Tai, they form a tight unit and they seem to get along really well. They seem to get along well in private as well. Well, TCS is more loose, but they too seem to get along in private. In STARS, we hardly ever meet up in private.

Based Mayu putting over /oedo/

Yup. I mean, they're the only faction that has their own table gang series which is now 8 short episodes of [laughs in Japanese]

I don't slight Mayu for not wanting to hang out but I'd at least expect something in common between people like Arisa and Saki.

Utami and Mayu both go home and sit in a dark room alone

I will help Nao lose weight to get this body back

Attached: nao cutout.jpg (480x640, 65K)


Attached: odeo tai.jpg (1620x1080, 225K)

I thought Mayu was pretty close to Arisa,Tam and Saki not as close as the oedo girls and Hana/Konami/Kyona I guess.

Attached: hana blued.jpg (1616x1080, 170K)

Based Mayu burying QQ even further by not mentioning them at all.

she's always on our side

Attached: mayu shitting on sonny.jpg (581x804, 65K)


wtf is this?

Roshi is really milking the marks. 2 Hana photobooks in nearly a month.

Will SGT scan this one as well?

Will we finally be able to see yurie’s bare stomach and breasts?

last year's /oedo/ gift was Lust Virgin, not sure this is a good idea because I don't own a scanner lol

it came out to $48 CAD but that's okay because I got a tax return last week.

Attached: gjfgj.png (483x315, 49K)

It’s CRAZY, Hana Kimura’s 2nd photobook! Full color, with great pictures in ring gear, casual wear and more! Yes Sir!

Yeah but considering they both have crippling social anxiety, I think they prefer it that way.

what is a reddit

Attached: stupid fucking face.jpg (494x560, 99K)

So this is what qq fans look like.

Seems like a cool guy, I'm glad he got to meet Momo!


Attached: average mono fan.jpg (1536x2048, 356K)

This is the guy posting Momo in every thread

What a cute couple

most definitely, here's the next Hana photobook btw stardom-world.ecwid.com/#!/Hana-Kimura-CRAZY-Photobook/p/143938568/category=18626864

another way to milk the salary men

delete this

god i wish Hana would milk me, a salaryman

there's definitely going to be clear pit shots!

Attached: 1546037700809.webm (720x970, 189K)

>making fun of fans that actually attend shows
fuck off agua

Doesn't agua like momo? maybe he's jealous?

I dunno who else would just come in here to talk about reddit/twitter while we had the IMPORTANT discussion topic of a new photobook, Nao breasts, and Mayu being cool

funnily enough, I was gonna joke that it was agua in the pic but I know he'd never go to a show


Attached: nice.jpg (555x555, 52K)

new thread