Admit it. She carried Becky

Admit it. She carried Becky

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i really hate this cunt

No one carried anyone because they were busy tripping over each other

Rhonda was the new Stone Clold this whole time and we didn't even realize it.

She carried nearly the entire fucking women's division.
Even the fucking Bellas did what they were told.

Up until WM, women were seen as equal to the men.
Then WM hit, Charlotte and Becky did not like that Rondetty got all the attention and just botched constantly.

No Rondetty now means WWE is tanking

She was the only divur who had effective looking moves, who cares if she couldn't talk.

Honda was literally the only thing keeping me watching

Ronda is great on the mic u simp ass e drone cuck

Well, Charlotte carried that "feud"

She carried the medias' attention and pretty much sold the arena for them. But she couldn't work a mic if her life depended on it

She was by far the least worst.

As if Becketty No Dimes or Charles talk any bettter

She didn't carry anyone, she was cringe incarnate. Becky was and always has been shit. Same with Charlotte.

She carried the women's division since they probably wouldn't have had the Evolution PPV without her.

Charlotte did

"Hi, I'm Charlotte. I'm on Smackdown! Cheer me!"
I don't wanna be known only as Flair's daughter. Cheer me!

Only got over as the daughter of one of the greatest wrestlrs and copying his gimmick. Woo!

Nah. Heyman carried them both by writing their angles. Ronda, on her own, turned out to be a shitter

Wow, people actually believe that useless hack had anything to do with the success.
She said she practiced one promo with him.
Meltzer then stated "she's been working with him all along".
Stop listenign to Meltzer, he's never right about her.

except when he was right about her vs Nikki + being in a' winner take all' threeway + her originally facing Nattie + her taking time off after mania + first to report her hand was broken

Her promo against the bellas she did on her own and it was probably her best

Becky has either been carried by Ronda or Charlotte. She is exposed without them.

Let's recall the facts: she teamed with Nikki.
The winnter take all was well known months before he "reported it" - several actual journalists reported that there was an attempt at making one women's title and the tag titles.
Her originally facing Nattie? No. What happened is he said it was the plan, after Nattie said she wasn't sure what the plan was after her dad died, she could have faced Ronda but it wasn't decided.
>taking time off after Mania

Dave "Reporter" Melzter's guesswork about Ronda and pregnancy.
>She's in the rumble at 1 and winning
>n-no she's um, she's number 30
>she um, she's actually um, the R-rock last year
>Kurt? No, just a storyline, the real match is her and Rock so they can finish the storyline
>She's um, she's leaving after the um... the uh, the WM match
>s-she's leaving at Summerslam
>Title? Um yeah she's uh, she's d-dropping it at Summerslam to close the uh, the feud with um, Steph
>n-no the original plans were she'd um, she'd leave to um, have a baby but um p-plans change each um, every PPV
>Dear Dave, stop talking about my vagina, thanks, Rondetty
>So um, the p-plan was um, the um, it was definitely going to be um B-brie and her but um the um
>Survivor Series
So um, what's now happening is that it will be the uh, the start of the build up for WM w-when she loses and g-goes on to get help from the MMA horsewomen
>Royal Rumble
>B-becky isn't in it, she's winnig her match and it'll be um the t-titles for t-the... um the both titles?

Then Charlotte entered the fray
>C-charlotte is um, she'll um win and then um finally Ronda is um, she'll baby make

Ronda FINALLY fucks off to have a baby
Ronda confirmed earlier that year it was a 3 year contract about two weeks after she made her first appearance on an interview with Ellen

So, why do we believe Dave?

Yo this nigga boilin look how much he wrote kek.

Jesus, nice blogpost. Get a life, ya ding-dong diddly geek.

Get a job, Vinnie

Nah she became pretty good on the mic when she started shooting on the fake "the man" and Charlotte.

>sold the arena
there was no increase in an attendance with her.

there was an increase of blood to my penis with her

mine too

Looking at the ratings and attendance collapse now it is very obvious Ronda was carrying it.

Who? Oh you mean him.

Can you disprove that?

Dave reported literally none of that, and speculated on only a handful of those. Stop getting worked

This is going to really trigger the meltzerdrones.