What's their ceiling?
What's their ceiling?
Other urls found in this thread:
pre show main eventers
Dancing gimmick
Why that one nigga looks like Bert Kreischer
They're way too good for that, one look and Vince will want to push them
NXT tag champs.
Did the Ascension and the Viking Experience have a baby, and this is the result?
>Bert Kreischer
I was thinking this guy
That pasty guy should be more worried about the floor, to be honest.
I know the fat one is that guy who's always posting pics with his gf but I legit don't know who the fuck the other dude is
I dunno. How high is the ceiling in a bingo hall?
Guy with the shitty drawing on his chest has a fuckin great physique. Needs to clean up his look from the gimmicky pigeonholing tag team shit and ditch the fatboy and he could be dimes.
Fat boy's lovehandles extend on par with his shoulders KEK what a tubby bitch
>know the fat one is that guy who's always posting pics with his gf
you may be confused
What's with the 3/4 pants? Looks stupid.
>Every man in the crowd looks like they want to die
>All the women are all smiles imagining getting inseminated by these specimen
Trying to copy Chono
>the Ascension
Fug I completely forgot about them...
The Marauder Experience
You know that these dudes are gay, right?
Only 1 is
Parrow has always come off a little tryhard to me from what I've seen. Don't think I'm familiar with the other dude.
odinson is the good one
literally said the same thing
This is literally the EXACT thing I was thinking.
>pushing a tag team
user i...
Parrow sucks literally and figuratively. Odinson is the michaels.
Well considering the one guy has a White.Eupremacist tattoo on his chest...