A mixed tag elimination match

>a mixed tag elimination match
>when men can't fight women
is vince literally retarded?

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its wwe rules
if a woman gets tagged in the woman on the other team must go in even if she isnt tagged

now ask yourself how that works once one of them is eliminated

ey motherfucker dont attack me
im a retard
blame vince

Attached: based corbs.webm (782x440, 2.95M)

>0 fucking reaction
based corbin burying the fuck out of the diva division


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Her attacking Corbin was adorable

holy ding-dong diddly based

>no-sells the irish shitter

holy fuck baron corbin is the best wrestler in the world now

at least vince has the excuse that the kid friendly sponsors would pull out
kahn just doesn't like intergender wrestling


The best wrestler in the world now would beat the shit out of her.

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He can’t fap to it.

>old fake tough guy Suzwhoki
>best wrestler in the world
lmao not even the best in his stable

>beat the clock challenge
What if Bayley and Cross were beaten? Then what? Telling your audience that you're putting cans in your roster is fucking retarded

you do know that's because Corbin is tapping out like a bitch to Becky right?
They literally hint at it when Mike tapped out to Becky.

Based Corbin

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>totally no sells a woman on television
never liked corbin but this is the most based move ive seen on the main roster in a long time

>kahn just doesn't like intergender wrestling

is that right

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nyla beating up 80 pound joshis is based tho

riho going over in that match was stupid

(don't worry they're gonna put the woman's belt on hikaru shida first)

You know that you will cry like a little bitch when your tall strong man will tap out like a coward to Lynch's submission?
The potato will make you sob and cry in a corner when she will force Baron to tap. Poor little incel, evil woman will make you feel terrible

>can't fap to the moans and sobbing of a man viciously beating a woman

Mental illness

Good one, reddit.

I love how Becky took the shoot punch and then oversold it as a worked punch with a dive and then immediately actually checked if she was okay, absolutely masterful

Becky eliminates Lacey.
Wants to fight Corbin.
Corbin demands she gets Seth
Seth arrives, gets lowblowed by Lacey
Corbin pins him

Corbin wants to leave, Becky low blows him, Seth curbstomps him, Becky applies armbar


It's gonna fucking happen.
Ronda's match with Steph/HHH was testing grounds. But what WWE is not realizing is that Ronda legitimately could pose some sort of a threat against some male wrestlers. Becky on the other hand is about 50lbs lighter than Rondetty

Well, reddit would be your post, not the other user's

are you okay?
does baby need a bib?

I bet this got Corbin over with Vince.

>defends tranny
>calls other reddit

he's a muslim, he also hates doggos

An intergender contest where women can do whatever they want to the men with complete impunity while the men are disqualified for as much as laying a finger on the women is actually a pretty fair representation of gender dynamics in western society. Based Vince not being out of touch for once.

Fucking twitter killed the company. Paul and Steph were killing the company for more than a decade but twitter gave the final blow

You say that like it's mma or something.
She couldn't really make him tap. In fact the most realistic thing corbin does is no sell becky's shots.

Attached: baron-corbin-def-kurt-angle.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

Doesn't mind wanking them though

no one's gonna talk about that shitter Lacey doing that awful baby kick and decking Becky cringe for real? Women's """wrestling""""

It was just a method of allowing a longer match without breaking the retarded “no wrestling during commercials” rule.

this is tremendous

The last real man in wrestling.

Little things like this is why I love Corbin. Fuck the soi haters

It was realistic dumbass. If you want me to believe an unathletic shitter like Becky could even get a bit close to causing any harm to a guy like Corbin she should've at least hit him for real. Maybe that way it would've looked a bit credible.

Pretty sure they'll have Corbin shoot beat the shit out of Becky to draw nuclear heat. Only way I can see Heyman going along with this shit storyline.

based Corbs obliterating the womeme division and the s(oy)marks with just a smile. How does he do it lads?

>decking Becky cringe for real
nice, hope she's injured

Holy shit I love Corbin now

You eliminate the other girl automatically duh.

Fucking based.

Okay faggot you fight minoru and I will film and laugh

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>Corbin trying not to corpse on live television
I don't even like wwmeme but his performance was based

>claims to be a shooter
>doesn't even have a hint of cauliflower ear
for fucks sakes nobody is buying fake tough guy MiSu

Becky's sell is so bad it hurts. Bring Ronda back.

Little things like this is why I love the based filter. Absolutely squashing ham-and-eggers.

It's not an elimination match, dumb nigger.

imagine Becky doing the Dis-Arm-Her on you but instead of grabbing your arm she grabs your head between her legs

Why was it ok to fight Chyna years ago on equal grounds, but now women have to be coddled by all these artificial rules? I thought Chyna was cool as shit for looking strong, doing royal rumbles and just kind of being one of the guys


Because Chyna was based and the closest thing we'll ever have to her now is one of the landwhales like Nia (who they were pushing intergender spots already with DEAN, Ali and Orton) or that NXT pudgo


because they have to make women look good at all costs but you can't do that when they go against men twice their sizes and with twice the strength. There's a reason Corbin laughs at Becky's little girly punches. Sure he's a heel but come on, even I laughed when I watched that shit.

i dont usually support corbin but im gonna back that apple bees employee now that i see he gets you this angry

I can tell you've only watched combat sports before. You can get them drained. Suzuki has probably done it loads of times before. Fuck sake, I've done it a bunch too.

Corbin is a former boxer and people know this so of course Beko (a former mother until the abortions) can't hurt him. Based Corbs.

Ok I'll go whoop this old gook's ass real quick brb

that wasn't what happened

Corbin is tapping out to Becky at the PPV, enjoy your little victory here lmao

Hi Seff.