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Joey Janela and Enzo has a fist fight at a Blink 182 Concert
Mason Murphy
Other urls found in this thread:
Owen Allen
>Going to a Blink 182 concert when we're almost in the fucking twenties
Cringe, mother of all fucking cringe.
Brandon Sullivan
Who else would go? Boomers would have no idea who Blink 182 are.
Adrian Allen
this sounds like a shitty game of wrestling madlibs
Nicholas Kelly
literally who?
John Bell
>at the blink 182 show
>blink 182 show
>blink 182
Sweet fucking christ
Lucas Jackson
Got a couple fucking music aficionados here.
Justin Sullivan
Jaxon Barnes
Is AEW bringing Enzo in? sounds like they're trying to start a feud
Hudson Ross
Huh. Didn't know they were still going. Who won? Hoppus or DeLonge? Is Travis still the drummer? Hang on, I can check wikipedia myself.
Landon Hughes
>Blink 182
Choose one
Alexander Hall
I hope chadzo and caz xl stiff the young turds
Grayson Moore
Checked wikipedia. Hoppus and Barker mustained DeLonge. Based.
Sebastian Peterson
based. tom delonge is a fucking faggot
Gavin Taylor
Listen to White Moth Black Butterfly.
Jackson Carter
Who the fuck is Joey janela? I know Enzo is that midget WWE fired for a "me too" bitch.
Also who the fuck goes to a Blink 182 concert these days.
Asher Brooks
Joey is a fun indie guy who does death matchy shit sometimes. He and the former Dean Ambrose nearly killed each other a few weeks ago now.
Owen Fisher
indy wrestler who I think signed with aew, known for wrestling moxley recently (Dean Ambrose)
Kevin Cox
>blink182 is still around
God I feel old...
Ryan Perez
nZo is such a faggot. using 'fuckboy' in 2019 and thinking being italian means he can act like a nigger.
Jackson Carter
Blink 182 fucking sucks
Austin Ross
Italians and Spaniards are the bulbasaurs of europe
Owen Cooper
Joey Janetty is a jobber yardtard who is completely untrained and made a name for himself rolling in garbage and jumping off of shit that most sane well adjusted would not do if on fire, or for money, let alone for hotdogs. He recently wrestled Dean Ambrose in a super lackluster hardcore match whose biggest spot was dean removing the jobbers shoes slowly and dropping him into some tacks. You're welcome
James King
Hes actually German, his Italian shit is a work
Carter Evans
You spelled Polish and Irish wrong
Jace Hill
He's a Kike
Colton Martinez
Justin Adams
Whoop whoop
Adam Smith
Dude it's ok to like guys that roll in garbage. Some people just give them change and are done with it but if you want to cheer them and be a mark go right ahead.
Jose Edwards
There's is a reason why uncle Ben died happy when Peter told him the guy who killed him wasn't white but actually italian.
A real american like uncle Ben can't be wrong
Anthony Thompson
Imagine ruling the world for nearly a thousand years, creating the greatest empire to ever exist only to have Central and Northern Europeans who you considered barbarian niggers 2 thousand years calling you nonwhite
Luis Thompson
Not even the biggest embracement in that twitter thread. What the fuck happened to Cody Hall? The son of Scott Hall 6’10 and he’s still a fucking shitter
Michael Lopez
modern day Italians have less than 10% of Roman blood in them, they are mostly descendants from rape babies of Vandals and Goths
Nicholas Torres
>going to a Blink 182 concert
>having a fight there like an edgy teeny bopper
>admitting you're shit at fighting when you're a pretend fighter
Every week my interest in AEW gets murdered all over again.
Blink 182 was big in the early 2000's it's literal boomercore.
Hunter Bell
The edgy teeny boppers from that time became these 30+ year old men.
William Ortiz
seething enzocuck, your husbando is never going to make it in the rap industry
Carter Flores
He didn't say anything wrong though
Oliver Cruz
>The edgy teeny boppers from that time became these 30+ year old men.
And they're the ones that attend Blink 182 concerts out of nostalgia that's exactly what I meant
Isaiah Phillips
>explains Janelo to a T
>must be an enzo fan
this is how brainlet marks think
Xavier Peterson
Just because it's 2019, doesn't mean you have to listen to the no talent slut and nigger music that's being passed off as art now faggot.
Austin Diaz
It also doesnt mean you have to listen to songs that were included on the first American Pie soundtrack.
Austin Ortiz
>Who the fuck is Joey janela?
idk lmao
Robert Perry
Liam Lewis
Janela manages to come off as a more of a prick than Enzo.
Isaiah Richardson
SEETHING tennis racketcuck, go watch some smoky mountain
Adrian Stewart
Sure it does.
t. Judas Priest mark
Justin Anderson
Based white trash
Carson White
>Judas Priest mark
Awesome. Their album from last year Firepower was based and picked up right where Painkiller left off.
Colton Roberts
lol at the idea of enzo going to a blink 182 show
Jeremiah Butler
get laid.
Ian Taylor
Actually almost got laid once.
We started making out and she took off her pants and then I turned in the TV.
And that's about the time she walked away from me.
Thomas Rodriguez
Julian Howard
Camden Fisher
two of the biggest simps in wrestling just got simpier
Matthew White
I'm 52 and know they are a shitty early 90's band. They sucked then, they suck now
Jace Peterson
Gabriel Peterson
>Twitter begging for Enzo fucking Amore's scraps
OH NONONONONONO How could Big Scott Hall produce this lame of a son?
Ryder Hernandez
Leo Morales
>watches wrestling
>browses Yea Forums
Get a clue
Cooper Ward
Based actual boomer
Jace Thomas
"I was here when you were free. Now you'll be here instead of me."
Elijah Sanders
When they first broke up they said they were too old to still be doing this teenage rebellion shit. That was 14 years ago. The bassist is pushing 50.
Thomas Miller
Didn't someone completely bury him recently for being a 6'10" legacy that no one will book
Mason Robinson
Holy shit what's up Gramps?
Luis Ramirez
Aiden Thomas
Yes, Janela. Which is why he's riding Enzo's coattails in this beef now.
Matthew Thompson
That is the man that is fucking Yuka and Riho? What a shame.
Robert Torres
wait they aren't even doing anything
William Flores
Imagine looking small next to Enzo.
Julian Reed
He looks so fucking scared lmao you think he dropped a brick in his pants?
Bentley Torres
>White Moth Black Butterfly.
do you wanna know how i know you're a gigantic faggot?
Aaron Green
italians are literal niggers though, user.
David Cox
enzo is such a loser kek
Blake Lewis
Who the fuck is blink 182?
Elijah Kelly
>Blink 182
Holy fucking CRINGE
Jack Green
based old man
Logan Martin
got me.
Charles Foster
Some fat retard
Liam Miller
lmao Joey looked like he was 10 seconds away from shitting his spants. He knew that getting dropped by Enzo would end his career as a fake tough guy.
Based nZo working the fake fighters into a shoot.
Connor Myers
I want to be your friend.
Ayden Davis
No-one is fucking Yuka or Riho. They are pure
Aaron Edwards
rip joey janetty dead and buried by Yea Forums on July 10 2019
Justin Baker
The Blink 182 guys legit have to be almost 50 at this point. Are they still making songs about getting kicked out of the house for smoking stems?
Levi Phillips
>early 90's
fucking wew lad you are about ten years off
Justin Gutierrez
Enzo is willing To take insane bumps just To stay relevant so i dont mind seeing them going at it In some hardcore match.
Caleb Bailey
>i'm not a pussy
>having to fucking say it
Luis Russell
What the fuck? Whys bad boy look so afraid? How small is joey Janella? Is this real what the fuck?
Luis Rivera
I was thinking the same thing. Like the number 1 way to know a guy is a complete pussy
Dominic Flores
He is also not a businessman. If he would have squared off with Enzo they both would have got nuclear heat and dirtsheet coverage and would have got booked for blow off matches. What an anti-dime retard.
Robert Gomez
Delonge went with the UFO gimmick and now has a highly rated TV show. Delonge is the Michaels.
Henry Cook
Christopher Rodriguez
Based corney living in seething Sonny Kiss fans and AEWtists heads RENT FREE
Benjamin Kelly
That was super tame in the way of death match.
David Murphy
Enzo definietly won this sadly.
Joey Janella should have just stood his ground and said I'm not going to fight etc etc. If joey stood his ground hed be better off.
Kayden Nelson
has Janela talked shit about this guy on twitter or some shit in the past?
or why did this escalate in the first place?
Isaiah Jenkins
Imagine recognizing Joey in a crowd
Nathan Gray
I love this based retard
Josiah Jones
How the fuck did Joey Jannetty get a deal with AEW? What does he even do? He can't wrestle, talk, or anything. He looks like shit, too. What is he going to do when AEW tv starts?
Adrian Rivera
He's pretty much part of the deal to sign Yuka and Riho. Since they both love to have sex with him.
Jordan King
Their vaginas are literally his property.
Dominic Lee
Janela is based. He's a chill dude who puts on good matches. It's actually interesting watching someone who isn't trained. He's got a good vibe.
Chase Stewart
Corny isn't an impoverished outlaw mudshow hack, so he doesn't need space in ya head rent free. But, I'm sure he'd appreciate the gesture.
Jace Kelly
Hi joey
>It's actually interesting watching someone who isn't trained
Yeah, totally meshes with the "sports oriented" meme AEW wants to put forward.
Noah Perez
So you like watching guys roll in garbage? Gotcha
Leo Watson
Looks like they'll be getting the BADA BOOM now after he dropped his testicles to nZo in a squash
Christian Price
Blink 182 WAS the slut and whigger music of its time ya mark
Joseph Stewart
Jap girls need green cards too