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Based moonman

>Being humble by saying "some of the best" instead of "THE BEST" like jasethy

based and chinpilled

is she the best western woman wrestler in the world?

I want her to shit on my chest

>trying to imitate the seth drama.
>nobody knows or cares about impact so they ignore her.


putting over her own company and their female division
>have been wrestling guys for the past few months and struggled to get people to watch

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Grow a chin you mouthbreathing geeks

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thankfully shes not dumb enough to say some shit that we blatantly know isnt true.

Impact has been based for months. You faggots should give it a chance, but you won’t. Because you’re more Reddit than you care to admit.

No Charlotte is

>pls gib chance, we better now, swear on me mum
go fuck right back off to DiscussPW or TNA mecca, chris

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No seriously, has Impact improved at all since the Corgan fiasco?

I’ve given Global Force Wrestling enough chances already

t. reddit bexcel

Remember when Chris faked his death? That was amazing

I hope she wraps her shit tier Porsche around a tree like Magnum

Remember when Impact official account actually tweeted their condolences? That was more entertaining than whatever Impact has produced.

I hope you die alone on your basement floor, desperately reaching for your oxygen mask.

yes, and it's not even close. toni stopped progressing, and sasha stopped wrestling.

Of course it has

I hate western women’s wrestling because they’re usually not that good, slow, ugly or caked up, choreographed, and take a million steps, but Tessa is the exception to the rule. She’s the only person who actually knows how to work.

You gotta give it to simpact, they don't give up even though nobody cares.

>no trannies
>women that aren't afraid of being sexy
>no becko
>no charles
Who would say that simpact would win at something for once

Hi Daga. Love what you're doing in AAA at the moment.

Knockouts are pretty based. They don't have a deep roster but all of them are used really well.

Owlgang unite

If the locker room is so great why is everyone in a rush to leave?

They dont pay them. Impact is dso dead now. There biggest show had 700 people in it. Hell MLW had a bigger show this week. They wont go out of business any time soon, but they cant affort to keep people in. Right now they are no different from your local indie. The axs deal was made up in hopes some tv station get them.

feels good being an IMPACTchad

Dag smal dick dave