/YukaFever/ Yuka Sakazaki General

"First AEW Womens Champion and sleepy waifu"-Edition



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At this point I'm just assuming you do this to mock her desu

Fuck gooks
Fuck blacks
Fuck trannies
Fuck gays
White women are superior

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Is Yuka a lesbian? If yes, I love her even more, DESU.

Yuka is going to be such a good mother to my HAPA children, lads.

I like the /enjoygirl/ more.

Yuka? More like Yucka.

What a gross creature.

>Nodoka Onesan will never sleep on you

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I want to fill her womb with my semen over and over again

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Yuka was made for average sized white cock

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>tfw you will never feel Yuka's head resting on your chest when you wake up in the morning
I can't go on anymore lads

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>Yuka will never look at you like this

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Would you dress up as Jasmine for Yuka?

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>all this pics
>Yukkachi is literally perfect in each of everyone

I love her pals

Looks like a man

The fact that I'm going to have to live the rest of my life never being with her is torture.Sure I can marry some other roastie but I'll always be settling for someone who isn't Yuka-chan

I'm in the same boat my guy

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