Gets hired by AEW

>Gets hired by AEW
>Tells his girlfriend she can come live with him and start a new life
>Within a month, he says he can't be in a relationship right now, breaks up with her and kicks her out of the house
>Allie Kat is now literally living in her car and working as a barista to try and scrape up enough money not to be homeless

Is MJF /ourguy/?

Attached: mjf-allie-kat.png (800x500, 442K)

>/our guy/
Um, he’s all yours, rabbi.

Don't know who he is so no

Mini Mizetty? No

Attached: The-Miz-wwe-superstar-5.jpg (456x352, 37K)

*wears a scarf in the damn summer*
Is he retarded?

Nah he's just ripping off the last scarps of Jericho that miz didnt scavenge

How we treat the shiksa is none of your concern, goyim!

ugh this is his ex?
terrible taste

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Omg her ears are disgusting, it's like when you eat out the center of a bologna slice

Yeah im not a fan of jewish Miz. maybe next time tell him to hide to minora and dreidel rabbi