Kota ibushi

Rate his feet lads

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Kenny probably worshiped them

>ywn take care of Ibushi after a grueling match

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speak for yourself

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Everyone so worried about his neck and now he hurts his foot.

I hope it was worth the hotdogs.

So is he out of the G1?

Why are Japanese wrestlers literally fucking autistic?

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Think he's going to lay inside Bryan's hyperbolic gimmick chamber between matches

Hype ebonics rhyme chamber?

So he is going to lay in Brie Bella's bathtub and jerk off?

What did he write? I don’t speak Ching-Chong.

Even Japanese people think Kota Ibushi is weird.

Shibata should stay there for a year.

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Does he just have some weird mental condition that enables him to ignore pain? Has it always been a work? Making a work out of real injuries? (I've seen many of those before and these look real, I can't explain this?)

>Meltzer reported this as a work

He's been seriously hurt and sidelined many times in his career. He's actually been lucky lately.

>tfw le immortal kota meme is real


the state of A-bitches

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BASED KENTA injuring this shitter and ruining the G1 both for fans and himself.

Poor baby, I’d use my cum as an ointment for his poor little feet

im very worried and afraid