What does Yea Forums honestly think of Taker?
Pure Strikes and Jack Daniels aside
What does Yea Forums honestly think of Taker?
Aside from pure strikes and Jack Daniels?
Most overrated wrestler in history.
He's meh
He used to be a jobber to the stars. He got a real main even push only in 2007, when there were no stars left and Cena and Batista did not live up to expectations.
all the shitposting hasn't changed my opinion of him, I still think he's one of the best total packages ever
he should have retired at WM30 though.
He's one of my favorites even though I make fun of him and call him a dimeless simp
Big fan of him, i have always loved his work, i'd like to know where he gets his ideas from.
My absolute favorite wrestler of all time. I am still to this day thrilled to see him, and am saddened to see people saying he should retire. I think I will legit cry when he does finally retire.
>He's meh
He used to be a jobber to the stars. He got a real main even push only in 2007, when there were no stars left and Cena and Batista did not live up to expectations
Oops, greentext fail. Well, anyway you know what I meant, you anti-Taker niggerfaggot.
I completely checked out of wrestling when he first came around. It was just so fucking cringe. Came back when the nWo made wrestling seem cool. That shitter was still around playing the spookie gimmick with some retard ritual nonsense added in. Going to live events and seeing his fans made me hate him even more. His promos were embarrassing, and I can't remember one time I enjoyed seeing him, or hearing him. Just a total waste of space time killer jabroni. Then hearing how he tried to run the backstage drama like a bootleg judge, just. Now this faggot can't let go and like HHH, ruins at least 30 minutes of a PPV once a year with zero build up, no purpose, no aftermath, and no pay off for ANYONE, just a complete void of any entertainment (which sums up his entire career) so he can line his pocket off his simp fans.
truly badass
Stayed long past his welcome. Had he hung it up after WM 30 he would have preserved his legacy, hes just a joke now
I think his role was more of an anchor, like a All-Pro Center. He made sure the champ always had someone to work with and there was always a steady attraction outside of the ME
Get over it big show, its been 20 years
Cena didn't live up to expectations ??
I used to hate him before the memes now I just think he's a lovable goof
Hows the company doing now, bucko? Austin left it with such a surplus of dimes they lived off it for over a decade
One of the all time greats. Greatest gimmick of all time. Greatest attraction wrestler of all time. Greatest entrance of all time. You can make an argument he is the greatest big man of all time.
However, he is overrated in the ring work department. His legacy has been severely harmed by his WM loses to Lesner and Reigns. He is one of the biggest assholes backstage of all time and his promo abilities are mmmmmm pretty bad.
>beat hogan for the title
>jobber to the stars
Taker at his height was:
10+/10 Look Gimmick
8/10 in ring. He was a phenomenal big man
4/10 Promos
His gimmick is the GOAT and his in ring skills for a guy his size were great.
He absolutely killed his own legacy by continuing when he should have retired. Even then he's still top 10 all time.
Cool as a kid watching now ultra fucking cringe
If you thought yourself too mature for the spooky deadman gimmick all the way back in 1990, how fucking old are you?
Cool but needs to retire yesterday.
Or rather like 4 years ago
Everyone that is widely liked gets made fun of here
More like 10 years ago
One of my all time favourite, Yea Forums memes only make me like him even more
Great gimmick, fine in the ring for when/where he worked, stayed too long, best entrance in history.
That said, he left a mark like few other people have, especially with casual fans.
>You can make an argument he is the greatest big man of all time.
Sure, I guess you could make the argument with a straight face if you only ever saw Andre after his back was fucked, write off Vader because he was fat, and never saw Inoki.
I love him, but the fake retirements are bullshit. I also wish he'd cut promos with substance, instead of pointless spooky talk. There's creative grounds for cool shit he could do and say.
A candidate for Wrestling’s Rushmore (Hogan, Austin, Rock are locks). Coin flip between Him and Savage for 4th
4th is Cena and that's a lock. I bet kids today don't even know who Randy Savage is. Fuck that corpse lmao.
Kane belongs in this conversation. Came off the top rope 250 nights a year for the better part of 20 years
How is Inoki a big man?
Cena has it all: great look, great promo, underrated but quite serviceable worker, company guy, moved a lot of merch. He could do everything but get over with the core audience.
For sure.
A fair point. I've always thought of him as a big man because he was 6'3" in the 1970s and able to body slam Andre. He'd be an average size guy today, but in his time and place he was significantly larger than most of his opponents.
Taker is a fucking joke. His biggest accomplishment is wearing the same dollar store Halloween costume for 25 years.
kids opinions are shit, which explains yours.
Kevin Nash must be the most beloved guy here then
pure facts
Biggest mark in the business 2nd only to the marks who actually buy into Vince's propaganda that this shitter is some kind of legend who deserves respect
Based greentext going over on this vanilla midget
Limited shitter with little charisma who never drew a dime despite being mega-pushed.
Literally the previous few generations' analog to Reigns except people like him because nostalgia but he is observably an anti-draw.
Even if you were 4 years old in 1990 you’d be too mature for carder
>undercarder on the Mount Rushmore
>savage on the Mount Rushmore
Holy fucking cringe and brainwashed e drone
if you was brain damaged maybe, while us who liked him went on to have sex
Mmmmm that's pretty badass.
Takerposting is based but I unironically like the guy
WWE Rushmore maybe. Pro Wrestling Rushmore in my eyes would include guys who completely transcended the business Worldwide.
Rikidozan, El Santo, and Hogan are locks and the 4th spot is subject to personal opinion (Inoki, Austin, Rock etc.)
Undertaker/HBK unironically ruined wrestling forever. However, the man is a meme machine and thus he's rightly Yea Forums's mascot.
Ratings, attendance, merchandise all falling down during Cena's reign of terror. What you see now is the consequences of Vince putting his chips on Cena. Nobody cares about wrestling anymore because of him and the PG era.
Austin would be the 4th.
Honestly not sure Taker would make the WWE Rushmore either. I would put it as: Bruno, Andre, Hogan, Austin.
Austin was, at his hottest, the single biggest draw in the history of wrestling. He's gotta be fourth.
>who is flair
Good question
My favorite pro wrestler of all time, but he can't go anymore like he used to and that makes me sad. It's like seeing Angle this past year. I'm happy he had the desire and will to try to continue but it was really sad to see his body couldn't keep up. It's the same with Taker, I'd rather he just stop. I always wished I could have seen one of his matches back in his prime but it's too late and I accept it. I can understand why he's still going, there's no modern draws in the WWE anymore, they failed to make anyone draw so they're still relying on Taker, but enough is enough.
his promos as the deadman are fucking cringe, especially these last few years with all that souls talk and resting in peace crap. always liked his in ring work until recently, his last good match was vs. brock at HIAC
He cut some of the greatest promos in the history of the business with his ministry gimmick back in '99, in my opinion. Big Evil promos were fucking amazing, too.
By putting out 5* matches despite being way past their primes at that point?
>I still think he's one of the best total packages ever
>tfw Taker could've been the GOAT if he'd have stayed fit in his prime and worked on his Promos
WWE Rushmore is Hogan, Austin, Rock, Macho Man. you know, guys who actually drew dimes. Not nickels and pennies like Carder and Cena.
Replace Macho with Bruno ya simp.
It's actually Hogan, Austin, Sammartino and Londos
The Mt. Rushmore of wrestling would consist of The Lord of Darkness, Ministry 'Taker, Big Evil/American Badass and The deadman from 2007-2015. No one else even comes close to his badassery. He IS the greatest of all time, whether you fags like it or not.
One of the greatest of all time.
Obviously not a draw as a top tier star, but he's a GOAT regardless
Legit one of the bests of all time that got some shit booking in his early years, like that retarded shit against that dude that wore the naked monkey suit or the under faker.
Even then, he managed to work well. He's still fun to shitpost with though
He needed to retire years ago
Please don't roleplay, zoom zoom. Considering all the other godawful gimmick characters like IRS you clearly weren't even a thought back then, let alone born if undertakers gimmick is where you drew the line
He's a relic from a dead era. Gimmicks are considered cringe by new wave zoomer fans.
The only man who's overstayed his welcome longer than Taker.
yeah he's the only guy to beat Hogan for the title and still become a fucking transitional champion