>It has been 2 years since their relationship imploded
now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong?
Alberto El Patron and Paige
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we all know Paige was in the wrong. That's why no charges were pursued and she quietly moved on. That doesn't mean El Justo isn't an idiot though.
obviously coke king for taking advantage of the young up and coming coke whore
I miss keeping up with what Dorito and Paige were doing, especially the time he beat the shit out of his own brother while they were in jail for the night
The roastie is always in the wrong, damn slut
hahahaah, what?
His brother's a wrestler, too, that couldn't have been a good idea
>The report was that after a showFridaynight, there was an altercation where the two brothers got into a fight and beat a guy up so badly he was hospitalized. Police were called and took them to the station where Alberto and Guillermo got into a fight with each other. Alberto knocked out his brother, who was also taken to the hospital. It took ten officers to separate them and they put Alberto in zip ties, which he broke out of. They finally subdued him by putting shackles to cuff his feet.
the perros are in the enclosed pool area
hey I recognize that outfit the drug addict whore is wearing
damn, no wonder Vince likes him. A real shooter.
Give him the strap, brother.
These two were like matches and gasoline. Both idiots.
Based del taco
Fax nigga. Fuck paige that disgusting,nigger loving pig. Shes not even 30 and already hit the fuckin wall hard
didnt del rio just give her a bunch of cocaine and in return she beat him up at an airport and dragged his name through the mud?
There was a shoot with Del Rio recently where he seemed clean and happy and talked about transitioning out of wrestling and into Mexican tv because wrestling made him miserable. He even apologized for some of the stuff he said when he was fucked up on drugs. Paige is still Paige. So I think he won.
Paige was drugging herself up on Oxycontin, runnin wild.
So just another guy that couldn't quite handle the machine? At least he's turned his shit around
They're both awful either way.
Patron was in the right place at the wrong time. He got with her before the whole sex tape thing imploded. Imagine being a spic-chad, and landing a (presumably) 10/10 thicc white girl; and then suddenly she's got videos of her getting gangbanged by blacks making millions of views online. You'd lose your shit too.
Why does Paige look so fucked up in that pic?
Because she is
him beatng up poor Donnie was weirf, what did the turtle do to him?
lol I forgot about that.
She went through 90% of Mexico's cocaine supply the entire time they were together
>they put Alberto in zip ties, which he broke out of
How can he be so based and yet be such a charisma black hole on screen
Del Taco is based. The nigga
>knocked out his brother
>slapped a WWE employee who said something about Mexicans to him
>slapped Paige for being a crack whore after giving her crack
What has Paige done besides getting gangbanged by nigger dick on video, snorting a mountain and being the inspiration for Ricochet videos?
Now that wwe is moving from the of shit we need real men like him to give prestige to the wwe championship
Breaking out of zip ties isn't that difficult.
With 10 cops around you right faggot? You just hulk out the same way when your hot pocket isn't heated correctly.
Why does he have such short fingers? Looks like midget hands
Didn't Del Rio get shot by a drug dealer too?
Paige was a slut. El Patron was simply handing out some ackrite. If her parents had any pride they would have ended her themselves.
It's already been two years?
>tfw you wake up next to this
No wonder Del Rio went batshit insane.
Fuck she is so in love here