Be alone in secluded area

>be alone in secluded area
>see this on the floor
What do?

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Touch inappropriately before I go for help

ask if okay and if no response then call ambulance service and follow their instructions

Take her home and have a bowl of boiled eggs ready for her in the morning

This. A cheeky grope here and there won't hurt.

suck bobs penis vagene

Beyond question.

ignore her

fart on face and flee the scene

Try and first shake her awake from her chest

Shoot a load on her pit, then gtfo

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Piss on her face

Lick her feet for a few minutes then call an ambulance and leave

See if she shit her pants and if she did I get to eating and fapping

probably nothing because I'd be too paranoid that it was a setup and she was faking it or would wake up

why do you like feet so much. serious question


Cum immediately

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Spray paint "Liv is Life" on her and continue with my day

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based Livchad

Just doing my part for the community brother

whip out my meat and then try putting the tip on her lips. shove back into my jorts as im cumming so it doesn't wake her up

rape the ever loving shit out of her, shit on her chest, beat her with a hammer, then find liv and shiv her


I heard somewhere that it has something to do with cross-wiring in the brain between feet and the genital parts.

>Tryna steal the cats schtick

Should be ashamed of yourself fampai

grab boobs

>not recognizing me ripping off the shit on chest and hammer guy schtick first


really, i don't know what to think of that


Feed her eggs

I won't let you.

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undress and sniff


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calmly shake her and ask if she's alright and if she needs medical assistance such as an ambulance, etc.

ah, another gentleman of taste, I see.

Literally the only correct answer

Yummy pits


lick pits
raise pee pee

I completely forgot about you. Stay blessed my boiled egg brother

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Just curious, have any of y’all ever had sex with a woman?

>waiting for "consent"
>trusting a womeme's opinion ever
that's going to be a yikes from me dawg

A tombstone piledriver to my dick, in the direction of her mouth

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haha of course haha

hulk up and land the big leg drop for the 1 2 3 brother

Take her to a local medical facility.

ngl lads, this is the chance of a lifestyle, so there's only one answer : rape



This is what would happen if the average asp incel found her. I’m different though. I’d help her and use it to build a relationship and become her friend and maybe eventually things would develop sexually.

>the chance of a lifestyle

Does she have to tell you what happened?

The duality of man

Mmmmmm what a lifestyle I dig it bro

wonder for the millionth time how anyone could ever find her attractive while I check her vitals then call an ambulance if need be

Get my Roethlisberger on


Check out this faggot

If she was incapable of waking up I would bust a nut in her pussy and eat her ass

The Nash experience

I fucks

No, but she has to eat all the eggs.


Cut off her head and have sex with the corpse.

Call my friends. Then take advantage of the situation. Sharing is caring.

Rip her clothes apart and rape her, strangulate her to death, severe her head and use it as a blowjob machine, wait for a few hours for the body to stiffen, decay and suppurate, rape the headless corpse

You mean Pill Cosby, Big Ben was innocent

based muslims

I hate her but that’s pretty fucking gay dude


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Is there some joke here i'm not getting?

Push crushed leaves into her

Brap. Newfaggetty