>Blocks your path

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Other urls found in this thread:


based hillary voter

He knows his dimes

he voted bernie


Step aside you racist liberal piece of boomer shit

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>walks around him

way to expose the business, Retard.

>Books your path

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Russo killed Owen


He didnt fly so good bro

Vince and Austin did for fucking Steves neck, Russo may have been a willing or unwilling co-conspirator

Owen killed Owen
what a clutz.

Steve is still bitter about Owen dropping him on his damn neck, and brings it up regularly in podcasts.

I would too, it made his white hot run at the top miserable and short


*teleports behind him* nothing personal...kiddo

I'd love to know what would happen if I met him, and asked for an autograph while wearing a Vince Russo t-shirt.

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>being this ignorant

fucking neck yourelf, mate

On the most recent MLW show, there was a guy directly behind Corny wearing a Joey Ryan shirt. Corny literally did nothing, because he and Joey are the new Jerry and Andy.

>blocks your path and clears the way for you

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He'd motherfuck you for 10 minutes straight

>Vince Russo t-shirt
Does these exist?

he'll vibrate
and his boomer manchild fanbase will talk shit about you on their secret 6:05 facebook group lol

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>step around a man having a cardiac incident

speaking of which, what is up with that 6:05 fan group they are the cringiest "back in my day" wrestling fandom

with jewgold Brian Lasto being jelly of Million dollar podcast man Conrad

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who dis. ive only been here a cool minute and dont have yall memes down yet

He'd probably make fun of Vince Russo's fans looking like virgin losers.

Cassidy is another comedy wrestler that Cornette thinks is making fun of the business/ruining wrestling/whatever. His schtick is light, lazy, slow, zero effort strikes with his hands in his pockets that everyone sells as being devastating.


Can’t imagine why cornette would think this shit fucking sucks

Meh, he's OK once in awhile in a comedy match. I'm not going to say he's doing anything brilliant, but Cornette's hate is way over the top. Its not like a guy like Cassidy is taking food off a technical guy's plate, he's a sideshow and he's booked to do sideshows.

It’s fucking lame.

>His schtick is light, lazy, slow, zero effort strikes with his hands in his pockets that everyone sells as being devastating.

Well not everyone. The crowd and his teammates do while the opponent usually stare with beffudlement noselling everything to the attack Cassidy

No he doesn't.

You won't believe it, but you're the ignorant one.

The good parte about Cassidy is when the opponent is out for his blood so they beat the shit out of him and the comedy wrestler has to fight to survive

The bad thing about this bit is that one of Cassidy's serious moves is the Canadian destroyer so it's tainted already

>while the opponent usually stare with beffudlement noselling everything to the attack Cassidy
This is the worst shit. It's one thing to be a comedy wrestler and be able to work your comedy while the person you're working with doesn't have to change their style/gimmick and it's quite another when your comedy is entirely dependent on the person you're working with transforming into a retard so you can get away with it.

Sure, but who gives a shit? Its not like he's ever going to be main eventing Mania. Worst case scenario he takes up ten minutes of a five hour indy show after you're already drunk. Same with Vince Russo, Suede, and pretty much everyone else in that sphere outside of Joey Ryan or Colt Cabana.

Besides, dumb shit can work if its booked right, just look at Yano.

But they are not working like a retard tho.
If they actually sold the moves then that would be 100℅ dumb
Go back to writing on Eddie Kingston matches Eric Ritz

Joey Ryan, Joey Janela, Orange Cassidy into the trash you go *hacking cough*

>talk shit about George the rat
>watch him vibrate and seethe

Janela is based.
He is the opposite of those two because Janela could make good money not wrestling at all but he makes the conscious choice of doing retarded bumps and jumping from run high places
The modern wrestling savant

They had to model Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising based off Cornette.

I'm begging you to copulate ya simp

Why doesn't he work for an MMA company if he thinks MMA does pro wrestling better than pro wrestling itself?

>But they are not working like a retard tho.
Yes they are, you fucking idiot. Just standing there gawking at Cassidy doing his terrible comedy = working like a retard.

Janela looks dumb as bricks. The only thing he’s good for is Penelope

>not liking inbreeed americans causing bodily harm to themselves

Have sex, wrestling isn't for you

>not liking an inbred because there’s better wrestlers out there


Why would I want to watch a vanilla midget wrap his cock in barbed wire ya ding dong diddly homo

Only if wrestling is just one thing. Thats my problem with Cornette's bitching, it seems limited. I love traditional stuff, I loved ECW, I love New Japan, I love a couple of giant hosses trading lariats, I love flippy shit. Why can't there be room for actual clowns? I wouldn't want to watch them the whole rodeo, but someone has to keep your attention while they get the next bronco into position.

Only Nick Gage and Great Sasuke nowadays
Other death match inbreeds nowadays don't have the grace of Janela regular attempted suicides

Because that's the foundation this business is built on

If you don't like it return to redditt to complain about unprotected chairshots to the head like the simp that you are

If you want comedy and acrobatics just go to a fucking circus

so sick of skinny fat manlets doing gay shit in a wrestling ring and people pretending it's worth watching

You're not in the business. You're just a fat mark on a containment board professing his love for an indie fag that gets paid in pizzas to take a weed whacker to his scrotal sack. Now that's a fucking shoot cowboy.

Yeah, its hard when other people like things.

Feuds are 99% of the business, that is why the rat as a champ was better than the man.

Just go to the circus to see clowns and fags doing flips why ruin professional wrestling?

When you are a shoot fag with shit taste that gives us the current champs and kills the business, yeah.

At least he gets paid lmao, unlike you, the 15 year old boomer who feels the need to defend the ideas of a simpering carny who killed the business

I do that, too.

You've got CZW if you want be edgy.

How can I be 15 and a boomer ya simp.

I want promos and storylines like undercarder marrying stephanie, not boring flippy shitters

Kek what a bitch
I bet you complain about ZSJ’s wrestling too


But you acknowledged that there’s better. Nuff said

Go watch a telenovela if you want quality Max Landis-tier dialogue

>Holy shit
>holy shit
>holy shit
user got scorched

2 people

>being this retarded

holy shit, please have sex you fucking incel

Janela sucks and you suck for liking him.

>thinking Janela is quality when in reality he’s a just a shitty ecw
>admitting there’s 2 JUST like him and are better
>knowing that there’s better wrestlers in general in AAA, NJPW, AEW, and Wwe
>knowing Nashfags would shit all over your beloved floppy retard man

This shit has been over. Give it a rest

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you should kill yourself.

>Because that's the foundation this business is built on

No, it isn't. The foundation the business is built on is making a worked fight look like a shoot fight. There's nothing believable about what Janela and his ilk do because it requires too much *obvious* cooperation from their "opponents." If you don't understand that, kys.

Honestly give me a Nick Gage epic over anyone in those promotions

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Not really a fan of Gage, but I like how he's sorta become this pro-wrestling folk hero because he's about the only one who feels completely genuine.


Jeezuz the autism in this thread

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>completely genuine.

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Maybe, but I got a big house, on the big side of town, I got life pretty much the way I want it.

Wish I was as delusional as you

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Im not the other user
>not believing someone can own a house
how poor and/or young are you?

You detest the fact that I got more cars than most of you have friends!

Please name a pro-wrestler that comes across as more genuine than Nick Gage.


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Too young and poor for $600 custom made lizard shoes.

You don't like the the prestige that I have in life. You don't like the notoriety.


This ain't no garden party, brother, if you don't like it, learn to love it!

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And really who can blame Janela when people like him are reaching for the pinnacle of wrestling that is Necro Butcher, the only person in wrestling that managed to do just that.
Inoki didn't, Baba didn't, Hogan didn't, HBK, Bret Hart, El Santo, Bruiser Body, Tiger Jet Singh, not one of them were on the same level as the Academy Awards featured Necro Butcher

go to bed janela