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I saw you get btfo out of Yea Forums cause you were such a brainlet haha

post thread I wanna laugh at this simp


Del Rio is such a disgrace to his family


Can't wait for Reddit to seethe when he inevitablely wins and is offered a wwe contract.

Del Rio is unironically gonna get killed

does anyone remember del rios last backstage segment on raw talking to aj styles when he first got there? he was snorting and looked geeked out of his mind

>Alberto "no show" Del Rio
Believe it when he's in the ring and the bell rings. I know he's the figure head of the company but this guy is as bad as Sid.

Tito will destroy Del Rio. However Swagger will beat Tito in Bellator and prove that pro wrestling is the best fighting discipline.

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lol no

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Tito is going to absolutely fucking maul this cunt and cut his face to pieces, what is even the point of this fight

It will be worked to make both look strong with Tito going over

Tito is pretty fucking broken nowadays he's almost as stiff as kurt angle fused neck and all. Del rio cant shoot fight his way out of a paper bag but I really want to see Tito retire for his own sake.

Hes going to stomp him out like the japanese guy who tried to big league him

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That's Phil Baroni stomping Ikuhisa Minowa ya simp.

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Sauce please. Namefags deserve all the ahit they get

Anderson/kennedy is trying so hard not to laugh, it's gold.

Swagger unironcally has better wrestling (actual wrestling) credentials than tito and tito is mainly a grapple fag

So Del Rio wants to learn the ken shamrock lesson of fighting Tito Ortiz

Tito was flushed over a decade ago. Del Rio will beat him.

How? He's less old than Tito but he's also still old. His wrestling is worse than Tito. His Jiujitsu is worse than Tito. He has a glass jaw and Tito has a notoriously granite chin.

idk about boxing I imagine both are pretty out of practice but you would have to presume Tito has probably got more experience with his hands than Del Rio.

Literally Del Rio's only advantage, potentially, is his cardio due to being younger, and even then what's he going to do with it. Jab him and run away for three rounds? That's the only way I could see Del Rio winning this fight

Tito hasn't beaten anyone of note in eight years. He pushed over an old man with CTE in his last fight and didn't even look great doing that. Even in his prime he was a can crusher who got his record padded by a flushed Ken Shamrock. Del Rio might be almost as old, but he's nowhere near as beat up. Tito looked like absolute shit during his Bellator run and got BTFO by the only decent fighter he faced.

Del Rio will win. If it even happens. Screencap this.

>undefeated """wrestler"""

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id take a washed up hasbeen over a washed up neverwas every time. seeing crocop annihilate him is one of the funniest things ever

>looks like a utter beta every time he tries to engage with Crocop
>Crocop utterly shuts him down every single time and is literally setting him up for the jabs and the kick
Kills me Del Rio calls himself one of the "last real men in wrestling", dude is a highest of wannabe tough guy.

>dude his highest of wannabe tough guy
that sounds about right for pro wrestling the entire industry is built on wannabe tough men who couldnt make it in mma.
except brock.

he lost against prime crocop and lived, had a winning mma record, more than most of the industry has done.


>no facepaint sting cutting a heel promo as the head of a heel stable
Nigger what the fuck am I seeing

I know the fight your talking about and that gif is not from it. Baroni stomps him at the end of the fight but that is a totally different ring, different gear on the fighters, etc etc

>masvican finally gets bandwaggoners

Sting was the leader of The Main Event Mafia who reformed as a face group to fight Aces & Eights

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>that slap when the kick connects
I universally hate Croatians but Cro Cop knows how to throw a fucking kick