Kino wrestling images

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Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1556771260104.jpg (583x845, 148K)

Attached: Aliciajay4.jpg (1024x768, 182K)

Omg! Such kino! I love New Japan!

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>Post kino wresting images
>Literally nothing but gooks

Attached: 5654545.png (871x458, 381K)

>"Im better than Stephanie McMahon
>shows shitter online
>lectures literal nobodies in the comments about "respecting her"
>blocks literal nobodies


Attached: Brandi Rhodes shitter.jpg (931x593, 199K)

I miss shibata so fucking much

Attached: endgame15.png (619x348, 211K)

Attached: 1559331633271.jpg (744x851, 154K)

>gook wrestling

Attached: GENETIC FREAK.png (258x407, 220K)

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why are e-drones so weird?

Attached: gargano.jpg (1200x733, 256K)

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Attached: MOJO BIN LADEN.png (1241x927, 1.03M)

I'm not the one that posts about chink minor leagues on Yea Forums all day.

Attached: 1559331883121.jpg (485x580, 49K)

Attached: heel batista.jpg (310x388, 43K)

I like Mojo's new gimmick

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Let the war begin

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Attached: download - 2019-07-09T162342.995.jpg (225x225, 20K)

I know you shouldn't spoil your kids but shit like this is heart warming and kids do remember their toys forever. If I had kids and the means I would buy out the whole toy store for them every Christmas too.

they don't have kids

Attached: flair, ali, anoki.jpg (2048x1446, 464K)

Why a Nintendo 64

Attached: 1544030013551.gif (284x207, 1.26M)

I like this one better

Attached: 1561398733586.jpg (1037x778, 186K)

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Attached: download - 2019-07-09T162811.703.jpg (301x167, 17K)

Attached: basedsoor.png (800x450, 396K)

ya seethe, droney?


Attached: tana + paddington.jpg (600x729, 126K)

Attached: katsuyori-shibata.jpg (813x719, 36K)

All this time I thought asp was memeing that he posted here but this changes everything

What do you mean? Of course he does. The only way he can get over is by pandering to the 12 autistic dudes that post on this board

This is actually based

Attached: 1560020854044.jpg (618x412, 34K)

Shibata is pure KINO

Attached: f7fc2-1520244828-500.jpg (500x333, 55K)

its all for them

Attached: figureitout.jpg (530x471, 92K)

Attached: 2019-07-10 06-35-27.webm (854x480, 2.94M)

Yes he is

Attached: BJXVXRI.gif (365x205, 1.16M)

Based luhty
God miss him so much

Attached: pegg.png (522x538, 469K)

I actually read an article recently about the trip to North Korea. Was really good. On the plane ride over there Ali kept telling Hawk to cut promos on him and would laugh his ass off since Hawk was apparently Ali's favorite promo guy.

Attached: 2019-07-10 06-55-44.webm (854x480, 2.94M)

looks like the dude from masterchef Canada

Attached: michael-bonacini-headshot-crop.png (457x427, 71K)

This storyline was so based.

Attached: mpv-shot0004.jpg (1440x1080, 77K)

was he the greatest heel of all time?

> Has no wrestling kino to contribute so he just tears down what was posted.
What a little bitch.

utterly without a doubt.

Attached: 1555258182302.png (1588x896, 1.34M)

nostalgia. it was probably the first console he had as a child

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Thwaggers Porn star wife is running wild in their house hold. he needs to literally beat that bitch into line. His son has based genetics, this cant be done to him, it just cant.

Swagger is ROCK HARD for this.

Attached: Swagger 1.jpg (1728x594, 425K)

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What a little weirdo Gargano is.

Attached: 1560103053073.jpg (547x692, 45K)

stop crying

Attached: rvd cena.jpg (805x607, 75K)

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the infamous "tie"

Attached: 1302226499459.jpg (683x1024, 181K)

Youre welcome for this one

Attached: 1305322063705.jpg (223x268, 16K)

I fucking hate /r/aspcircle/.

Attached: greatest image in wrestling history.jpg (594x506, 99K)

Narita in the back is the true kino

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Attached: A7CBCBD5-5051-4939-A0A1-6CF0A5219694-29844-00001F5BD63B5A36.jpg (445x403, 44K)

dont worry, I got the kino that makes em' sreamo HOLLER IF YA HEAR MEH

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post time is agonizing

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Actual WWE kino

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>ugly ass girls


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Me on the bottom

>no one posted Okada vs Suzuki in the rain
Disappointed tbqhwyf

Attached: A346EC41-8A0E-42FE-A1B9-1F822614E187-31078-00001F94AC89A57D.jpg (600x400, 149K)

Watch your tongue, jew, before I cut it out

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Attached: Bray.jpg.png (837x518, 553K)

why is rhyno in the picture twice?

Attached: bloodsport.png (1042x582, 852K)

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Based point chad

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Anyone has the liger is a saint pic? I can't find it

Attached: P-chan 165.jpg (1273x719, 192K)

is that aj lee


Attached: D7k9F7UVsAEsCEG.jpg (900x599, 61K)

Why the fuck is this in black and white, Bret Hart isn't that old

>Yuka and Riho in the bottom right watching the opening match of DoN
>probably nervous and in awe seeing as how they have never performed in front of crowds of more than a few hundred people

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Attached: KaijuAddicts-XPlus-30cm-Godzilla-1995-Face-Big.png (1200x1313, 1.8M)

There needs to be more capes in wrestling.

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based for quoting the first user that posted this pic

Attached: 918AEFB6-405B-4CFC-878A-A63FEE4ED3CC.jpg (1458x870, 222K)

Damn Barney's tall as shit. Give him the strap Vince

Watched a hentai today and the dude in it looked like Misawa, it distracted me the entire time.


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That pic isn't really kino but at least you made me remember Fandango

Fuck you agua go back to your Riho/Mei/Gatoh Move threads


He's 64 inches tall


Attached: Gatoh Move general.jpg (2048x1536, 426K)

Holy shit

>auburn football
That’s not roll tide

Who is that in the middle

Are there ANY female fans of Gatoh Move that go to these shows?

I didn't realize people are sitting in a fucking alleyway outside of those windows, jesus fucking christ.

Looks like Jesse from Jesse and Festus

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Her nipples aren't that big.

japdrones getting werked

Why didn't this nigga make it to the big leagues? He was an awesome hoss.

beyond awesome. one of my fave-5's

Attached: 1cd1daaae57cb11e139ba8ea63940efc.jpg (683x1024, 102K)

I didnt make it, just saved it. still a nikkichad tho

Attached: nikki1.jpg (765x1024, 172K)

sexy star beating that one spic killed that company

Because he was already old by the time he was playing Muertes and was already a star in Mexico. He's 44 now, and thats a 44 that worked the Mexican circuit in the early 2000s.

Someone give me a list of his best matches and their episode number in LU. I saw the first season, but didn't bother watching the others and I forgot what matches of his were the dankest in that first season.

LOL r u fucking serious. Sexy Star vs Mil Muertes in Aztec Warfare 3 at the end, is the single most based women-in-wrestling moments ever, you complete cuck. It was 'good' by any measure

Just google all his matches, because they are all good. Especially the ones with Matanza Cueto (jeff cobb) and Aztec Warfare 3

Attached: Mil-Muertes.jpg (446x319, 41K)

>pic related, my dream match

Attached: Mil vs Jeawn.jpg (922x315, 91K)

I'm going to disagree with his matches with Cobb. Cobb was still rough around the edges and those matches were slow and boring. His series with Willy Mack, on the other hand, was magical.

>based pee pee punch Nakamura was kino

Attached: nakamura.jpg (1200x675, 130K)

i enjoyed the fued, but this was the most kino moment for me
if i had to sum up 2018 wwe in one image, it might just be this pic

Attached: shinsuke-nakamura-aj-styles-low-blow-backlash-20033993-1280x0.jpg (1280x704, 80K)

Attached: beck pout.jpg (955x530, 167K)

>e drone has nothing to contribute


Attached: I R E-DRONE.jpg (1200x1679, 136K)

What makes Shibata truly amazing is the kino he creates even after retirement. Pic related

Attached: 1561399779783.png (986x1911, 3.17M)

>RVD 4:20 in the crowd foreshadowing the end of the reign right as it begins
One of the best images in here desu

Attached: 1562547188280.png (647x526, 594K)

Its a shame he never got a run as IWGP Champion

Daily reminder that shadows do not exist in the WWE Universe. NJPW may have shadows flecked across the ring like in but any recent WWE show is blasted with floodlights to eliminate all possibility of chiaroscuro kino.

Shibby will be back, r-right bros?

Attached: sad pingu.jpg (212x249, 5K)

the match where he punched through the casket was fucking based

Attached: jay.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

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when johnny reddit inevitably debuts in the main roster will he get a gamer gimmick?

Attached: jer 4.jpg (1280x720, 43K)

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Based Noir Japan.

Attached: 1333881697250.jpg (1284x718, 1.03M)

You have to accept it, we need to move on. We will always remember him


Attached: 009.jpg (502x469, 82K)

Attached: Paul.jpg (642x722, 70K)

why the Barbies?

you would almost think this is for a raffle or a donation to a childrens hospital.....

but uhh everyone has there uhhh..tastes.

Attached: 1301170914372.gif (200x116, 1.34M)

It was the story telling that's what made Mil so fucking good. Here you have Matanza who just ran through every single fucking person in LU including killing Pentagon. Mil finally crosses paths with him and fucking brings him down for the first time since Matanza has been there. For the first time Matanza is vulnerable. Then they have a hoss fight which ends with a fucking STO through the roof and no conclusion. It was fucking awesome.

Kayfabe aside what is the real context here? There is no way he was given all this by his wife for xmas. There are ninja turtles and barbies for fuck sake. How is this Xmas morning between the two? Who is taking the picture? Where are her gifts? God damn it I am getting so worked by this picture.

stop exposing the business

They both gave each other toys. The Barbies are clearly hers. And I'm sure it was the bull taking the picture.

Gonna dump a couple I have that have not been posted

Starting with bringing WWE and Japan together

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When did that happen?

Save this one guys. Its kino value is going to only rise over the next 20 years

Attached: 1561637565014.jpg (549x369, 37K)

I'm new with japan so who is that?

Check out who the young lion is in the back

Attached: 271DA950-9699-470F-BE9A-34F4B9EBB3AC.jpg (741x416, 40K)

Jay white?

People don't like G.O.D. right now cause they are getting worked but we will miss them when they are gone.

Shota Umino. Son of the referee Red Shoes and future ace of NJPW. Check out his New Japan Cup match against Tanahashi and his singles match with Zaxh Sabre jr.

Attached: 1560069908567.jpg (1955x1125, 326K)

Sorry, linked incorrectly. It is Shota Umino, a current Young Lion. See above for explanation.
Nice detail

Attached: 1562025810496.jpg (1200x799, 137K)

G.O.D have IT

Does anyone have the best Chadblade pic, the one of him looking up at the screen while Okada and Tanahashi are laid out in the ring?

Fuck you, commie scum. war eagle!

Who the FUCK tucks in a tshirt ay?

Attached: A05DA056-70E6-41B2-8BD9-84094CEE8432.jpg (649x365, 49K)

Shit, I thought I had that one saved. The one where he's rubbing blood on his face, yeah?

Attached: 1561576850087.jpg (853x864, 70K)

I think this picture is really cool, but what is it trying to convey? Tanahashi as an antagonist? Him being so heroic that even his rivals fans love him? I dont follw njpw closely so I'm genuinely curious

Attached: fd0Edke.jpg (1914x1068, 238K)

I don't understand this promotion

Attached: 141_SD_03132018jg_1919--19eb1588b294f627806cffc8183f5913.jpg (1200x675, 101K)

that's good news user because if you did you'd be on a government watch list

god I love this picture, peak heel AJ, the last time Dolph was good, Smackdown feeling like the A-brand, it was a great time

Omega ruins it with his over the top cringe faces as usual


I think I remember reading somewhere that Johnny was really poor growing up and didn’t get a lot out of his childhood, so now that he has money he likes to buy all the things he missed out on as a kid.

It's called story telling, drone.

Attached: the best in the world.webm (1004x564, 1.8M)

This is what manchildren truly believe.

Attached: IMG_20190622_033426.jpg (998x1440, 205K)

ok, cringe storytelling

not that guy but half the fun of playing with those toys as a kid is playing with your friends. Is Ciampa gonna play Ninja Turtles with him?

BUT if he worked his gf into buying him this shit just so he can sell it later then it's actually pretty smart. No way in hell he opens the boxes pulls off the heads of those turtles and puts them on a different body like I used to as a kid.

Attached: F3547EA6-C108-4188-AFB8-F686E8019077.jpg (750x900, 102K)

Okada in the rain, pure kino.

Attached: OkadaWhite.jpg (1000x525, 91K)

Attached: 60730834_105445820630467_1426802995927879515_n.jpg (1080x1030, 189K)

Okada is allways kino

Attached: sanada 2.jpg (808x1200, 101K)

Ok, this one is beautiful. I'll go rewatch this one only because I never noticed those two.

I've never heard of this match. When did it occur?

Attached: GOATsworth wins MITB.jpg (955x537, 127K)


Attached: tinieblasyalushe.jpg (600x600, 82K)

Yes, that moment sold me on breathing with the Chadblade

Id say the second one. Even when hes entering a match against Ibushi, Ibushis fans still love him.

Actually the greatest live shot in the history of professional wrestling.

>Shibata makes a recovery
>Goes after Okada
>Finally fucking wins the strap
>The most based storyline of the past decade is complete and world peace is achieved

Attached: C9DOAESUIAA0ONf.jpg (800x1034, 89K)


I still remember the seethe like it was yesterday

Attached: osami bin laden.jpg (432x432, 13K)

1990 Wrestling Summit. It was a WWE/NJPW/All Japan show


A year or two ago. To celebrate 30 years of his career, he had a match with Okada.. a man born on the same day Suzuki started his career. Peak kino.

Who or what was he pointing at, again?

They'll just give him TJP's gimmick, get ready to watch Johnny Reddit dab his way to the ring. maybe for WM his gear will be a fortnite default skin

Why does he hates USA so much?

Cause it sucks Saudi cock

What's this from?

Cause it sucks Israeli cock

Holy yumola!

Titan had lots of weak shit in the BOSJ but this match was terrific. Forever mad that he kicked out of the Shock Arrow though.

Anyone got the Jay White on a corner with his back to us while Gedo holds the Switch Blade necklace in the foreground?

They're pasties, dipshit.

Omega is such a fucking shitter with his gay anime faces. Holy shit I'm so glad he left New Japan