This board is shit now
You're all faggots
This board is shit now
why dont you post the wwe on Yea Forums era you fucking newfag
I'm here from 1992
It always has been, friend. That's why we only come here to shitpost.
>my oc is used for a meme
Feels good
Stop posting your gay chart and maybe itll be better.
Very early cancer checking in.
Oldfag lurker, Newfag poster.
Joined Yea Forums in August 2014 for Summerslam, and started posting on /wwe/ during the 2015 Royal Rumble.
I was a highly active shitposter once but wrestling got really shitty and I moved on
I'm an originalfag? Apparently I need more hobbies.
>reddit Yea Forums timeline
The only people that make these charts/put any value into these charts are newfags and reddit.
This timeline is wrong.
Yea Forums was created march 2013. And Yea Forums back then had wrestling on it. Yea Forums always had wrestling on it since day one when this was just a trial board. Go away tourist you know nothing of my boards history.
Reminder that DeanCHAD left this shithole and moved on with his life, probably has a wife and kid now, but (You) are still here. Forever.
Oldfag and proud to witness Deanchad
/wwe/ will always be king
Just imagine being on here that long and taking fucking pride in it
Yea Forums wasn't officially a wrestling board because the mods thought mandrama was an actual sport, then they added "& wrestling" here after /wwe/ died.
Honestly they should just make a wrestling board and exile the skateboard general to Yea Forums, it's literally the only non-wrestling thing in this board.
i miss comfy smack.
original here
you missed many eras though - triphammer era, skype club era
Its so cute that you want to rewrite history. Just because & wrestling wasnt originally in the title. It was still discussed here.
Originalfag, I miss it so fucking much. I miss flags, the fun gamethread traditions, and >outlel wrestling fedoraposting. The casual lucha discussions, the public bashing of Meltzer and his drones, and the Supercards. Most of all I miss Colombia.
Fuck that was a fun time
>This timeline is wrong.
>Yea Forums was created march 2013. And Yea Forums back then had wrestling on it. Yea Forums always had wrestling on it since day one when this was just a trial board. Go away tourist you know nothing of my boards history.
It had cringe outlaw shit but all the cool kids posted in /wwe/ on Yea Forums.
There is a battlebots general and the random joshi darts/bowling threads popping up once in a while.
im a cozyfaggot
Triphammer was more of a sidestory in the greater arc/era of things. Same with Skype.
>posting on Yea Forums
>cool kids
Kek this board was filled with various wrestling discussion and plenty of wwe related threads or else I wouldve never came to this board and stay for its entirety. I am one of the five Carters. Now shut the fuck up Carter
based newfag chiming in
Sure it did have wrestling discussions, but all the big boys were talking about it in /wwe/ on Yea Forums. Plus wrestling was the minority on Yea Forums at that time until the merger. So Originalfags for pre-wrestling Yea Forums would be mostly people who talked about anything other than wrestling. Plus that wrestling minority on Yea Forums are irrelevant jannettys compare to /wwe/chads so anything they say doesn't matter since history is written by the victors of war.
>thinking Yea Forums drew any dimes before /wwe/ was exiled from BASED Yea Forums
Fuck off faggot.
Unfriendly reminder that ALL the memes Yea Forums produces and is used around Yea Forums(nel) was made because of /wwe/. /wwe/ put Yea Forums on the map and made it a meme powerhouse. It even made magic real.
i watched carter go from universally hated to worshiped
The John Cena effect.
What happened on Yea Forums has nothing to do with Yea Forums. Nice blog.
>knowing Yea Forums had plenty of wrestling threads when it was created
>Bragging about getting bullied to Yea Forums from Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
I'm original. I was the first to say that Carter was posting using multiple trips talking to himself