Yuck. What happened to AJ.
Yuck. What happened to AJ
Wait when did he transition?
she looks like those filipinos that won't stop talking
She's getting super fat on her face but her body is still skinny and muscled as fuck. How does that even work?
>posted this before and plebbit white knights still showed up to defend this puerto rican beast face
she looks fine to me
It's called being female over 30.
If she was preggo she wouldn't be skinny on her body.
What do her braps smell and sound like?
All women hit the wall. Especially her since her husband refuses to work.
A lot of women who were thin before hand stay skinny but get huge tits and all the fat goes to their face and feet.
She got old bro. Women age like milk
>Future me looks like hell.
yo I never saw this movie please tell me the Ancient One and his mom are in the front row for this scene
She looks great imo
US title contender midcard styles looks like that?
No wonder she goes after underage boys. No MAN would want THAT.
Zelina Vega is going to hit the wall hard. Short latinas turn into refrigerators.
Aging like a fine wine
Women age like shit as they should.
Film at 11.
Came specifically for this and first post no less
She literally looks the same.
She was never that hot, and looked like an 11 year old Indian boy.
JUST overflow from her husband.
>get huge tits
now I'm interested
literal autism
Florence makes my tick twitch
I want AJ to fart in my face and tell me dirty things
and suddenly this became the best meme of the summer
hit the wall
Plus botox.
Should be illegal in the states.
t. husbando
this happened
AJ looks great, or as good as a guy his age can look. I think the tattoos were a mistake and his hair's too long these days but he's still in good shape
i wish she was a guy. women are gross
prove it with pics!
>author, advocate, activist
AKA she had a book ghost written for her and doesn't do shit now.