>Ross said he's not sure of the exact date that AEW TV will begin airing on TNT as he's heard "two or three different stories."

>JR added, "It's early October. ... I think it's going to air on a Wednesday night, but that hasn't been confirmed to me. Tuesdays and Thursdays are big basketball nights on TNT, and we sure as hell don't want to dance around their basketball schedule. Logically, by process of elimination, it looks like it's going to be Wednesday."

Less than 3 months away and they don't when it's airing? Y I K E S. All Estrogen Wrestling was a mistake

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Are you retarded? That's all on TNT and has been heavily hinted that it's Oct 2.

>heavily hinted
That's not what fucking JR says. No one knows what the fuck is going on over there

>and we sure as hell don't want to dance around their basketball schedul
You'll do as your told like a good boy with your irrelevant niche of no-name nobodies

You don't want to be changing the schedule every X months. That shit droves the audience away.

>niche of no-name nobodies
Nobody was talking about WWE.

copeing this hard

I will criticise them for everything, but this is not on them. Same as they couldn't announce signing with TNT ahead of the upfronts.

Their trannies, SJW shit and reddit "humor" will do that anyways

NO, this is different. Announcing a deal before it's made is one thing, not knowing when your fucking show airs is inexcusable

It's October 2nd. He just doesn't want to announce it himself so he's dancing around the issue.

They already know you dumbfucks. There's a thing called NDA.

I hope they have a warning message at the start of the show telling people that wrestling is fake and not to worry about the safety of the performers and also the heels don't really intend to be mean

It's over AEW is finished, hotdog-drones will somehow find a way to damage control this. OH NO NO NO NOOOOO HAHHAHAHAHAA

They probably don't want to tell JR anything, he needs the brain space to try and finally learn who the fuck the people on the roster are.

Doesn't make any sense to me to air it on any day other than Monday, and of course expect low ratings as people start to wake up to you, by Wednesday you've already had 2 WWE shows and unless you're not watching WWE at all, it's just too much wrestling programming for a fan. On Monday people will flip back and forth if they're old school, everyone else will download it and watch it on their own time. But even with everyone downloading it, they think about wrestling on Monday not Wednesday. However I don't know of any must see shows on a Wednesday.

Airing it on Monday is the worst idea possible

This. Meme on AEW all you want otherwise but you're working yourself into shoot stupidity if you're out here believing they honestly don't know.

Except for (You)
Rent free

It's over

who the fuck is still watching WWE?

You guys need some new memes BAD

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I think it's October 2nd. They'll probably announce for real saturday. They definitely need to book arenas already.

Holy hell, what a cluster fuck

What makes you think that they don't have the arena booked yet?. I expect it to be MSG or barclays center

Prob saving the announcement for All Out

JR isn't in charge of the tv deal why would he know that stuff. You guys act like AEW is some mom and pop Wrestling company operated by 6 people.

Seething E-drone retard alert