RAM Gamethread #2

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>that edit
Gonna be a yikes from me.

Fuck, only reason I'm still watching this shitshow is just I can see Maverick's wife again.


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>No Way Jose

Is anything good going to happen tonight or should i just go to sleep?


Lose weight

What happened to Jose's hair?

Ijust had a bottle of wine, im about t get n bedand pass out

Already did, practice Photoshop.

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Is Hose wearing a fucking Vote for Pedro reference

go to sleep

imagine waiting this long to use the club again

dimes cesaro theme, push incoming lads

Was his name shortened?
What was his full name before it was shortened?

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>good thing Heyman took over RAW!

what a mess

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If Heyman is booking then Cesaro should win. He'll lose.

>Jose fucked up the first spot
Just let this shitter go to AEW already.


Gotta update that gif with the new logo

>Hulk Hogan has entered the arena.
per Dave Meltzer.

Cesaro is a Paul Heyman Guy so he's getting a big push


He used to be King Ricochet.

Looks like Cesaro just did Leg Day. Hobbling around the ring.

(For you onions-boy, beta-cucks...Leg Day is when men use weights to work out their leg muscles...)

Be honest. Do you believe in God?

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just got on explain what happened so far please

Holy fuck when was the last time someone tapped to the SS

>pretending to be drunk by intentionally mispelling words



1 minute ago

>It's going to get better this time, E-bros! For real this time!

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this that's was hilarious, he just kinda rolled into Cesaro's arms lmao

>has never drank a bottle of wine in his life

Who the fuck are these two?

What is Cesaros gimmick?

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Two guys from NXT that have been called up way too early...

Hos and souls?


I've seen Private Party, how are these Profits dudes in the ring?

Not 1 fucking match and they're already dead.

He looks different, is this a fake Cesaro

Did Heyman tell the wrestlers to start working a harder style? Feel like all the matches tonight have been a bit more stiff and athletic.

>le lanklet that is as strong as Le-snar but can't draw a dime to save his life

Who still says senpai

>le cringe annoying black lads

Why is this so long (i mean the promo, not the dumb 3 hour show)

Cryme Tyme

ho's and soles?
Sounds based

Can we get rid of the Usos now that we have an infinitely more entertaining replacement?

Fuck niggers

What the fuck is going on? Are these guys from SNL?

Generic superman villain

how you get that of me?!

So... this is the power of Heyman?

nice. I should watch these instead of ram

Yes, he told them that. I was there.


Literally turned it off from this nigger cringe

Hoes and soles

Pick one then your laxative

So....these guys are just the Usos but more obnoxious?

A common black people trope.
Only good for shucking and jiving and snapping an occasional pop culture reference.

All these fucking jobbers are doing is reminding me of


Socialize, incel. Normies love ebonics

So are they the Usos or New Day?


They’re pretty good! They haven’t had a lot of time to perfect their skill...but Vince wanted a funny black tag team

These dudes are the most charismatic nxt call ups since enzo

dude's getting older bro. We all job to Father Time.

think I'd rather watch Sonny Kiss than this hot garbage

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Correct. They are actually black unlike the Uso's who just act like they are black.

The one without the headbands is amazingly athletic but the one with headbands is a shitter

That autistic jew can do better than that slag.


Bayley's face looks Bangable for once.

>they're gonna talk
And I'm gonna hit the shower

Calling it now bros
Bayley is going to win the challenge and make the stip Nikki gets in Extreme Rules match in a 3 way


I believe in the Holy Spirit

>this movie
Why didn't those retards just leave town before it flooded so much to let a billion crocs in?

They're Americans, they're all poor

I just want more sweaty big tits from spuds wife. Gimme 3 hours of that.

Those Black dudes have the most charisma on the mic I’ve seen since idk when

why do they keep giving bagley a mic

If New Day and USOs had twins

>this is "cute" to Yea Forums

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Montez Ford (the non fat one) is probably one of the most athletic guys on the roster that is a full blown flip machine. Explosive leaping ability.
Dawkins is a shitter.

Did Cesaro just beat Gustavo Mendoza's kid?

Imagine believing that someone was going to lose to No Way Jose no matter who was booking

I miss Ruby Riot, lads

But the people in the movie are white.

I want her to give me a rusty trombone


I can't believe you faggots defend this boring shit.

Why are you anti semites so obsessed with Alexa Bliss's religion?

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You're confusing "homely" which is "I'm ugly as shit but so is she so she'll totally let me fuck her" with "cute".

They'll turn him into a star

>Mike Kanellis

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Are you that desperate to find something good in this shit show?

Yes, let's go back to the cuck segment cuz it's better than anything on the fucking show 2nite.

He took her last name...

Pete Zacherine? Is that you?


>more tv time for mr took his wifes last name


They added fake OHs in lol

bruh look at this dude


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Heyman has been begging for a Cesaro push since his time in NXT

Chocolate ice cream

Age has not been kind to Maria lads.

What's their nickname?

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Michael Cole is fucking fat dude

Mike "Wojack" Kanellis-Bennett

Vince Cucking these two anti-draws into oblivion.

more like Alexa Bris

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I think it’s because it’s a horror movie

thats the wall brother

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>what kinda man taps out to a woman
Maria will get banned by r/squaredcircle and sued by the Senate.

pregnancy will do that to a woman

>Ice cream and pickles
holy yuckola gonna vomitola

Two Gay Men.

Have to realize how many Brits are up at 3.30 in the morning to shitpost and wait for Lexi and Mandy's ass to appear.

He’s been gargling the BIG DAWG’s sugary semen

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Beat the cuck challenge

Team Becky and Seth


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She's got a Dani Daniels nose and it makes me DIAMONDS

>The state of Men in 2019
Patrice O'Neal is rolling around in his grave like a fucking hamster wheel

is Michael Cole huge now or is that the worst suit of all time? wtf cole

This story is going to lead to cuckoldry, isn't it?

>nikki is supposed to be the ugly friend of the stacy
>she's fucking Adriana Lima next to Bailey that other than the tits looks like that gay guy from Stargate, with a bigger nose too.



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Beat the Cock

He's a fat fuck.

Bayley always looks uncomfortable talking

Just got in. What have I missed?

How did they fit him in there?

>Sarah Logan

time to get my dick out


WTF they made Nikki look cute?

I've never noticed how fucked up Nikki Cross' nose was.

They were busy cooking meth.

Looks like that leaked call sheet was spot on

She’s got Down Syndrome

>62% of BLACK subscribers are married white women

Can guarantee Cole got ripped to a predetermined benchmark and once he hit it, he stopped giving a shit.

"former" member of riot squad? Bros is..is the squad over?

RIP riott squad i guess

That was horrendous

Is Nikki's nose crooked?

SethMan (semen)


I would've down the 2 girls and a cup on this bitch 12 yrs ago. After Trish and Stacy left, she was the hottest thing on the show. I'd post her Playboy pics but Yea Forums has become a PG13 board.

Liv got sent to SD and Ruby is injured


You're thinking of Adam Cole

this episode has been a fucking bore

What leaked sheet pass it

Post it


Go back

:( I noticed that too....... r.i.p riot squad

Comfy skysports ads. Shake it shake it!

jeez she looks like a crazy cat lady

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Adam Cole is lanky as hell, retard.

Bayley is ugly as fuck. Looks like a foot using highlighter as makeup
might be shadows.

Don't worry
We'll get a real wrestling show in October

Anyone else really sleepy?

>Wicked Witch of the West
They gave her the right angle

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post it plz

lads, Raw is boring as fuck again

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thread 0 has the pic

Becky and her sidekick got beat up by Corbin and the blonde.
Lashley beat up Rey.
Cesaro beat No Way Jose, both botched one time.
Heyman shitposted about a cash in on sunday.

Her jelly ass makes up for it.

Nah, I just had a creamy snickers, so I'm good.

God this show is so good

watching Bayley cut a promo with bullet points in a taped segments and people complained about WWE scripting some people's promos word for word...

Thank fuck Truth is here to save the show.

At least 5 SD guys now

Truth saving us again

Keep with it user. Paul is just finishing up the shit storylines he was handed with a go home show tonight. Next week will be the real test.

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Halfway through the show and don't even need a 3rd thread yet.

Ya STILL Seethe over the beautiful brown girl being married to the White Guy don't ya jamal?
Kek what a simp.

I want to...



Truth needs to die.

Imagine being one of those running geeks who never gets a turn with the strap.

>1.5 hours in
>still on second gamethread

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>Watching old RAW on the Network
>Opens with RVD vs. Scott Steiner
>Look over to live RAW in the background
>Bay Leno on the microphone

R-Truth is the only thing Lars was ever wrong about.

This is an awful show

>not just dropping the stupidity and calling them War Raiders with their original names again

>Ryder and Hawkins chasing the jobber title
it hurts bros

Wait, TJ is now a producer?

third viking match in 3 weeks

>tfw never give Carmella a piggy back ride

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Pretty much everyone of the jobbers won it, for literally ten seconds each.

Why the fuck does everyone have such generic music? How can you pop for an entrance when they all sound the fucking same?

I am back to where I once belonged.

another 'we were good in Japan' team

Just realized the Viking Raiders have 2 NFL nicknames in their name

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He's been one since SmoJoe killed his career

Where are the Ascension?

holy shit

You said it was going to be different bros.

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They fired Jim Johnston a year ago.

>Truth is literally half of WWE's YT views
Seethe harder

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these two shitters are dead in the water. nobody cares

Have you seen their TakeOver entrances with the militia and the WAR chants? It was awesome.


I thought Bishoff was supposed to fix this

CFO$ are lazy as fuck.

Does this jobber squashing ever do anything for guys nowadays?

You have to admit the whole baby schtick is getting retarded. I don't know, he's been retarded a few times before, the whole "spider stew" thing, but this feels very cringy.

I have no problem with her Christian faith.

He got muscle busted straight to the cuck shed, now Natty fucks titus

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>Carmella will never rub her plastic titties all over your back

why do the black guys get all the women?


this reminds me, what happened to that leaker that perfectly posted all show results?

holy boring

>want to kill off literally the ONLY good part of this shitshow

Would you watch them?

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because they have bigger dicks than you, faggot!

When will the rape of NXT's roster end bros

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Spoiler chad got outed

haha omg THIS

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>I just realized they had Corbin no-sell because he's gonna tap out to the bitch at Extreme Rules
Good god.

Honestly I was thinking the same thing. And the ones with memorable themes like Nakamura are buried.

fuck off cancer

The Men Slayers

Heh i liked the moves they used.

So either a last minute change or Rico randomly faces Anderson first

Sean Ross Sapp posted scripts on his patreon and the guy just copied it. Once the leak was plugged, the leaker died too. He'll show up occasionally when Raw and Smack are in the UK

no u

Do we even care for these Viking Raiders anymore? Did we ever even care?

Hell no, Brock is gonna cash in so neither team gets buried too hard.

At the show live right now and man I'll tell ya. This no Wrestling during commercials sucks. I watch the Bella twins rap while Andrade and Rollins sat in the dark.

It takes no effort to get cheered by the morons stupid enough to get scammed by Full Sail University

They were fine before they got called up and dumbed down into cartoon characters.

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They were badass before the call up and name change
Not putting them in legitimate tag matches obviously hurts them and the over bloated roster
Not adding Sarah Logan to the Raiders was another fucking idiotic choice

Is there anything to look forward to anymore? What's the endgame?

one finger only

Ok nichole

>le bimbo standing there to be trolled and sent off without interview

How many times have they played the Snickers commercial tonight?

Thank you based h

Of course you would know that eh Gaytch.

>he has a mic


Would you shake Ricochet's hand?

Waiting for these retarded storylines to end Sunday and hopefully the jew has something actually interesting to replace them with.

>WWE advertising another promotion's show
WTF is this bizarro world?

don't do that. Never do that, else depression will sink in much sooner.

This dude needs speech therapy

>giving Ricochet a mic

but the discord is comfy brother dude

Ricochet with a mic is worse than Bayley.

Based Cesaro being a safe worker and catching No Way Jose before he tripped on the ropes and fell on his head

What does AJ think about anus fingering?

>this guy's promos

what the fuck does meltzjew see in this guy?

did Vince schedule an impromptu "finger the clock" challenge?

unholy cringe

Why the fuck do they insist on letting Ricochet talk every week?

get this man a fucking manager to speak for him, holy shit

That camera?

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Not christian behavior

That camera.

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Ricochet is a faggot

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i love cocky heel aj

based evil AJ

because it's what Vince wants. He sees a star in Rick but he's gotta be able to talk.

Thank fuck we have Heel AJ to save this shitshow for at least a little while.

How the fuck can someone be so athletic in the ring, but is breathing heavily like someone massaged his prostate while cutting a promo?

evil AJ?

heh mud hole I get it

DSP is seething

Kids like cringey, and then parents buy tickets, thereby funding all the good angles... both of them

spent all his time practicing flips instead of learning to talk

I know right


weekly reminder

Is wwe cartoon porn a thing?

Ricochet slaps his knee too obviously




Mr. O'shea is the best bumper in the company holy shit

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AJ is such a heel, forcing us to endure more of this shit

Bout to turn this shit off and play some Hollow Knight... g'night lads. Hope it gets better next week.

enjoy running back to bosses

based, have fun bro