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Anyone who prefer Vulpus over him is a cringelord

Lanius was based, ultimately Joshua Graham's Jannetty though.

That's big talk from someone who is burning to death.


Fuck now I want another playthrough of New Vegas.

Fuck Caesar and his tribe of right wing incels, I go with Mr House every playthrough

>jobbing to the old, has-been "i know better than modern society" idiot
based e-drone

Independent is the only non-cuck answer.

Mr house unironically is the best choice for the greater good of the area, unless you think the NCR are good for anything.

>There are people in this thread that didnt go with No Gods, No Masters

>Not bringing the Mojave together under your united rule
>Siding with some shriveled up NEET who's going to take his robot fuck slaves into space while you're stuck in the wasteland

This. What the fuck you niggers doing taking orders from people when you have an army of robots, a fucking B-52 bomber, the last of the Enclave and nuclear missiles backing you up?

The Legion are legitimately the only actual chance at rebuilding civilization, if House was in any position to do any good it was long before he had the chip, he was just an asshole "living in his own bubble" (the snow globes are symbolic of this) and wasn't looking to save the world, merely pursue his own interests. The NCR were a bunch of fuckwits too, corrupt and not in any position to meet the needs of the wasteland around them.

>some courier knows best how to fix the post-apocalyptic united states

the entire point of the character building is that you're not just "some courier" unless you choose to be a retard when you play. i've ruled as both stone cold steve austin AND dr. doom in new vegas.

Lanius was a jobber as was every other boss in a Bethesda game

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>incapable of creating an interesting character to take over new vegas
you'll never make it with the wolves kid

>pussy that can't choose a side
ok bitch

Lonesome Road clearly tells us that, yes you are just some random geek who ends up half dead and in the middle of everybody's mess. You're never the guy, you only work with the guy, basically the Triple H of the Fallout series.

Im never the guy and yet I convinced him to nuke the legion and the ncr. Sided with the ncr just to screw them at the end of hoover dam and slaughter all of them.

DLC's arent canon ya jabronie.
isn't lonesome road the one that was literally just the original fallout 3 story that they just tweaked to put into NV when they got the license back anyway?

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>pussy that bends over and lets others tell him what to do
embarrassing bitch

>chris avellone getting assmad he wasn't allowed to torpedo the entire series is canon

>some politician from commiefornia knows how to fix the united states
>some dude who read the rise and fall of the roman empire knows how to fix the united states
>a literal corpse in a coffin knows how to fix the united states

DLC's are 100% canon you dipstick

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If you take Cucksome Road as canon you also have a massive stockpile of working thermonuclear missiles so you are going to rule regardless. No-one else can project even a fraction of the power the Courier can.

>fallout 3
beggin ya to get that bethestard cringe out of a new vegas thread

all of those individuals have an army of human beings believing in their cause and ideology, unlike the courier, this is namely why I can't stand robert house as he's probably in the best position to do something but is too much of an egotistical douchebag to actually help people

you forced my hand user, I didn't want to do it either

The Courier has an army of robots, the Boomers, the Enclave, the New Vegas tribes and gangs and whoever else you decide to pick up like the Brotherhood or the Khans.

fallout 3 is a different fucking universe you retard you have literally no idea what you're talking about lol
bethesda fallouts are non canon

WWE = Fallout 4
NJPW = Fallout New Vegas
AEW = Fallout 3
iMPACT = Fallout 76

ROH - Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel

>fallout 3 is a different fucking universe you retard
obsidian fags actually believe this, their the same universe go have sex

It’s also the biggest cop out

Joshua Graham got raped in the scorching summer of 2281

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Out of all 3 options its clear none of them give a shit about the overall wastes. They all are gonna kill the kings. So fuck em all. Freeside is the new new vegas. In my playthrough i basically played all sides until you cant anymore. The wastes ran red with the blood of my enemies.

The Kings and House get along if you make the Kings war with the NCR, he even continue to give them rule of Freeside

>role-playing in a role-playing game is a cop-out
Genuinely fucking cringing.
Courier has nuclear missiles and an army of robots. If you have that and you get on your knees like a Daddy's girl to take orders from other people you are an unimaginative cuckold.

>Why yes, we do enjoy being ordered around by corrupt politicians that got us into this mess, power hungry savages that dont even use medicine and egomaniacal corpses, how could you tell

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Dude what are you drinking that’s depleting all of your chromosomes?
The only non-canon DLC would be mothership zeta and even then if Bethesda wanted to be gay they could easily claim it as 1000% canon

Why are you taking orders from a corpse bro? Shoot him in the head and take his robots.

He isn't a corpse ya dummy, the issue with independent is anarchy and I'm not a filthy commie.

>there are people IN THIS VERY THREAD who didn't bash House's baked potato face with a 9 iron, stab Caesar with a knife & throw Oliver into the Hoover Dam

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What you are trying to do is reason that your shitty new Vegas play through is better than everybody else’s because you have ADHD and did a psychopath run.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you what the average independent player looks like.

kek what a bitch

Sorry, New Vegetty, I only play chad fallout games, like Brotherhood of Steel and 76.

>he isn't a corpse
Exposure to fucking air kills him.
>i'm not a commie
You have no imagination. Why would there be anarchy or communism ya dweeb you control the streets and you have all the power Vegas will be shaped in your image. The fact you are worried it will turn commie suggests you may have latent commie tendancies.

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>video game cringe
this just confirms everyone here is under the age of 25
lmao seek sunlight ya NEET virgins

>thank you boss please keep shitting in my mouth i love licking your boots and taking commands from you

I didnt run a pyschopath run.
Legion deserved death. After doing everything i could for the legion that didnt compromise the other factions i killed cesar. Legion lost at hoover dam
The NCR deserved death as you play the game and really explore you realize the "good guys" are power hungry asshole only concerned with strengthing their power and domain as they commit horrible atrocities that get swept under the rug. I rode out with them for awhile.
Mr. House needed to die because he is old, his view points on certain things conflicted my end goals, i wasnt going to render him useless so I did him a favor.
The van graffs died
The cannibal casino dead.
I killed off anyone and everything evil and nuked the legion and ncr.
But no try to play the elite card because you were the bitch of house or the ncr.
Its been years since I played it.

holy fucking yes man cope lol

>Ladies and Gentleman

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So you are living someone elses story instead of creating your own. Right.

reminder that josh sawyer is a massive cuckold and slipped into lonesome road how the tunnelers will eventually find their way into the mojave and kill everyone no matter what you do because he wanted to reset the canon

DLCs are canon you jabroni

Whatever one was the recycled scraps of the original FO3 (which I think was lonesome road) specifically is not canon

That was Avellone because he was butthurt Sawyer wouldn't let him nuke the entire planet. The ending Avellone wanted for Lonesome Road was another complete nuclear winter and the setting going back to Fallout 1. Sawyer told him fuck off and the Tunnelers line was his bitchy way of getting back at him.

>hating on either 3 or NV

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I will never stop finding it funny that in one of the very few RPG's where you have full control of your characters creation and backstory, can build him anyway you want and influence the world however you feel there are """people""" who go around taking orders from literal NPC's.

>I don’t want to make hard choices, my Mary Sue character will fix everything!

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>liking 3
begging ya to grow up lad. a literal town of 7 year olds hold up ya progress in that game and make you kiss their asses to pass through.

You’re the one obsessed with black cocks, buddy lmao

Imagine defending taking orders from a computer game character. You're getting bossed around by 1's and 0's ya dweeb I can picture what a pushover you are already.

oooh you’re sooo tough. I bet Yes Man made you feel like such a big boy giving you all those quests, I bet he made you feel real big and strong doing everything he told you to do. Do you tell girls how tough and strong you were in a computer game?

>Whatever one was the recycled scraps of the original FO3
That's basically all of New Vegas, DLCs included. Characters like Joshua Graham, Aracade Gannon, Ulysses, and even Caesars Legion are from the original FO3. You should look into the stuff from the old FO3 it's pretty interesting if you like New Vegas. There's even a little demo for it you can play out there, and if it hasn't been cancelled some modders were going to remake it. It was called "Van Buren".

>Housetty will fix everything I'll just do what he tells me to
Cringe. House was about to job to Benny for fucks sake.

You seem gotten to my butthurt lil fren. I appreciate the extremely female passive aggressive defence of doing exactly what you are told lmfao. You literally followed orders from an NPC ya brainlet.

>should I do what person A tells me to or what person B tells me to! what a hard choice!

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>/pol/ buzzwords
Oh sweetie, who hurt you?

lol I always knew independentfags were the seething brainlets of the NV fanbase

>worked so hard he starts samefagging
Yes user you are so smurt taking orders from a computer game. Also NPC isn't a /pol/ term ya reddit dweeb it means non-player character. Lines of code you bend over and take it up the ass for. Let me guess you're a Housetty bitch.

>who hurt you
imagine my shock to find out that the one dude who gets all the nukes, robots, gangs and weapons in the mojave, gets turned into a cyborg and still lets other people boss him around is a redditor

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>the Boomers
New Vegas was ahead of its time.

>typing up all that shit

>shaping your own destiny is brainlet
>doing what you are told is smart

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Exposed and humilated. Run along now lil fella that's an order.

You type like and have the opinions of a 7 year old.

House had other opinions I disliked and wasnt down with me to the leadership reigns.

>n-no u-u
fallout 3 was fucking shit ya seething zoomer cunt. go cry about grammar and capitalization on reddit

Best option is House, he's the only one with a clear plan that makes sense. NCR is a corrupt bureaucracy and the Legion will collapse when Caesar dies.

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>creating your own story means you can’t be involved in anyone else’s
Don’t do any quests then
See how that turns out

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>clear plan that makes sense
>we'll all fly away to space lol
Dude was about to get checkmated by Benny. Fucking Benny. House is all talk.

In 50 years they could have gone to space unironically

Benny gets cucked by Caesar like a simp at the last step of his plan. Nobody checkmated anybody.

That happens because you survived two bullets to the skull. There's not a lot Benny could do about that it's one in a billion someone gets double-tapped in the face with 9mm from three feet away and gets up after.

I worked you into a babbling mess. Thanks for putting me over tho

>hasn’t taken the Christpill yet
Holy fucking cringe
I bet you still hate your parents too

>outs himself as a redditor
>i-i w-win
Exposed and humilated. Follow orders like you love so much and make yaself scarce lil guy.

No, that happens because he tries to sneak into Caesar's camp and gets caught.
House was a check on the NCR. NCR checked Legion. Legion checked Benny (they were keeping a close eye on him the whole time). Benny checked House. They were all on equal terms, it's up to you to determine who wins.

>tripfag trying to get attention

Based Anonymous chad

He only tries that because you show up at the Tops and decide to let him live, forcing his hand. I always shoot the fucker on the spot but if you let him get away what else is he supposed to do? You living and showing up pisses all over his plan.

You showing up doesn't take away the fact the Legion and House knew he had something planned (even if they didn't know what exactly). Either way he didn't have unlimited time and was going to have to wait for the NCR-Legion war to be resolved anyway.

Way to duck my points dipshit

Legion still could have meme'd on him but I thought the original plan was wait until they went to fight at the Dam before going to their campsite to take over the Securitron army. It's been a long time since I played so might not be 100% on that. House was fucked either way he had no clue Yes Man is around. I do remember that lore wise whoever controls the robot army is going to have by far the best chance of winning.

You're right, Benny's plan was to just wait for the battle to start and sneak in when security was light. Benny is such a simp that he probably would have gotten caught anyway (IIRC, his Stealth Boy didn't work properly). And Yes Man would follow anybody's instructions, so he was a tool for whoever could manage to get his hands on him.

The quests exist for me to complete as I choose. Dont be salty because you let other people boss you around

Based wage chad.

based big dimes king gimmick

But you're still doing them for other people

But Fallout 3 is the best so it should be WWE.

They have things i want and become allies to my cause. As the other anob stated. I did not reunite the enclave gain the trust and firepower of the Boomer boomers, get every physical implant possible, replace most of my bodie parts with advanced shit from the big MT, get an entire robot army at my disposal, A nuclear facility, and every possible weapon with all the vest armor in the world just to give it all to house, ncr or the legion. I am the law of the land because in every fallout game I am the Sun. Everything that happens in the game revolves around me. I truly know whats best in every situation I encounter. Also you know I used my only king favor to become a king. The kings drew dimes.

>All of new vegas you hear about the other courier.
>Every dlc hes there. Some how got there before you or is at least mentioned.
>final dlc is solely about finding him and dealing with some nukes that can be used against the legion or ncr.
yea TOTALLY not canon

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I wasn't criticizing your grammar I was criticizing your ability to have a discussion as well as your obvious baby's first troll quality posts. Stutter posting is reddit as fuck for someone who is going to imply that I waste time on that site for faggots like you. Also have sex you are getting this worked up over a decades old game. Dont forget to give me a you because if you get the last word in, to you in your mind that's a victory.

Literally do that all the time in GTA, RDR, RDR2, Fallout 3,4, New Vegas and Skyrim. Do you not have an imagination. Hell in rdr1 I was a face in the northern territory and wore vastly different clothes. I dressed in all black and was a piece of shit heel in mexico every step of the way. Eventually I went full blown heel because I was spoiled marstons fate. Begging ya not to live a life so simple and without imaginative thought.

>I chose le wacky robot storyline

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Hey guys guess who kevin nashs favorite new vegas npc is.

>bingo hall indie shitter

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Typical retarded centrist who can't pick a side

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>I am the law of the land because in every fallout game I am the Sun. Everything that happens in the game revolves around me. I truly know whats best in every situation I encounter.