Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ.......

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Welp, R.I.P., Seth

I'm embarrassed for all concerned

This is even gayer then the Balor shirts.

He's done. Corbin has more credibility than this cuck.

Attached: tenor-3-1.gif (240x228, 1.86M)


Corbinetty has an even worse bitch on his side

the absolute state of this company

A jack off queen who is actually a woman.

So that's why WWE put them together. They're pushing the feminism woke thing. Hopefully it works for them.

please give corbin the title

>the “face of the company” has an official shirt calling him “the man’s man”
>anyone on the street familiar with the term and context of calling someone your man will assume this is a homosexual’s shirt
Baed WWE putting this shitter in his place?

Aew won

if I see a onions-e wearing this in the streets Ian gonna die laughing at him

Imagine wearing this

>is actually a woman.

Where's the equally cringey back print?


Can someone explain to me burger clothing sizes, what the fuck is 5xl, i suppose 2XL is XXL but what the fuck is the rest

that just makes her hotter desu

>the man's man

Attached: lel.gif (480x271, 1.9M)

>what the fuck is 5xl
The one that will sell out first.

Think of XXL. Now think of a human that XXL is too small for. That guy needs 3XL. Keep going.

Pretty sad that all the guys dating the horsewomeme are known for that.
Bayley's bf is known as Mr. Bayley
Sasha's husband is known as Sasha's cuck aka Cuckaze
Seff is now Beko's man
and Almas will soon be known as Charles's 4th failed marriage

I never thought someone would make a worse wrestling tshirt than the TNA AJ Styles "semen" splatter shirt, and yet here we are

Attached: CPEcYsHW8AAV-9Z (2).png (377x317, 191K)


how do you whether you are xxxl or xxxxl?

Can you see your penis? If yes, XXL and other, otherwise 3XL and up

I think you could probably look up measuring charts online

usually we know what size we are by memory but the different companies all have a different opinion on how big the different sizes should be

I wish we just used measurements like with pants


How the fuck is this supposed to get anyone over?

I miss these days, lads

Attached: 5455.jpg (240x240, 19K)

This shirt was made for Cody Collier

It's a race to the bottom with this SJW shit.

gaychads just keep winning. a shirt made for us

When your chest is over 50 inches around, and your stomach distends your shirt so that the front length is far longer. In commie units, it's 122 cm around.

Attached: us-shirt-size-chart.jpg (1600x1144, 165K)

Should've said "The Man's Bitch"
Sethetty BURRIED.

Its all so tiresome

Attached: 1562536172960.png (1200x737, 1.27M)

Imagine the handjobs.

Attached: 1562101272595.jpg (784x784, 74K)

>WWE thinks this is what the 18-34 demographic wants

AEW going to get a lot of fans

So they're only a storyline couple right? This is some forced as fuck shit.

Attached: cda3fe50f034165472ccc134518fc1b91888d51bc5071e1ca54e967d6c6107e5.jpg (249x306, 13K)

yikes even reddit hates it

Does this mean asp loves it now?

no we can universally hate something from time to time

We've reached a level of KWAB that shouldn't be possible.

I'd wear in public

t. colby

>seth slings dick to becky a few times after she has a bad breakup
>Vince sees them together once and automatically assumes they're dating
>"Hey pal, why don't you and Becky make it an angle? Think about it, an onscreen Power Couple"
>now they have to do increasingly cringe worthy, forced "hey we're THAT couple" shit when they were just fucking a few times
>Becky goes along with it because of her biological clock
>Seth goes along with it because he's a bitch ass nigga that can't say no

>switch to aew
>See Sonny
>quits wrestling altogether.

remember when Sethetty was blowing up on twitter and sucking WWE's cock?

LMFAOOOOOOOO. dude's an absolute shitter

Attached: laughing day.png (631x453, 268K)


some things deserve hate from both sides

Wrestling is dead

Who's the target customer for that?

Can't wait for Seth Lynch to lose the belt.

Attached: jbl.gif (540x300, 1.84M)


This can't be real? Fucking who the hell would wear this shit, and why the fuck would Seth even agree to this? Is he really that much of a cuck for not only Becky but to the WWE to let himself be degraded like...oh who am I kidding, of course he is.

I'm hoping this will end in a feud between the two because Seth feeling Becky is dominating him too much. It ends with Becky going over Seth and thus preventing him from ever being a top guy ever again.

i hope seff's knee gives out again. he'll be out for 9 months

Why does it have to be his knee? Could he be out because his dicklet breaking from Becky riding it like a wild potatoe?

>seth agreed to this



Attached: petah.png (320x320, 104K)

oh absolutely.

ding-dong diddly cringe

It's probably real, they've made even worse shirts before, and the wrestlers don't have input on their merch designs most of the time.

Should've been seth-rollins-the-mans-man-autistic-t-shirt

I don’t think this straight missionary-sex sport is for me.

the REAL man's man

Attached: download (36).jpg (602x364, 41K)

Yes they definitely prefer a gay nigger and a tranny

>Fucking who the hell would wear this shit

who do you think. reddit is probably loving it right now. paying $28 for a fucking stupid shirt. thats almost $30 my nigga. ughghkgflkhjtrohjrtkolhtroihk just wtf

Why are you guys shocked Seth would agree to this? Seth has been a known fag for quite a while.

Sonny Kiss has been in a random ass pre-show battle royal watch, and the other chick has lost all of her low-card matches. Compare that to the Main Event of the WWE which is Becky and Seth. Fucking dumbass. It's not the same.

they hate it too

You took two random shitters who live in your head rent free and saying they're the same as Becko and Seth who practically ARE the WWE right now. Nice one.

Corbin is tapping out to Becky on Sunday

boycott WWE

But he doesn't let her emasculate him. That's the difference.

Not even fucking John Cena and Nikki had shirts about this. This is so garbage.


>those waist measurements

Yanks really are a strange breed

wwe shirts somehow keep getting worse

Moxley must be laughing his fucking ass off at this

Could be worse.

Attached: 1558378854154.jpg (993x2555, 673K)

Nothing wrong with any of that merch. Would unironically wear in public

>th-they're talking bad about my WWE again. I must post about AEW!!!!

Reminder that if your over 25 you shouldn’t be wearing graphic tee’s.

Lacey is tapping out Seth on Sunday.

Nah, Becky will make Corbin tap and will then challenge Seth and become the first female Universal Champion. It'll be hilarious.

there's nothing wrong with this shirt, stop being an eternally seething incel


I hope ol' Willie Reegz makes a comeback to knock SEETHE off his pedestal with The Power of the Punch.

lmfao seth buried

interestingly enough even aew hasn't released any shirts outright calling the owner a faggot


I would unironically buy the Jericho one with all of its boomer design

What does your wife's son think about it?

>Nothing wrong with any of that merch. Would unironically wear in public

Yikes, cultists have no self-awareness.
Most of them are worse than a majority of WWE shirts

Some of those are cringe, but none are as bad as Seth's "I AM GAY!!!" t-shirt.

Has Seth ever had as good a singles match as Regal did with Cesaro? I cannot think of one.

Yeeeeeah I'm gonna be sticking to my Bukkake Girls shirt thank you very much

Attached: kabuki.jpg (549x606, 82K)

Are they implying that he is gay?

This shirt actually doesn't look bad. I don't know if I can use pink though.

>your top draw throws an invisible fireball while dressed up as a video game character in your path

Yeah, at a fighting game event.



This is unintentionally gayer than any of the pride shirts that they've put out

Attached: ENZO.jpg (421x287, 25K)

>wrestler who is a publicly known video game enthusiast panders to videogame savvy audience during wrestling match at a video game tournament


Attached: 1511142821210.gif (460x259, 1.93M)

It's a palm strike motherfucker!

Forget the Cesaro match, has Seth had a match as good as Regal did with Finlay, Benoit, Ultimo Dragon, Joe, Edge, Lance, Chris Hero, Steamboat, Sting etc. Etc. Etc...

Regal is a pro wrestler. Seth is a gymnast

It this isn't indy show stuff anymore. It isn't just a video game crowd, it's a global crowd. They have global exposure, they can't keep doing this niche bullshit if they want to be taken seriously. You can't claim to be a real sporting alternative but then sell a hadouken (sp?), they have a consistent audience now so the product must reflect such consistency


> Steals Wrestlemania 31
> Becomes Champion
> Injuries himself and fucks his chance so bad he misses Wrestlemania 32

> Let's save that fucker's career
> Gets anti authority push with Triple H at Wrestlemania 33
> Fart in the wind

> Demoted to 3rd match on the card
> Gets IC belt at Wrestlemania 34
> Ground swell of interest again

> Fucking OPENING MATCH for the title with Brock at Wrestlemania 35
> Gets the belt
> People dig it

> Not only does he do the curtain jerker match which normally was a belt for the MAIN EVENT of the biggest show of the year but now they are cucking him to the ACTUAL main event of the year

Women's wrestling is hurting everything

AEW and WWE race to lose all their fans with gay and tranny shit
NJPW wins

Attached: 1506430954971.jpg (758x762, 121K)

Wrestling loses.
Saw a video the other day about wrestling where they were hoping for more intergender wrestling in wwe.
Anyone who still watches wrestling is retarded and should unironically stop existing.

>AJ Semen shirt
somebody post it plz

Attached: hetero shirt.jpg (800x1054, 114K)

Is there a reason they are pushing this couple so hard? How come when Rusev marries Lana they try everything to sabotage it, yet they are making this into their main storyline

Attached: >her.jpg (294x442, 13K)

nah those prospective fans will just avoid wrestling altogether because of all this concentrayed cringe


I honestly feel like the entire Becky plotline (and women's revolution) is a Stephanie creation and she probably erroneously believes that Social Media horse shit translates to real-world credibility.

>Be a woman and wear this
>People think you're making a statement about being queer

>Be a man and wear this
>People think you're making a statement about being queer

>this is the champion of the UNIVERSE's shirt

you E-drones dare to mock this while still parade Carder in full cosplay?

inb4 Seth dumps Becky for Finn to form the gay club, which makes AJ shoot angry when the bullet club feud with them.

The only way i can see this selling is becky fans who want her to that they belong to her as well. This is more of a becky lynch shirt than anything

Remember when he was Cool?
Literally all they need to do is Turn Him Heel.
He's been an awful face for 3 fucking Years now.

Attached: rollins.0.0.png (640x435, 405K)

Vince is scraping at the barrel with top faces he's more valuable as a face than a heel right now. Of course he'd be a better heel but the same was said about Cena.

based gas station aesthetic

>Heyman is base-

I love Late Night Gas Station kino.

Attached: photo-1488672219853-a0281f9ac59d.jpg (1000x665, 66K)



>remember when he was cool?
No actually I don’t

>Remember when he was cool.

No. I am 30 and saw every ROH match he had as well as seeing him in other indies during that period and he was a charisma vacuum who had subpar matches and got shoehorned into spots on the card he didn't belong in. Even Age of the Fall couldn't get him over. Then he comes to WWE and its the same. He's just not interesting. I don't know why promotors keep pushing him but I think its because he's lanky honestly and that's it. Literally cannot think of another reedeming quality for edgy Sylvan Grenier.

A cuck and a loser anti draw. Ugly too. Beko truly is the WOAT!

Attached: 1556663140159.jpg (754x690, 84K)

>Go to the shop
>It's real

Attached: c8fbd3df529265571c2702d992f2bc1e1bf96965_hq.gif (201x200, 534K)

Based 30 year old boomer telling it how it is

What did you expect from WWE when they been pushing gay black men wearing sky blue and pink gear for years that talk about booty O's aka booty holes?

Attached: 1560381882979.webm (853x480, 1.17M)

Jesus christ, we are hitting levels of onions that shouldn't be possible.

He had one of the most tedious world title reigns in history.

>Translates to Fuck Niggers


>he wore it

No man will wear that, except the gays.

>zoomers on this board not knowing “a man’s man” is a saying referring to a very manly and capable individual

This is the gayest fucking shirt if you wear this out on the street without context.

Your world champion everybodyyy, ffs give Corbin the title.

That girl is cute.

The Jericho and Omega shirts are actually OK.

holy cringe

Attached: 1488772199250.jpg (281x281, 12K)

There’s literally nothing wrong with these shirts. I probably wouldn’t wear them, but they’re not really bad.

He was never cool. Seth has always been a shitter, going way back to his ROH days.

I literal have no idea why he has such a good reputation. He doesn’t have any defining qualities. Average wrestler, average promo and an average look. He’s an average wrestler, that’s it.

>This is what licking Vince's boot on twitter gets you
LMFAO at the people who were defending this cuck

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Especially the top two

But we hate Seth and reddit canceled him for the ospreay issue

Others have told you already but I can't stress this enough: Rollins was never cool or good

I bought a 3xl and a 4xl

>yup that company that has legless wrestlers and video game nerds, i support them

Holy fucking cringe

It won't happen, Roman will eventually leave due to leukemia or jewllywood and there's no one else to fill the spot

That's not what he said or implied at all, you retard. I sometimes wonder if you Vincels are even reading the posts you're replying to, these honestly come across like posts made by an AI bot programmed to bring up the same talking points over and over.


The new Rival shirt is the only shirt I care about.

Attached: X6bZC3y_d.jpg (640x839, 33K)

>top things

He was insufferable even as the 2nd in command in Age of the Fall in ROH

For fuck's sake, Seff.

>top guys doing top things

Attached: what.gif (290x342, 1.29M)

Makes one wonder who are their bottoms on the road? My guess is AOP

>Top Guys doing Top Guy Things
This one's more subtle than "The Man's Man" but is cut from the same cloth, Vince just can't stop calling his roster fags.

Attached: 1453486035639.gif (200x200, 3M)

wearing that shirt, if you didn't know anything at all about WWE, would be the gayest thing ever. might as well just have a shirt saying I SUCK DICKS on it

>two bearded men in underwear
>top guys

There is literally almost nobody who would recognize that as a piece of WWE merchandise and a whole huge number of faggots who would 100% think you were legit gay

How can one company fail SO hard at understanding pop culture when their whole fucking business is shilling pop culture LMAO

No wonder Seff is so frustrated and jealous of people outside WWE.

Grenier marks btfo

It's always the ones you least expect. I use grindr to fuck traps, but I get messages from 6'5" buff dudes wanting me to top them.