Who took the best bump? Who had the best pure strikes? Who has what it takes to make it in THIS BUSINESS?
Who took the best bump? Who had the best pure strikes? Who has what it takes to make it in THIS BUSINESS?
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The bump at 1:18 is Hennig-esque in its grace
red back pack guy with the sleeper hold is dimes
Can blacks hit above surface level damage?
Based thot destroyer
happiest place on earth!
>all those grown men standing around doing nothing while a man's beating women in front of little kids at Disneyworld/land and when they do finally actually try and stop the fight, rather than holding him till the fuzz turn up. they just let the guy go and walk up to the very people he was just fighting, then wander off.
The apocalypse can't come soon enough.
I wanted to go to Disney land because i thought there were no negroes there. looks like I was wrong
formerly henbulbasaur
Pink shirt has great babyface fire but also shows heel tendencies to get what he wants truly shades of Austin I'm getting a dimes vibe from him brothers
I had to watch it muted because reasons
can anyone tell me why red shirt turned heel on tan shirt?
She hit his momma
They were treating the women as equals.
That choke-hold at 3:00
nigga though he was the boss of this place he got SHOOK.
I love how the guy just then melts in the crow and he's mad about who chocked him.
the fucking state of america
also the state of that security lol
absolute lad
I'm glad Michael Hayes found work
Where are the white people? America can't really be this bad, can it?
She exposed the momma and, damn son, THAT'S SOMETHING YOU DON'T DO!
toontown more like coontown
most white people leave the second they see shit like this start
the same reason malls are dying
white people may virtue signal on social media but they don't actually want to be anywhere near groids
>someone recorded this and remember to turn their phone horizontal
this gent deserves a medal
Pussies. I love things like this, I revel in the chaos my black friends bring. Mindless violence, its the true nature of humanity, and niggers are the closest it gets to being true human beings. Philosophy aside, nothing is better than the screams of by-standards, the confusion and fear let off by the weak as people like me prove that we are the true main characters of this world.
I’d book white shirts vs red and brown shirt in a steel cage, momma does a run in on the mobility scooter. Book that on house shows up and down the country, you’ll draw mega dimes
Good luck with that whole school shooting thing you got planned.
>that lebron james flop at 1:16
Ain't never gonna make it in this business selling like that.
Momma sold like that for me in the ring? I’d tag her for real
You're all a bunch of racists.
I thought Disneyland was supposed to be filled with hidden cameras and plainclothes security all over the park, cause they took their sweet time to arrive
Black people are alright, but niggers are destroying this country:
A babyface with a submission finisher, that's BASED
Jesus Christ, way to go Becky.
Guys... I really want to say it right now. I want to say it so bad.
They were probably watching and laughing.
*tink*tink**tink* Gentlemen! Gentlemen, please! *ahem* I have an announcement to make...
what is his gimmick?
He loves to have fun.
Book his(her?) debut
He love him Mama and ain't afraid to go back to jail over the smallest slight
the nigger or the 1960's gay grandstand band member?
>they beat each other up right in front of their own kids
>nearly everyone looks on and doesn't bother interfering
>even the people who do interject hardly do anything to stop it
>at least half the people in the video are overweight, some are grossly obese
>hardly any white people can be seen apart from the workers at the end
>all of this is taking place in an overpriced corporate-owned theme park designed for kids
What the fuck is wrong with America? How has it come to this?
rampant capitalism and bowing down to corporations on a whim
lad I wouldn't stop shit.
Think of all the potential paperwork you're setting yourself up to have to fill out and interviews wasting your time just because of some jungle animals.
Triple threat with nyla rose and Elsworth.
>random white woman has to pick up and move the mums child because she doesn't even know where he is
>sea of mutts just passively standing there like cattle as the niggers wail on each other in the middle of the mecca of capitalism
yes Goyim! this is the future! have brown babies! open borders! hahahaha!
Holy fuck, this is peak subhuman behavior, fucking niggers, and they wonder why they get shot at sight by civilized folks
this guy is grabbing his crotch constantly
I went to Disneyland once and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. What no one ever mentions is that there are panhandling heroin bums all over the fucking place outside the park. And once inside it's filled with insectoid chinese locusts and the lowest of the low chicano and nigger animals. Fuck Disney and Fuck California.
>people just standing around not helping
Imagine wanting to help nogs
I now understand concealed carry and it’s importance.
Fatty overselling got a pop from me
Best intergender match of 2019. 5/5 stars
I liked how when Red Shirt decided to avenge his mother, some dude went over to break it up and his girl pulled him away. She either wanted to see that shit go down or she thought Red Shirt would beat her boy up.
Why would anyone risk their personal safety getting involved with nig shit? And tbf the guy in the pink shirt was hitting them with open fists and that one "woman" was easily over 400lbs.
>mfw pink shirt turned heel just as thought it was over
The fat one with the white and black striped overshirt is named Carmella.
>all those white people enjoying the benefits of diversity and multiculturalism on their country
ultimate tweener. WHO'S SIDE IS HE ON?
Does Disney Land Tokyo keep the mainlanders out? If so I think I will go to that Disneyland instead of nigger Disneyland
We have to retreat into nature.
You wouldn't be allowed inside. Disneyland has metal detectors. I had to surrender my knife because I was dumb and forgot to leave it in the hotel room and couldn't go back to my car because we took a tram.
Good promo it’s sure to work the marks itt
>all thiose white knights finally stepping in
fucking marks open hand slaps and choppas don't even hurt
I like that they only stepped in when the hot one was getting attacked. Kek
There wasn't a single hot one tho
Tan shirt with the big titties is pretty hot for a groid.
Diversity is our strength, bigot.
Who would get inbetween a fight with a bunch of blacks. If he punched you square in the face you won't be able to do anything but fight back and then you become part of the problem. People like him should be shot on sight, not calmed down.
Colin Flaherty did some good work on this subject including research on why the “news” never mentions race. Wonder what he’s up to these days
There are many examples of naive white boomers trying to bring peace to chimpouts only for the entire pack to turn on whitey and beat the shit out of him.
I love it when progressive whitoids that talk about diversity have to face reality and see that they fight all the time and are wife beaters and don't even see a problem with it. it's especially when they come to spicland.
If he is pointing out that niggers attack whites like it is going out of fashion and kike news stations refuse to point it out only to work themselves into a frenzy when ebil wypipo do something to the noble poc then I would assume he committed suicide by shooting himself four times in the back of his head.
>thread has turned into /pol/ shit
like fucking clockwork
Plenty of reporters like to kill themselves in seemingly "impossible" ways. They do that to get media attention, you marks.
what a shitty move
These threads remind me of the Yea Forums glory days of 2010.
Fuck I need to leave this place
>crying about /pol/
>Clicks a thread with a pic of nigs chimpin out.
>Surprised its a pol thread.
Are you shoot retarded?
Shut the fuck up nigger. You retards shit up every thread with blacks and get it pruned.
Best movie of all time 10/10. Niggers are unstoppable, white piypo btfo. Fuck straight white men. Cuckold/10 Black is beautiful, Hands up DONT SHOOT. "they kneelin" Niggas and Bitches, tricks and hoes. WHAT ARE THOSE. Supa Hot Fire They see me rollin,,,,, they dabbin I need a dime thats top of the line. WE DA BEST
Pink shirt has got dimes written all over him. Very charismatic. Might have to keep the woman hitting on the down-low, like they did when Austin beat Debra
HP Lovecraft? what are you doing in an off-topic Yea Forums thread?
Americans were a mistake
mmmm wouldn’t want to mess with you.
Yeah, fuck niggers. What are you gonna do about it you fucking loser.
Worked and seething. Back to r/Yea Forums, newfag
No thanks buddy. My safety and my families safety are worth more than white knight points when it comes to dindus. If they want to wild out on their own, have at it.
At what point in your life do you have to get at where saying this at fucking Toon Town sounds reasonable?
>no security guards showing up
>old Asian dude with the garbage stick
>employee in orange shirt just standing there
>everyone looking on is white
>security shows up eventually and does nothing
Good to know that if you start beating on women at Disney land nothing comes from it
The cheerful background music makes this video fucking fitting.
truly lynchian