I don't think we will ever see her and Asuka again once Bischoff is in charge

I don't think we will ever see her and Asuka again once Bischoff is in charge.

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Literally who?

How dare you Big Dik Eric knows the future of this industry is Japanese women, you'll see

Bisch and Heyman both love japs tho

It's Russo and vince who hates them


Incorrect. All four know they're worthless.

they are winning the belts at SS

Attached: KS.jpg (1200x1048, 173K)


They are definitely not winning on the first try

Good, gooks don't draw

what type of fish is she trying to catch? I am a biology autist so please respond

Kairi should just retire from wrestling and spend the rest of her life with me being happy and loved.

Have Io go on her heel story arc about how she doesn't need anyone and make her hateble until Kairi appears and says "Io I'm your friend"

Boom redemption arc and Kairi is back on NXT

Attached: frens Io Shirai.webm (640x360, 1.52M)

kairi is banned from nxt because Io interfered in her match

>i don't need kairi either

Attached: sadkairiface.jpg (407x425, 24K)

Kairi doesn't need you either, Io.

Attached: D-JhucbUIAE5iVw.jpg (1187x1200, 192K)

Not remembering Bischoff bringing in joshi on Nitro.

>transmella needed 3 or 4 renders to look "good"
>kairi looks adorable on her first main roster render

big Eric has booked plenty of joshi before

bro i love japan i eat sueshee alllll the time bro i sweah to gawd

This is Asuka and her daughter Kairi. They are the future WWE Womens Tag Team champions. Say something nice about them.

Attached: 1561812956189.jpg (659x900, 117K)

and he had madusa go over all of them

They're made for BBC

He'll bring back Sonny Onoo as their manager.

why is she still pretending her water persona is real, we know it's all lies and she's spent most of her vacation shopping for handbags.
