HHH on Rob Van Dam

"He was special, but didn't have the mindset or the drive to truly be 'the one' like Austin, Rock, Shawn, myself, Taker"

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>HHH was "the one"
The one true HOMO

Sometimes I wonder what a world would be like without triple nose

It gives me great pleasure to know RVD could easily beat up all of those guys at the same time

Helmsley afraid of based RVD. I bet Steph got vandammed

>no source
time to die


She wanted to, Rob was above that cunt

I love DVD

Rvd thought he was hot shit because he held the midcard belt in a bingo hall promotion for 5 years

>RVD shook HHH to his very core by saying "Wow you sure can spit some water, huh?" in 2002

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He's right. First time they gave RVD a big push, and he blew it by smoking weed with Sabu in a car. No discipline or respect for the business.

Taker is 6'8 or something. Rock is big too. I dunno man

idk about the others on that list, but rvd had the potential to at least be a much better draw than that absolute no-dimes shitter micheals was in 1996

but as pointed out, rvd really didn't care or have the attitude to be THE top guy in the business, would much rather just be smoking weed, doing whatever he feels like in the ring, and collecting a paycheck


RVD just didn't respect it much because he thought it was easy and never really liked the drama bullshit part of wrestling.


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>Height means you can fight
Joey Styles knocked out JBL cold

He is jerking himself too much but he isn't wrong, RVD could have been the guy if he didn't enjoy smoking weed so much. But I respect RVD because he does what he wants, going as far as charging $10k for any bookings just in case a promoter is insane enough to make his time worth it.

sucker punching a guy that's drunk is real impressive right?

There’s videos of rvd talking about it

does this idiot not realize RVD was way more over than he was?

HHH is jealous that RVD was ONE OF THE GUYS

Gaytch is still boiling over that all these years later. Sad.

Who had more talent? Jeff Hardy or RVD? Who fucked up bigger in their push? Jeff Hardy or RVD?


Jeff in 08/09 was the most popular guy in the company, ahead of Cena, and everyone knew it.

No he thought he was hot shit because he got one of the biggest reactions every week no matter what show he was on.
Rvd was Dimes. Sure he was never going to be the guy but people did pay to see him.

>implying HHH was special like the other names he mentioned


So is getting heemed by Bart Gunn, John.

RVD and Jeff respectively. Jeff was Cena-tier popular for a minute and left at the absolute worst time. RVD was always popular and his push could have come any time between 2001-2006 and it would have been dimes. Undoubtedly he fucked his push but it was WWECW so it would have fell apart quickly either way.

Jeff Hardy was moving more merch than Cena in 09/10 and was more over with both marks and smarks. He then left the company to go do a bunch of drugs and waste the remaining years of his prime in TNA.

>Rvd was Dimes
he's bottom 5 drawing top guys of all time
he's the definition of anti-dimes

Nice made up stats faggot, ECW drew consistent sellouts right up to its death, even ECW on Sci-Fi drew something ridiculous like 2.5 million viewers the first few weeks, RVD didn't have 'top guy' mentality but he was a certified draw by every possible metric you can use.

>Company finally gets behind him, giving him the strap from Super Cena
>Suspiciously, there's an anonymous tip against his car a few weeks later and he's stripped of the title on a possession charge
Really X's my Y.

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How was that any different than before he was given a big push? He's supposed to quit cold turkey because they give him a toy prop?

>That vanity Haitch run to "boost" the ratings before Mania 2016

he got to the finals even though he didn't have a combat sports background

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>Shawn, myself, Taker

>tfw getting outdrawn by Vacant

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>6:49 JR: Triple H is seething.

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>literal anti-draw

>Shawn, myself, Taker
y i k e s

>4.2 average


Absolutely Based

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Can confirm. I was at Night of Champions 09 and Jeff was insanely over. Him pinning Punk was by far the biggest pop of the night. If only he stayed clean, he could've been even more popular.

>only time Cena doesn't drag the ratings down is when he takes the strap from Orton or Vacant


>ahead of Cena
Cena was only "popular" bause he was pushed to the moon like Roman Reigns. Unfortunately for Roman, the E-drones got bored from the Superman gimmick real quick so by the time they tried to pin that shit on him, the fans were exhausted and didn't want it, hence they lashed out.

Cena was heavily booed from 2011 and beyond, but I guess all that is forgotten now that he is no longer on tv.

Winning that clusterfuck hurt Bart's career more than JBL's in losing it.


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Based Game

Id go as far to say 2006 to 2016 the audience was vocal about the cena push. It wasnt till around the US title open challenge when he seemed to come out of that and be accepted as the Captain America or 'rugged babyface vet' character

Based Haitch working the smarks. He got to fuck prime Steph because he was that damn good. He has a better body than anyone on the list, is a better talker, better in ring, better in bed.

Hello, Paul.

>in bed
>can't bare a son

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anonetty absolutely smoked

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>thinks himself and hbk are considered "the one".
No, sweetie, when "the one" Brett Hart fucked off to WCW, HBK was "the one" for about a week before everyone realized he had charisma because he was a retarded junkie but couldn't wrestle at all. So the actual "the one" wrestlers like Undertaker had to carry you and him

>Brett Hart

This is even better than I remembered.

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>asp defending the liberal cuck RVD over based Haitch
This isn't reddit negroes

Based edge drew record viewer ship

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Reddit loves HHH they sent him a fruit basket for fucks sake

cope niggers

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>Stephanie can I borrow your daddy's money please? It's for a photoshoot I'l bring it back I swear. . .
>Yeah, Randy can come over while I'm gone just please I need this.

>get dumb and uninformed opinion pointed out
>uhh... Cope niggers.... That will show them

>samefaggot subhuman can't cope
go back to stealing some wallets, booker t

It was Bart getting his shit pushed in by Butterbean at Mania that really did it. I wonder if JBL would have lasted longer.

90% of the current breed of wrestlers rip off RVD and not rock, Austin etc.

lmao Based

RCD. Jeff didn't have talent.

Hardy was legit high during his match with sting

Beating someone up because they're better than you is nigger tier bullshit.

Height (and weight) are extremely important. Weight classes exist for a reason and Taker was 6'8, 300+ in his prime. No way is he losing to anyone who isn't a pro heavyweight fighter.

>"He was special, but didn't have the mindset or the drive to truly be 'the one' like Austin, Rock, Shawn, myself, Taker"

This better be a fake quote.

>Shawn, myself, Taker"
fucking new generetties

>Miz drew bigger numbers than Cuck Man Phil

Edge RVD and Cena lmao


>people falling for this fake quote
>people laughing at H including himself in that pantheon
>people not realizing that shawn and taker are the obvious odd-ones-out in that list
>people actually thinking H was not a megastar and megadraw only one step below rock and austin and far above mark call-drivesthefans-away and shawn "no dimes kid" michaels
based me exposing these simps wiht this post

RVD was more talented, but Jeff was out-selling Cena in 2009, left, and destroyed his legacy in TNA.

must be why it's such a dimeless shitfest.

Jeff in TNA was based and drug pilled

This. Neither of those three shitters even drew a dime.

BasedVD. Trips has to be one of the saddest man alive.

worked. Triple H's comeback was much better and 100% true.
>"You're a gross underachiever. For all your athleticism, for all your cool moves, for all your great talent and ability you're not gonna amount to a damn thing in this business. Fact is, RVD, you're not championship material."

TrashVD absolutely BTFO'D by based cerebral assassin! It's like he predicted the goddamn future.

He's right.

He could have been one of the greatest of all time but he just didn't care about the business that much. He cared about having fun, getting high, and making money. There's nothing wrong with that, mind you, but he could have made TONS more money and be a millionaire today instead he lived for the moment and now has to wrestles at armories to make a living.

its real, dammit

Considering the current state of WWE, that's not something I would bring up.

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Fact is, that comeback breaks kayfabe to put HHH over as a backstage politician so fuck off. It's a Cena-tier no sell.

>Cena was only "popular" bause he was pushed to the moon

You're an imbecile.

RVD was way more legit than mmmmmmmmm badass fake mma dead guy.

> himself
> shawn
> carder
> "the one"

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based cena cracking down on drug addicts

>that crowd
And people say midgets never drew

Truly the biggest stain on wrestling history is this mark getting a position of power