

Attached: sethrollins3.png (609x866, 790K)

great pits and shrimp dicks

Who? What?

Curtain and Tarp

Mama Pits & Baby Dick

Chico and the Man

Man splayin

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The Tarp & Curtain Connection

>Box office poison

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Ratings Abortion

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Tarpetty and the Heartbreakers (Because they've cheated on past partners get it?)


""Straight"" Fire

Attached: laughing2.gif (700x298, 3.67M)

Becky has cheated? I just heard about the abortion.

The Tarp Experience


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The Tarp and Curtain connection

This gets my vote

Men's Men.

The Death Rattle (this is a picture from last night's RAW live event which Seth and Corbin main-evented)

Attached: tarp_it_down.jpg (4032x3024, 1.69M)

no, it's the tarp and curtain experience

The Seth and Becky Connection

Fuck niggers

The Ratings Slayers

The Ratings Drop Experience

The Dead Fish Experience

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Cute couple.

stinky gay poo poo heads

The Hotdog and the Hallway

The most wonderful couple in the world because their love is real and people saying otherwise are jealous.

Ratings Killerz

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Zero Dimes Drawn

more like The Weenie and the Hallway

The Flatliners... because no one is watching.

Chairmen of the bored

the asp seethers

2 men 0 dicks

Weenie and the Fire Crotch

The Rating Killers

>The Man n' Bitch Connection
Spoiler alert: Becky is the man

The Quins

They should invent a finisher together called the Ratings Drop

Team No Viewers

Ratings killers

Cringe Twitter

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Nah, Bryan and Kane already did that.

Are there actually people alive right now on this board who don't think this 'relationship' is a work?

Two Man Ratings Killer

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Attached: GI15324798.gif (299x224, 1.95M)

Seth listening if any of the 1000 people in attendence is dropping a dime by accident

Two man power trip


Attached: straight abortion.png (388x404, 319K)

Team Awesome!