*goes over Yea Forumsetty*

*goes over Yea Forumsetty*

Attached: 36lH5xWJ_400x400.jpg (256x256, 25K)

in what, a s󠀀oy eating contest?

in what, a s󠀀oy eating contest?

in what, a s󠀀oy eating contest?

in what, a s󠀀oy eating contest?

in what, a s󠀀oy eating contest?

in what, an onions eating contest?

in what, a b󠀀oy eating contest?

in what, a shit eating contest?

fi󠀀nna s󠀀oyboy s󠀀oy

in what, a s󠀀oy eating contest?

Are the filters ding-dong diddly down? What's going on?

in what, a s󠀀oy eating contest?

in what, a s󠀀oy eating contest?

reddit is based
lmao at all the angry bitter incels itt
reddit is the source of 90% of the memes here anyway

Reddit is for finding very specific types of porn, finding a fix for an old piece of elctronics, and for homos to pretend to be upset about everything. That being said they're probably better at OC than Yea Forums. I went to r/sc once because you faggots won't shut up about it. First post at the top was some fat, bald fan who got his picture taken making a s󠀀oyface and holding Joey Ryan's dick. No thanks.

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I don't see news articles being written about squaredcircles memes

in what, a s󠀀oy eating contest?

wtf is a onions eating contest

in what, a s󠀀oy eating contest?

Its a contest where you eat onions

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 158K)

Did you win?

Only if he's reddit.

Yes i did

Onions is a perfectly acceptable meal replacement when short on time.

Attached: soy.png (827x953, 279K)

They were talking about s󠀀oy, not onions

in what, a s󠀀oy eating contest?

ITT redditors pretend they're not redditors

in what, a s󠀀oy eating contest?


eww, go back

Nah, I'll stay here and you can seethe about it you little bitch