Move nujapnlet (and other gook garbage) content to /jp/ or /lgbt/. this is a sports entertainment board

move nujapnlet (and other gook garbage) content to /jp/ or /lgbt/. this is a sports entertainment board.

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Kevin Nash was raped in 1992

Russo is cringe

Russo is a fag and so are you OP.

Mods please move Russo threads to Yea Forums.

>Mods please move Russo threads to Yea Forums.
That's wrong man. It should be in /d/

Go back

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Now you got Vincetty mad

>If you want lucha libre, go to /jp/

This desu

Anybody else notice /lgbt/ comes up a lot here?

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Reddit is not the only place that hates Russo. Fuck I think Russo is the only guy that actually likes Russo let's be honest. His bad ideas were filtered out in WWF and if WCW was truly "Kino." Under his wing then WWE would be dead and we'd all be complaining about WCW every Monday and Tuesday.

Thats fucking reddit post 101. Vince McMahon damn sure was not this mighty filter if you look at how things turned out after Russo and Ed left. And WCW he was not even given a fair chance.

I dont know where this everyone hates Russo idea originates from because most of the people he worked with has put him over. Hell, The Rock put him over on twitter while ago and he has been regular guest on Austin podcast and so on.

>Vince McMahon damn sure was not this mighty filter if you look at how things turned out after Russo and Ed left.
This. Smarks never have an answer for this.
>His bad ideas were filtered
Hey reddit. Only retards push the "muh filter" meme.

Russo was only head writer for WCW for three months before they put him in a committee over the Tank Abbott thing

Vince Whosso

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>I think Russo is the only guy that actually likes Russo
lmao what
Russo hates himself.
Which is odd for a guy with the ego he has.

Who likes Russo? Everyone hates that cuck.

Foley, Austin, Rock, Sting, Kurt Angle, Nash, Michaels, Shane O' Mac to name a few. A lot of guys he worked with.

>this is a sports entertainment board.
have sex ya virgin cuckpilled faggot

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Says the guy using Reddit spacing. Go Back.

Hi Vince! I have to decline your Reddit on a Pole match offer but if you still want to go through with it then you're welcome to go back!

Russo is fucking cringe m8

>if you look at how things turned out after Russo and Ed left.
oh you mean the year 2000 which is widely recognized the WWF's best ever year both creatively and financially?

and meanwhile in the year 2000 over at WCW Russo & Ed were allowed to go town on their TV show "filter free" and look what happened there ?
Remind me again, what happened to WCW?


>Board is called "Yea Forums - Wrestling"
>Demand that only the media featuring the least wrestling be discussed here and the media featuring the most wrestling be discussed somewhere else

this is a japanese culture website owned by a japanese person so gookmoot is going over faggot deal with it and go back to fucking facebook you dumb liberal american waaaah everyone do what I want hahahaah have sex

Only if we move WWMEME shit to /trash/

Didn't Russo let a black fuck his wife?

baste russo.


By whom? Marks because the in ring workrate "improved"? 2000 was coasting off 97-99 success. Everything was in place. If 2000 was so good year then 2001 ratings would maintained atleast.

maybe he can borrow some money from them instead of begging for it on twitch like a little bitch

2000 was better than 1999, faggot

Gotta disagree. DX shitty reunion running the whole show, midcard getting less meaningful stories after Russo left. Austin only coming back at end of the year.

1999 had a lot more soap opera kino

ban these weeb niggas.


based russo working these mid 20s nuwrestling fans into a seething shoot

>doesn't believe in pure faces/heels, and his angles show it
>New Blood, Filthy Animals, Madusa, and Vampiro all being expies was his doing
>stupid acronyms everywhere
>Miss Hancock
>Millionaires Club
>2x WCW Champion
>Pole Matches
>Pole Matches for things other than titles
>turning Nitro into Raw, Jr.
>stupid high-jump spots
>Brawl For All
>really bad at continuing past angles/continuity
>breaks the fourth wall, and can't even be clever about it
I could go on. For days.
I'll give him this one point: He was good at giving literally EVERYONE on the show something to do, even if it was dumb as fuck. They need to bring that attitude back, that everyone gets pushed one way or another.

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Russo is cringe

Russo is Baste

Russo ideas are great and entertaining but Russo as a person is cringe and his fanbase are beyond pathetic and delusional



i agree too much cringe nip shit these days

Yes, Russo is cringe

ya seethe granpa?

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don't know how e-drones managed to work Yea Forums of all boards into a sizzle and managed to politic their way into getting their own board

>doesn't believe in pure faces/heels, and his angles show it
Based as fuck, that's reality for ya
>New Blood, Filthy Animals, Madusa, and Vampiro all being expies was his doing
>stupid acronyms everywhere
>Miss Hancock
>Millionaires Club
>2x WCW Champion
Fucking based, what a mark
>Pole Matches
>Pole Matches for things other than titles
Holy based
>turning Nitro into Raw, Jr.
>stupid high-jump spots
Based as fuck although writers never book the spots
>Brawl For All
>really bad at continuing past angles/continuity
>breaks the fourth wall, and can't even be clever about it
Based as fuck
Based all-around guy, slapnuts
Keep seething Corny

Not really, but user was asking for reasons




This 1000%

Would be based. Then I wouldn't have to visit this shit board

Wrong vro


I'd prefer discussing njpw in a general on /jp/, honestly

>Look at how things turned out after Russo left
Their biggest period ever in terms of popularity? I'm sure they regret letting that genius go.

Shut up, boomer.

Thats thanks to Chad Russo. I bet you give Blumpf credit for Obamas economy.

Rent fucking free holy shit.

>WCW he was given a fair chance
Russo fags are as retarded as he is. Just like old corny, he was a self mark and was a boring and repetitive Booker. If he was so fucking great where is his company? Where is any proof? Oh yeah it is only boomers holding on the "good old days" of being popular man children give a shit about this washed up Christian twat

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Jesus. There are many, many great wrestling minds outside looking in. Becaude wrestling biz is built on ego and politics.

Ratings started crumbling already at the end of 2000. Russo said to Vince he has everything in place and built up, you have atleast year to ride the wave. And thats exactly what happened.

Based. The only way to save wwe is to hire Russo, Snyder, Raimi and Kevin Nash as the creative team

>If he was so fucking great where is his company?
What the fuck are you complaining about? Nobody but Vince McMahon can pass that metric
>Russo's a writer, never tried to have a company except for Ring of Glory (meme christian wrestling company) for like 2 shows to help some church
>Corny had SMW as his own company, died because of the wrestling recession
>Heyman "had" (stole) ECW, was a cult success mainly because of the talent and died because judaism took off the money
>Bischoff controlled (it never was his) WCW, ran it basically being the boys fuckboy, giving them all the power. Ran the company to the ground and left twice, went to TNA in the 2010's and ran that to the ground too.
>Other guys like Prichard or Sullivan never had an own company.
Please kill yourself.

>Move Russo to the board that draws more dimes
epic burn simp

based, sports entertainment enthusiasts unite

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Okay boomer. Russo did jack shit for the industry and only showed up the most popular times.
>Russo was so shit it cost TNA multiple parnterships. See SPIKE and NJPW
>corny was a shit booker, however he already made a mark on the industry by being the second best manager of all time and being a great historian
>I agree about Paul heyman being greedy cunt however again he was a great booker and VKM ripped off ecw to help make the Attitude era. So yes heyman let a mark.
>Eric at times had great ideas. See cruiserweight division, but he innovated reusing wwe stars years before tna did. Nwo was both a blesssing and a curse.
>Sullivan and Pritchard literally who cares

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the whole thing that Vince Russo lost the Spike deal came from Jim Cornette even though Dixie Carter highballed the network and they dropped them

How many times this need to be said? Russo costing them Spike is debunked already and therefore Meltzer BS.

So Russo believes Japanese talent cant get over with mainstream American fans, which is true, so what its NJPW problem if they got butthurt.

Russo can't get over for an American audience you cocksucker. His title reign is still praised to this day isn't it?
Okay provide a source or fuck off. Russo fags are sub human

>>VKM ripped off ecw to help make the Attitude era
>>Eric at times had great ideas. See cruiserweight division

You make no sense bro

I keep hearing Russo didn't cost tna their spike deal but I don't see evidence or source.

Agreed send Russo fags to their soap operas paradise

>Russo was so shit it cost TNA multiple parnterships. See SPIKE and NJPW
Dixie Carter's incompetence
Team 3D's incompetence
>corny was a shit booker, however he already made a mark on the industry by being the second best manager of all time and being a great historian
>2nd best manager
Debatable but ok
>great historian
What a mark
>I agree about Paul heyman being greedy cunt however again he was a great booker and VKM ripped off ecw to help make the Attitude era. So yes heyman let a mark.
>VKM ripped off ECW
Vince Russo ripped off the nWo to make the Attitude Era, he even admits this
>Eric at times had great ideas. See cruiserweight division, but he innovated reusing wwe stars years before tna did. Nwo was both a blesssing and a curse.
Agreed but a lot of the cruiserweight shit was made by the same performers, see basically every Jericho skit and interviews about them just talking to whoever just to tell them what they were planning for TV and if they could do it
>Sullivan and Pritchard literally who cares

And bear in mind, Mike Johnson was the guy who broke the news of Russo consulting secretly

Everyone except r*ddit. Where you should be.

Spike have spoken about this and said Vince Russo has fuck all to do with it. They were rebranding the network and wrestling didn’t fit with their vision.

> His bad ideas were filtered out in WWF
This meme is peak reddit

It’s a literal quote from a WWE revisionist piece. Edrones are sheep

Not an E-Drone. Not even close. I literally shit on RAW every week and shill AEW and NJPW just to work the retards on this board. I just don't have the autism required to appreciate Russo's work like all of you do. I mean fuck my Reddit-Tier comment clearly worked all of you into a seething shoot and all of you took the bait. If something seems word for word like a quote and seems like it's too cringy to actually be believed, maybe y'all need to stop and thing before you hook into that bait like the retarded sheep and seething shill that all of you faggots are.

Cringe. Cope. Yikes.

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Under revisement
Don't know what your talking about by okay
alternatives? faggot and sorry one of actually likes wrestling go to Yea Forums then
>Russo ripping off nwo
Who cares? Vince ripped of table spots, submission 3 counts, and hardcore shit in general. Ecw was the first to popularize hardcore wrestling then wwe and wcw had their hardcore division.

Thank you finally someone posting that isn't opinion.


>Thank you finally someone posting that isn't opinion.
Pretty sure at least half this list is factual, but I'll focus on one thing:
The Brawl for All was a blatant ripoff of Inoki's shootfighting tournaments and got a lot of people injured. Chief among them was "Dr. Death" Steve Williams, a top guy who was big in Japan before it was cool and had some indie heat with another Steve Williams(who had to change his last name to Austin when they were both on the WCCW). They were supposed to main event thenext PPV, but Vince just assumed Williams would plow through everyone and get there naturally, so he didn't bother to book anything-which lead to Dr. Death pulling a hammy and getting BTFO'd by... Bart Gunn(WHO?) and dumping WWF for Japan permanently.

Steve Blackman, Hawk and Godfather all got injured for real. Savvio Vega never came back, Ken Shamrock and Dan Severn left in disgust, and Brakkus had to retire! It was literally a shitshow.

Brawl for all was literally Russos idea to shut off loudmouth Bradshaw who was mouthing off backstage that if this was real, he would kick everyones ass.

>spends 5 million dollars on a PPV and gets several guys injured just to shut up one (1) midcarder
That's the sound decision making of a legendary booking genius, I see why you all wanna defend him so much

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It was way ahead of its time. Nobody was forced to do it. They got paid.

>Ahead of its time
Pic related would rike to have a word with you
>Nobody was forced to do it. They got paid.
That does nothing to change its absolute, utter shittiness

>pic related

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Brawl for All was Russo's idea because Bradshaw told him several times he could knock out the whole roster. Bruce Pritchard called the people who had backgrounds in combat sports or had reputations of being tough, they were given bonuses for fighting.

Meh fair point but it is still something more concrete then just the hollowed texts of a Russo fan boy



>h-h-he never did nothing wrong
>e-e-everyone is against him!
>h-h-he's innocent!
What excuse will Russofags use next?

This is essentially what all their threads and posts come down to. Excuses.

Nobody is perfect, duh, but marks like you somehow judge his every work (writing 100+ hours of TV a year) under a fucking microscope. The only objective fact there is are numbers.

So Russo how did it feel to be on Yea Forums?

You like the number of years you have been irrelevant

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didnt drop twenty bros, bro.

not him


baste russochads.

Poor Russo, lost the marks and the majority of smarks, leaving only the contrarians left.







good post

