Another Chick Hits the Wall

We don’t need no modifications
No Botox or Sephora makeup in the squared circle

Glam Team- leave those wrinkles alone!

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Kill it with fire.

Looks like a boy

OPetty still in a frothing seethe meltdown about his Bliss shitpost threads getting BTFO

Looks fine. Cope harder weebs.

Why does Yea Forums seem to have the highest standard of beauty for women?

Low Test + Contrarianism
In other words, whitebois

sour grapes?

What's wrong OP she look great

i'm all for shitposting and talking about pigs feet but she looks fine here

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U salty?

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wot? no Im gay

I would pound her again the wall. BROTHER!

Based lyric chad

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Ding-Dong Diddlypuke

Yuck. I'll stick to being a Yukachad.

Is Nikki cross older or younger than bliss

She looks fine there.

I love Bliss!!!

Wh*te "women" are garbage.

>Wh*te "women" are garbage.

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Cum Junkie

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Seethe, wh*teboi.